
Douluo Dalu II: Transmigrated as Huo Yuhao, Apprenticed to Yao Lao

Transcending into the era of the Peerless Tang Sect, Huo Yuhao emerges with unexpected advantages. Armed with the legendary Yao Lao's ring from the world of "Battle Through The Heavens," he initiates his journey by mastering the Flame Jue Technique. With his unique ability to cultivate both ice and fire elements, Huo Yuhao sets out to reshape the entire landscape of the Douluo Continent. Determined to break free from the shackles of the Tang Family's tyranny, he vows to rewrite the continent's history and defy the gods themselve! ... This is a Translation. Original Book: 斗罗:穿越霍雨浩,开局拜师药老 I don't own anything in this book; I'm just translating it for fun. All rights belong to their respective owners.

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Chapter 42: Xuan-rank Combat Skill, Eight Extremes Fire Manipulation!

An enormous wave of soul power, far surpassing the previous one, suddenly erupted. At the moment when Lan Susu and Lan Luoluo embraced each other, a deep blue halo simultaneously radiated from their bodies, enveloping them so that their forms were no longer visible.

Simultaneously, their long hair lifted behind them, transforming into a crystalline blue. Although the strands remained as delicate as ever, when they once again covered Wu Feng, the feeling they gave her was entirely different.

The red flames that had been burning the blue strands could no longer cause any damage.

Wu Feng felt as though she had collided with a resilient and tenacious net. No matter how she struggled, the net only tightened around her.

As this net enveloped her, Huo Yuhao's Spiritual Detection Sharing was abruptly severed by the powerful wave of soul power and disappeared.

In an instant, Wu Feng was completely wrapped into a cocoon by the net, unable to move. However, the blue net did not stop, rapidly extending towards Ning Tian and Huo Yuhao.

"Is this a martial soul fusion skill?" Wang Yan exclaimed from the sidelines. "This time, Huo Yuhao's team might be in trouble."

The strength of a soul master generally depends on their martial soul and level. However, to achieve the possibility of overcoming the strong with the weak and challenging higher levels, soul masters of the past discovered the wondrous skill of martial soul fusion.

In theory, the destructive power of each soul master is fixed. But if there is a way to combine the powers of two or more soul masters, the resulting skill can become much stronger, even increasing its power several times over.

This is the essence of martial soul fusion skills.

Thus, a martial soul fusion skill is a technique executed by at least two soul masters whose martial souls and rapport are highly compatible.

It's not merely a simple addition of their powers but rather an exponential increase in combat effectiveness, making martial soul fusion skills a coveted ability among soul masters.

In Huang Chutian's team, the individual strength of assault-type soul master Huang Chutian was naturally the strongest. However, the true ace up their sleeve was the martial soul fusion skill of the Lan sisters.

During the previous rounds of assessment, the two sisters had been holding back, not using their martial soul fusion skill even at the cost of losing a match.

But this time was different. If they lost this match, securing a top-three spot in the freshman assessment would become exceedingly difficult.

What they did not realize was that their so-called ultimate secret had already been anticipated by the three people before them. Once an ace is revealed prematurely, it often loses its effect.

"Wu Feng, lend me your fire!"

Huo Yuhao's figure flashed rapidly as he dodged the strands attempting to entangle him, shouting towards the bound Wu Feng.

Wu Feng was stunned for a moment but then noticed Huo Yuhao's eyes suddenly brightened. Despite being ten meters apart, Wu Feng felt the dragon fire on her body being pulled towards Huo Yuhao.

Without hesitation, Wu Feng relinquished her control over the dragon fire, letting all the flames surrounding her body fly towards Huo Yuhao.

With the protective dragon fire gone and having already consumed a significant amount of soul power, Wu Feng could no longer resist the net's entanglement and was completely wrapped up.

"Leave it to you, don't let us down," Wu Feng shouted to Huo Yuhao before being entirely engulfed by the net.

"Heh, don't worry!"

The crimson flames enveloped him, and countless blue strands coiled towards him like vines.

"Huo Yuhao, what are you trying to do?" Wang Yan could no longer fathom what method Huo Yuhao would use to break the deadlock.

A martial soul fusion skill unleashed by two grandmasters was not something a mere soul master with only a ten-year soul ring could withstand.

Yet, he neither dodged nor evaded, letting the net wrap around him as if seeking his own death!

