
Chapter 63 : Their Fight

When Lin Fan shouted 'Now!', the three of them immediately carried out their next strategy.

Hearing Lin Fan's shout, Tai Tan knew that these three children had a strategy against him. That way, he didn't want to give them an opening so they couldn't take advantage of it.


As before, Tai Tan used pressure from himself and created various debris, which he then flicked all of the rubble with his finger to shoot at the three of them.


This time the amount of debris shot out by Tai Tan was more than before, and in every second, he would shoot some of the debris as if he didn't want to give these three kids an opening!

But still, with Spiritual Detection and Spiritual Sharing, Lin Fan and the others were still able to dodge all the debris. Even though the debris this time was many times over, they were still able to dodge it easily!


As the three of them continued to dodge the attacks from all the rubble, the three of them carried out their own plans.

Xiao Bing who was at the back suddenly activated a Yellow Spirit Ring, she used her first Spirit Skill!


"First Spirit Skill, Extreme Yang Condensation!" Xiao Bing said.


Then, the Yang Essence that was around Xiao Bing was instantly attracted and entered her body. It was like Xiao Bing's body devoured all the Yang Essence in the atmosphere!


When Xiao Bing gathered Yang Essence from the atmosphere, or from the rays of the sun, suddenly the Nine Yin Physique also produced an enormous amount of Yin Essence.

And this also makes the Yin Yang Essence within Xiao Bing also active, which makes the two Yin and Yang Essences balance each other and produce a large amount of Yin Yang Essence!

The current amount of Yin Yang Essence was enormous, which made Xiao Bing feel boundless in her energy!

`Good! That's why I chose this fight to be held at noon, so that Xiao Bing can absorb a large amount of Yang Essence,` thought Lin Fan as he checked Xiao Bing's condition and dodged Tai Tan's attack.

While Xiao Bing was still gathering Yin Yang Essence while dodging, Lin Fan and Hei Yan also started to approach Tai Tan slowly while dodging all the debris that was shot at them.

Of course, the closer they got to Tai Tan, the harder it would be for them to dodge all the debris!


Hei Yan who found it difficult to dodge again used other means, he dodged all the attacks he could dodge, and he tried to destroy all the debris he couldn't dodge with the Diamond Hammer!


With a Diamond Hammer weighing up to 75Kg, possessing Vigorous Vajara Strength, and using Lin Fan's Hammer Technique, Hei Yan could easily destroy the debris in one hit. He didn't even use his Spirit Skill at all!


Whereas Lin Fan was different from Hei Yan, with his Physical Power reaching Rank 40, he could easily dodge all the debris. Even he was still doing it while watching Xiao Bing and Hei Yan's condition!

While Tai Tan who was watching the movements of these three children was speechless, he became excited to know what plan they were going to do!

"Hahaa! These kids! They really surprised me!" said the excited Tai Tan. He always watched these three kid carefully. From Xiao Bing who gathered a large amount of Essence, to Hei Yan who could crush some debris with ease, and to Lin Fan who was able to dodge all of his attacks with ease!

When Tai Tan was still watching the movements of the three, he suddenly felt something from Xiao Bing which was quite shocking, which was that she used a Spirit Skill that was not from the Spirit Ring!

`Eh? Don't tell me this kid has a Spirit Bone?!` thought a surprised Tai Tan.

Xiao Bing who was still dodging the attack from some of the debris had activated the Spirit Skill of her Skull Bone. Then above her head there is a black and white light that swirls around each other, which then both condense and create a black and white sphere!

Yin Yang Sphere!

This was the Yin Yang Attribute version of the Spirit Sphere!

After creating the Yin Yang Sphere with her Spirit Bone, Xiao Bing immediately shot it towards Tai Tan, to be more precise at Tai Tan's face!


Of course, shooting the Yin Yang Sphere wasn't easy, because a lot of debris was shot in the way.

Luckily there was Lin Fan, with Spiritual Detection and Spiritual Sharing, he was able to help Xiao Bing to control the direction of the Yin Yang Sphere even though it was fired!

Yes, Xiao Bing controlled the Yin Yang Sphere to be able to dodge some debris with Lin Fan's help!


And finally, the Yin Yang Sphere managed to get close to Tai Tan!

"This..?!" Tai Tan was quite surprised because there was an attack that was able to approach him, even being able to reach right in front of his face!

Spontaneously, Tai Tan immediately crossed his arms to protect his head. Even though he knew this attack was too weak to deal any significant damage to him, he didn't want to underestimate this attack as it could injure his eyes!


And sure enough, the Yin Yang Sphere instantly exploded dangerously enough, but Tai Tan managed to protect his head without the slightest bit of damage!

`Wow! Such a powerful attack for a Spirit Master with 1 Spirit Ring!` thought the awestruck Tai Tan. He was certain that this attack was equivalent to a 10,000 year old Spirit Skill!

But who would have thought, the Yin Yang Sphere was a Spirit Skill from the Spirit Bone with a cultivation age of only 1,000 years. But the damage can be equivalent to a cultivation age of 10,000 years, that's because it has the Yin Yang Attribute!

