
Douluo Dalu: God's Punishment List

Lin Yi traveled through the world of Douluo, foreseeing in advance that various god steles would descend on the Douluo Continent. Kill people on the evil list to get rewards from the god list. 【List of Hypocrites】: Includes all kinds of hypocrites Tang San: “Why am I the number one hypocrite list?” [Negative List]: Contains all kinds of negative men Tang San: “Am I second on the list?” Yu Xiaogang: “The No. 1 list will be announced soon. Who will it be? It definitely won’t be me Yu Xiaogang.” 【Announcement of No. 1 on the Negative List! Yu Xiaogang! 】 [Kill Yu Xiaogang, the number one on the Negative List, and the God List will reward a 100,000-year-old soul beast for voluntary sacrifice! 】 Yu Xiaogang, who was about to be chased across the continent, panicked and wanted to seek refuge in the Wuhun Temple, but Lin Yi, who had predicted in advance, was approaching Yu Xiaogang and was ready to kill! .................................................................................. I don't own the novel Soul land. Also don't own the cover.

Dragon_God_ · Fantasy
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Chapter 49: Are you sure to win?

Lin Yi's words made Xiao Wu and the others curious.

"Brother Yi, do you know them? Have enemies with them?"

If you say this, you must be grudges, otherwise you won't ask for repeated violent beatings for no reason.

Lin Yi nodded: "Well, one of them should hate me very much, and there are two people, you must be disgusted, that is Tang San and Ma Hongjun."

Hearing this, Xiao Wu and the others were shocked, Tang San, Ma Hongjun? Isn't it ninth and tenth on the scumbag list?

Xiao Wu was surprised: "Are they Shrek?"

Lin Yi nodded: "Well, naturally I didn't dare to use the Shrek team, so I used the monster team. As for why I guess it was them, I guessed it from the nickname."

"Thousand-handed Shura, it's hard to guess who this is, but the evil fire phoenix..."

Speaking of this, Lin Yi paused, and Ning Rongrong thought about it.

"Ma Hongjun! I met him before. He claimed that his martial spirit was a phoenix, but he was obviously a grass chicken."

Lin Yi continued: "There is also the nickname Blue Electric Overlord. You all know that Shrek has united with the Clear Sky School and the Blue Electric Overlord family, so this Blue Electric Overlord should be the elite of the younger generation of the Blue Electric Overlord. This The two nicknames, the man with the hammer and the man with the hammer, are the two elites selected by the Clear Sky School. As for the soul master of the nine-hearted begonia, it should be joined by the elites of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family."

Lin Yi's guess was reasonable. Xiao Wu and the others understood, they must be Shrek. They understood why Lin Yi wanted to repeatedly beat Thousand-Hand Shura and Xiehuo Phoenix because they were Tang San and Ma Hongjun.

At this time, Tang San and the others knew that the game was about to start, and Tang San was arranging a strategy.

"Tian Heng, Tang Yu, Tang Tian, ​​you three main attack, Tian Heng is in the middle, Tang Yu and Tang Tian are in support. I am behind Tian Heng, to control each other, assist you. Fatty is behind me, cooperate with Phoenix The line of fire attacked from a distance, while Xiao Ao and Ling Ling were next to Fatty, and Fatty was also responsible for protecting Xiao Ao and Ling Ling."

"Xiao Ao, you are now preparing to use the first and second spirit skills to make sausages, one per person."

"Good." Oscar started making sausages.

Tang San said, "You, as your supporters, must also pay attention to protecting yourself. At the beginning of the team battle, they must first assist you two powerfully, but don't worry, there are fat guys by your side, and I will always look at you."

Yu Tianheng nodded: "Yes, it's a good arrangement."

Tang San is confident: "Actually, I should be the captain. I control the audience, plus my mind, and the best arrangement will bring everyone a winning streak."

Speaking of this, Tang San glanced at Tang Tian, ​​meaning that I should be the captain.

Tang Tian ignored Tang San's words, he was the captain, and this had been decided long ago.

Tang San was upset and wanted to be the captain. After all, the captain of the team leaderboard was rewarded too richly. However, there is no way, if Tang Tian is not allowed to be the captain, Clear Sky School will not help Shrek easily.

Tang San coldly hummed in his heart: "I should be the captain. When Dad and I become stronger, I will force the elders of the Clear Sky School to change their minds and let me be the captain. I can't force them now. I don't have that strength yet."

Tang San insisted that when he was weak, everything was his own fault. When he was strong, everything was not his own fault, but the fault of Clear Sky School.

Flander took the money collected by Tang San and the others and did not hesitate to bet the monster team to win.

Flender looks forward to: "You will be rich soon. Although all the money is staked, there is no left. Although the gamble is risky, I believe that Shrek, they are all monster geniuses. There is no big difference in level. Which team has stronger leapfrog combat power than them. Therefore, they will win. Our result tonight will only be a big profit, and then we will live in a luxury hotel and eat a big meal instead of ruining our family and sleeping on the street."

Flander is watching the gambling market. There are many people watching the fighting, with tens of thousands of people. Then there are more people betting, and more money.

