
Douluo Dalu: God's Punishment List

Lin Yi traveled through the world of Douluo, foreseeing in advance that various god steles would descend on the Douluo Continent. Kill people on the evil list to get rewards from the god list. 【List of Hypocrites】: Includes all kinds of hypocrites Tang San: “Why am I the number one hypocrite list?” [Negative List]: Contains all kinds of negative men Tang San: “Am I second on the list?” Yu Xiaogang: “The No. 1 list will be announced soon. Who will it be? It definitely won’t be me Yu Xiaogang.” 【Announcement of No. 1 on the Negative List! Yu Xiaogang! 】 [Kill Yu Xiaogang, the number one on the Negative List, and the God List will reward a 100,000-year-old soul beast for voluntary sacrifice! 】 Yu Xiaogang, who was about to be chased across the continent, panicked and wanted to seek refuge in the Wuhun Temple, but Lin Yi, who had predicted in advance, was approaching Yu Xiaogang and was ready to kill! .................................................................................. I don't own the novel Soul land. Also don't own the cover.

Dragon_God_ · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Chapter 5: Ma Hongjun on the list

Scum men's list began to be announced, and almost everyone in Douluo Continent looked over, their eyes staying at the bottom tenth place on the God's list.

   Haohan Shenyin did not say a name, because a name has already appeared in the tenth place on the list of gods.

   At this time, Shrek Academy.

  Oscar was shocked after seeing the gods list, pointed at the gods list, and shouted anxiously: "Fat man, look at the tenth place in the gods list!"

  Ma Hongjun yawned, very sleepy, waved his hand and walked into the house.

   "Oscar, you are so gossip, I don't watch it, I tossed all night and morning, so tired, I want to go back to sleep, call me when I have lunch."

   Oscar was very anxious, and worried: "No...Look, you are the tenth name on the scumbag list!"

   Suddenly, Ma Hongjun paused, and was stunned at the door. What are you kidding me, he is the tenth place on the scumbag list?

   Ma Hongjun turned to look at the God's list, his eyes widened suddenly, because he was indeed the tenth place on the scumbag list!

  The scumbag of the God's list:

   Tenth place: Ma Hongjun! Age, twelve years old. Wuhun, evil fire phoenix.

   not only has a name, but also an age and Wuhun.

   When Oscar saw it at the beginning, he would still wonder if it was a person with the same name and surname, but there were also age and martial arts information, so it could not be the same name and surname, it was Ma Hongjun!

  Ma Hongjun stayed, why did he make the list?

   Hao Han Shen Sound starts:

   "The tenth of the scumbag list has been announced, Ma Hongjun! Because the scumbag list belongs to the negative category, there is no reward for those who are on the list. Killing Ma Hongjun, the tenth scumbag list, will get an 80,000-year optional soul bone!"

   The sound of the gods falls, the mainland is boiling!

   "My God, 80,000-year soul bones, you can still choose! If I get it, I will definitely choose the torso bone!"

"Spirit bones are extremely rare, let alone 80,000 years! Even a Title Douluo, it is difficult to have a soul bone, let alone 80,000 years, this is extremely tempting to a Title Douluo! Such a reward is enough. Make almost all spirit masters in the mainland crazy!"

   "Only the tenth place, the kill reward is 80,000-year soul bones, so what kind of reward will the top three, and even the first place, be? Unimaginable!"

   "Who is this Ma Hongjun? He was on the scumbag list when he was only twelve years old."

   "It deserves to be killed later."

   "He must be in danger. Many people will find him immediately. Kill him and have 80,000-year spirit bones. Unless he is protected by the strong, he will be in big trouble!"


   Ordinary people and weak soul masters don't have this idea. If they know and are close, they can do it for the first time, but don't know them at all, then there will be nothing for them, because those big forces will act faster.

   One of the four sects of Elephant Sect.

   "Launch the intelligence network immediately to find out where this Ma Hongjun is! 80,000 years of choosing a soul bone, we must get it!"


"If Hu Yanzhen can get this spirit bone, I will choose the torso bone, the defense type. In this way, as a level 89 defense type soul Douluo, I will be stronger! Under the title Douluo, no one can kill me! "

   Wuhun Hall.