And before he lowered his hands, he was suddenly struck by a similar attack, another attack from the Yin Yang Sphere!


"How could that be??!!" said the shocked Tai Tan with a frightened face. Even though this attack didn't harm him, he was sure that this attack required a lot of Essence!

Of course, the Yin Yang Sphere was a Skill that required an enormous amount of Essence. L But with Extreme Yang Condensation during the day, then Xiao Bing could use it without worrying about running out of Essence!


And again, another Yin Yang Sphere also attacked Tai Tan again!

Lin Fan who saw the Yin Yang Sphere's attack immediately smiled wryly, `What attack is so annoying? Yes, not the strongest attack or with great destructive power, but an attack that can be used multiple times, well, I call it the power of Spam!`

When Tai Tan tried to block the attack from the Yin Yang Sphere, this caused him to stop his attack using the debris. And of course, Lin Fan and Hei Yan used this opportunity to approach Tai Tan!


In the end, the two of them managed to get close to Tai Tan without any problems, and they prepared their attack!

Of course, when Lin Fan and Hei Yan approached Tai Tan, Xiao Bing immediately stopped her attack so as not to impact the two of them.

Lin Fan uses the Fist Technique, and with his Physical Power reaching Rank 40, his fist is capable of dealing quite a strong attack!

And while Hei Yan activated his Yellow Spirit Ring, Vigorous Smash, which increased the attack of the Diamond Hammer, bringing his attack to 150Kg!

Of course, Hei Yan's attack is also reinforced with Vigorous Vajra Strength, which is added to the Raw Strength / Brute Force accumulated on the Diamond Hammer. This made Heli Yang's attack no less powerful than Lin Fan's Fist!


And finally, the attacks of the two of them managed to hit Tai Tan!

"Succeed!" said Hei Yan and Xiao Bing excitedly.


The two attacks of Lin Fan and Hei Yan sent dust scattered around Tai Tan and disturbed their view.

Even so, Hei Yan and Xiao Bing seemed to be overjoyed that this attack had hit their enemy.

While Lin Fan did not look happy, but instead became gloomy by frowning, "Ah.. Looks like this attack is too weak for him," he said.

Hei Yan didn't understand why Lin Fan said that, but he finally realized when all the dust around Tai Tan started to dissipate.

There, Tai Tan caught Hei Yan's Diamond Hammer and Lin Fan's Fist with both hands without any injuries!

Of course, this time there was a change in Tai Tan's body.

"All of you.. really impressive!" said Tai Tan happily. This time, Tai Tan's body was covered with fur, and his hands were also noticeably longer than before. In addition, there were 8 Spirit Rings surrounding him.

Yes, currently Tai Tan has activated his Martial Spirit, the Vigorous Orangutan!

"To think I would have to activate my Martial Spirit to withstand both of your attacks, hahaha!" said the excited Tai Tan. He knew that Lin Fan's and Hei Yan's two attacks were enough to give him a small amount of damage if they hit his body. And this forced him to activate his Martial Spirit to strengthen his defenses.

Tai Tan looked at Xiao Bing with a curious face, `Even though she is just a little girl, she has so much Essence in her!`

This time, he learned not to look down on others anymore, because appearances could deceive one's abilities.

Then he looked at Lin Fan and Hei Yan, `And these two kids, their attacks are too terrifying, even though neither one has yet reached two Spirit Rings,` he thought curiously.

This made Tai Tan eager to see their growth, what would it be like if they reached such a high cultivation. `What if they reach Title Douluo?` he thought very curiously.

In addition, he was quite interested in the technique used by these two kid, as both of them were able to gather Brute Force from their bodies into a single point, which then released it with great precision!

"Are the techniques you two used all Self-Skills?" asked Tai Tan curiously.

"Well, yeah... Those techniques are all my Self-Skills, amazing isn't it?" replied Lin Fan confidently. Of course he was very proud of his Fist Technique and Hammer Technique, because they were both his own creation.

"Ahaa..." Tai Tan nodded his head, he tried to contemplate the two techniques they had just used. In just one glance, he could tell that the two techniques were of high quality.

Techniques that are able to control Brute Force on the body are very suitable when used by Spirit Masters with Strength Attributes, moreover this technique can concentrate it at one point, even into a weapon like a hammer.

Let alone Hei Yan, who possessed Vigorous Vajra Strength. He definitely had a great Brute Force and Extreme Strength Attribute, making this Hammer Technique a perfect fit to help him control it easily.

Then, Tai Tan looked at Lin Fan, "So do you guys still want to continue?" he asked with sparkling eyes.

Tai Tan hoped that the two of them still wanted to fight with him, he wanted to know the two techniques more clearly, because he seemed to gain enlightenment from it.

Lin Fan knew what Tai Tan was thinking, but he didn't care if these two techniques were mastered by someone else. Because these two techniques still have many flaws that must be improved.

"Of course, we can continue this fight, sir. But this time is different," said Lin Fan excitedly.

"Hmm? Different?" asked the interested Tai Tan.

Lin Fan looked at Xiao Bing and Hari Yang, then he looked into Tai Tan's eyes confidently, "Yeah, different from before, this time it's a fight between me and you, sir."