As he thought, most people bet on Team Tianshui to win, and a small number of people bet on Team Monster. He hopes that everyone can bet on Team Tianshui, but that is impossible. Some people are betting to see if it is a dark horse.

In the end, the Tianshui team won 70% and the monster team won 30%.

When it was finally closed, the amount of betting on Team Tianshui suddenly increased by 100,000 Gold Soul Coins.

Seeing this scene, Flender was extremely excited.

"Hahaha! Great!"

Originally I didn't think it was very good, but 30% of the people bet them to win, but suddenly a local tyrant appeared and directly bet one hundred thousand gold soul coins to bet the Tianshui team to win, which made Flender excited. The more money you bet on Team Tianshui, the more you can earn from Shrek after Shrek wins, especially when you bet on Shrek, and the more money you bet on, the more you can earn.

Flender didn't have that much money before, but before he came out this time, he asked the Clear Sky School and the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family for money. At the beginning, I only gave myself two thousand gold soul coins, which was not enough.

The Clear Sky School and the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family felt that two thousand gold soul coins were enough to eat and stay when they went out to fight their souls, but they hesitated when they learned that Flanders had to gamble.

Flender promised that he would definitely pay back, begging for the two cases to give him 50,000 Gold Soul Coins each, a total of 100,000, then the more you will earn, you must believe in the strength of the Shrek team.

The elders of the Clear Sky School and Yu Yuanzhen also knew how powerful the Shrek team was, and they naturally fought with the Shrek seven. They joined forces to go all out and their combat power was very strong.

Therefore, believe in Flanders, as long as Flanders' brains are not sick and don't choose opponents with a huge gap, the Shrek team can't lose.

In addition to the money Tang San and the others gave, Flanders bet a total of one hundred and one thousand gold soul coins.

Flanders had the final say, after Tang San and the others won, they could get a total of 180,000 gold soul coins.

One hundred thousand plus ten thousand interest is returned to the Clear Sky School and the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family. Although they are two large sects, 100,000 gold soul coins are not a small amount for the two. The two sects couldn't compare with the Seven Treasure Glazed Glazed Sect, the Seven Treasure Glazed Glazed Sect was very rich, so they took out one hundred thousand gold soul coins, and the two had done their best.

Flander grinned: "It's great to earn 70,000 Soul Coins."

Flander grinned, his eyes flashing, and thanked the one who had bet the 100,000 yuan in his heart.

Betting one hundred thousand Tianshui team to win, naturally it was Lin Yi. Previously, the Qibao Liuli Sect gave himself one hundred thousand gold soul coins to thank him.

At this time, the two sides entered the field.

The host announced: "The battle spirit of the regiment is about to begin. They are all new faces and new teams. Next, please come on both sides! Team Tianshui VS Team Monster!"

There were tens of thousands of people sitting in the auditorium, cheering and shouting.

Lin Yi walked in the forefront, with three people on the left and right sides. Everyone who came out like this was very envious. There were six women in a team and one man.

Although wearing a mask, you can't see your face, but you can tell by looking at the figure, it must be a beautiful woman.

Seven Lin Yi came on stage, and Tang Sanqi also came on the opposite side.

In the beginning, the momentum should be overwhelming.

Tang San said, "Brothers, let the spirits go!"

The seven people released their martial souls, and the spirit ring shined. Tang San, Ma Hongjun, and Oscar were all two yellow spirit rings, Yu Tianheng, Tang Yu, Tang Tian, ​​Ye Lingling, yellow, yellow and purple.

They were all the best spirit ring configurations, which made Tang San confident that he could definitely overwhelm the opponent in aura.

Tang San looked at the opponent, and the corners of his mouth raised: "In the beginning, the aura is very important. Although it hasn't started yet, the aura cannot be defeated.

In addition to Lin Yi and Ning Rongrong, Team Tianshui also released their martial spirit, the best spirit ring configuration.

The audience was stunned, and Tang San and the others were also stunned. Why didn't the captain of Tianshui and the other release the spirit of martial arts?

The audience discusses.

"The monster team is all equipped with the best spirit ring. It's very compelling. It proves that they are all geniuses."

"Yes, very imposing."

"Team Tianshui two people do not release spirits, it should be that these two are not the best spirit ring configuration, so now they are released than they were when they were awe-inspiring. At first glance, it is not the best spirit ring configuration. There is a ten-year white spirit ring, it would be ashamed. I was suppressed at the beginning."

"Yes, but if you don't release your martial spirit, you will also be suppressed in momentum."

Tang San was surprised briefly and looked at Lin Yi.

"Are you the captain?"


Tang San smiled: "As the captain, it's not the best spirit ring configuration?"

Lin Yi still nodded, very directly: "Well, I really am not the best spirit ring configuration."

Tang San felt relieved, he was puzzled, why didn't the opponent release his martial spirit when he was more powerful? As the team leader, isn't it the best spirit ring configuration? So, you have to confirm it yourself, and confirm it now.

Tang San felt relieved: "It is not the best spirit ring configuration, we are determined to win."