"Xuan-rank Combat Skill, Eight Extremes Fire Manipulation!"

With his arms spread wide, Huo Yuhao's body began to spin rapidly. The crimson flames borrowed from Wu Feng covered his body, instantly forming a towering flame tornado several meters high.

The reason Wu Feng's dragon fire couldn't burn through the martial soul fusion skill's hair net was essentially because her flames weren't strong enough. However, Huo Yuhao at this moment was using Wu Feng's red dragon fire as a cover, secretly employing another kind of flame power.

Phoenix Evil Fire!

With the red dragon fire as an outer layer, a jet-black, malevolent flame was mixed within. As soon as the countless blue strands of the net touched the fiery tornado formed by Huo Yuhao, they instantly turned dry and charred, unable to restrain his body at all.

Executing the Sky Net Step, Huo Yuhao's figure soared into the air, resembling a gigantic flaming drill as he directly charged towards the center of the net, aiming at the Lan sisters, Lan Luoluo and Lan Susu.


A massive explosion echoed throughout the arena. The crimson tornado abruptly dispersed, revealing Huo Yuhao's figure sitting on the ground, gasping for breath.

"Failed?" A hint of despondency flashed in Ning Tian's eyes. Wang Yan, observing from outside, also sighed, showing a trace of regret.

"Crack, crack, crack"

Suddenly, a series of crisp cracking sounds echoed. To everyone's astonishment, the deep blue halo protecting the Lan sisters began to show visible cracks, as if it were a high-quality porcelain dropped onto the ground.

Finally, the deep blue halo shattered, and the two sisters, forcibly disrupted from their martial soul fusion skill, fell to the ground unconscious.

With the martial soul fusion skill dispelled, Wu Feng, who had been trapped, found herself back on solid ground. She quickly moved to Huo Yuhao's side and helped him up.

"This victory is thanks to you," Wu Feng said earnestly to Huo Yuhao after a moment of silence.

Huo Yuhao waved his hand and, seeing Ning Tian approaching from a distance, smiled, "We're a team, no need for thanks."

"Round 6, Match 1 of Area 33: The winner is Huo Yuhao's team!"

A spark of excitement flashed in Wang Yan's eyes. Although he did not fully understand whether the flame tornado was a soul skill of Huo Yuhao's or something else, Huo Yuhao's strength had indeed exceeded his expectations.

To single-handedly break through a martial soul fusion skill released by two grandmasters, even with the fire attribute's significant advantage, was still quite astonishing.

Ning Tian, supporting Huo Yuhao's shoulder, asked with concern, "How are you? Was it a heavy drain? There are still four matches left; can you keep going?"

"No problem. As long as I meditate quickly to recover my soul power, I'll be back in shape soon," Huo Yuhao nodded.

With the Burning Technique and Yishi Dan's transformation of his physique, Huo Yuhao's recovery ability far surpassed that of soul masters at the same level. Although using the Eight Extremes Fire Manipulation had left him somewhat fatigued, he could recover swiftly.

In the subsequent matches, having already exposed himself, Huo Yuhao did not hold back.

With Ning Tian's first soul skill, Speed Boost, he and Wu Feng teamed up, cutting through their opponents like a hot knife through butter, securing four straight victories.

These four matches made Wang Yan fully realize that Huo Yuhao's position in the team wasn't merely a support role but that of a true war god.

Facing weaker opponents in these four matches, Huo Yuhao, using the dual acceleration of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda and the Sky Net Step, quickly closed the distance in a flash of lightning, then engaged in simple close combat, taking out his opponents within three moves.

Ultimately, representing Class 9 of the new students, Huo Yuhao's team went undefeated in the round-robin stage, achieving the best record in their area.

Because Huo Yuhao didn't reveal any other powers in the remaining four matches, Wang Yan could hardly contain his curiosity. After the matches, he specifically asked Huo Yuhao to stay behind for some questioning.

When he learned that Huo Yuhao's martial soul was an eye-type innate martial soul with both fire and mental attributes, Wang Yan became extremely excited and hurriedly left.

"Yuhao, it seems that this teacher Wang Yan is quite interested in mentoring you," Yao Lao remarked with a chuckle in the Sea of Spirits.

Shaking his head helplessly, Huo Yuhao's eyes flickered.

"Withered trees find it hard to sprout new life. He is a good teacher, but his kind intentions will ultimately be in vain."


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