  Bibi Dong shocked: "The tenth place is such a reward, very good."

  Bibi Dong thinks this is an opportunity, this god-given reward, as much as the Wuhundian can get!

   "His Majesty, did you launch an intelligence network to look for this Ma Hongjun?"

  Bibi Dong shook his head: "It's only 80,000-year soul bone, I still don't look down on it. I mobilized a small part of the intelligence network to find it, and more generous rewards are yet to come."

The meaning of Bibi Dong is very simple. It is necessary to give priority to finding the top few of the scumbags. After all, the tenth place is so rich, then the top few will definitely have one hundred thousand year spirit ring and one hundred thousand year spirit bone awards!

  Notting College.

   Tang San was a little surprised when he saw the tenth place on the scumbag list: "I'm the same age as me, but he's on the scumbag list."

   Yu Xiaogang frowned slightly, Tang San noticed, and wondered: "Teacher, what's the matter?"

   Yu Xiaogang felt that the name was familiar, and soon thought of it, and said in a condensed voice: "The Shrek Academy I asked you to go to. One of the Shrek students I remember is called Ma Hongjun."

   Yu Xiaogang remembered, and he was pretty sure that it was Shrek's Ma Hongjun. Flender once told himself that he had met a good seedling, and the spirit was a mutated spirit, a spirit that mutated in a better direction.

   At the time, I was envious. After all, I was almost fifty years old, but he was still only a 29th-level great spirit master. This was because his spirit was a mutant spirit, mutating in a bad direction.

   "It can't be wrong, it's him, the evil fire Phoenix spirit, Ma Hongjun." Yu Xiaogang was sure.

   Tang San was stunned. If he was going to Shrek Academy, he would become classmates with Ma Hongjun, but this Ma Hongjun was on the list of scumbags.

   At this time, Lin Yi was not surprised. Ma Hongjun was a woman with bright eyes when she saw beautiful women, constantly glancing at him, struggling with each other, and it was normal for him to be the tenth scumbag.

   "Since Ma Hongjun is 10th on the scumbag list, how many will Dai Mubai and Yu Xiaogang be?"

   Lin Yi can't wait, let's continue to announce, once Yu Xiaogang is announced, do it yourself. As for Ma Hongjun, Lin Yi's one-hundred-thousand-year spirit ring and one hundred-thousand-year external spirit bone started off, but he didn't look down on 80,000-year spirit bone.

   The village near Shrek.

   The girls in this village all know that Ma Hongjun is a scumbag and now he is on the list of scumbags.

   Cuihua frowned: "Every time I meet Ma Hongjun, I think he is interesting to me. He heard that I just broke up with Xiaolan. If he wants to associate with me, I will definitely not agree."

   Not only her, but other girls have the same idea, but they won't be with Ma Hongjun, who is 10th on the scumbag list.

   A family of Min.

   A tall and beautiful girl looked at the scumbag list.

   "I thought that the older ones would be on the list, but I didn't expect this guy about my age to be on the list."

   This girl is called Bai Chenxiang. Seeing the tenth name on the scumbag list, her beautiful eyes reveal disgust, and she is fortunate that she doesn't know such a person.

   At this time, at Shrek Academy, Ma Hongjun was panicked.

   "Ah? Why, why am Ma Hongjun ranked tenth on the scumbag list? Something went wrong, right?" Ma Hongjun couldn't believe it.

   "You can't go wrong, if it weren't for the evil fire factor, your ranking might be higher." Oscar guessed.

   After all, he is still a good person, innocent, but Ma Hongjun has already experienced a lot of battles.

   "Oscar, you still sarcastic me." Ma Hongjun felt aggrieved.

   At this time, Flanders and Zao Wou-ki came, naturally seeing them, frowned slightly, knowing that there would be a lot of trouble next.

   Flender firmly said: "Don't panic, Zao Wou-ki and I will protect you."

   Ma Hongjun was so grateful that he hugged Flanders.

   Zao Wou-ki said: "Although we have protection, the most important thing is yourself. Become stronger as soon as possible."

   "I see, Teacher Zhao."

   At this time, the vast divine voice sounded again.

   "Begin to announce the scumbag list, ninth place!"