
Douluo Dalu: God's Punishment List

Lin Yi traveled through the world of Douluo, foreseeing in advance that various god steles would descend on the Douluo Continent. Kill people on the evil list to get rewards from the god list. 【List of Hypocrites】: Includes all kinds of hypocrites Tang San: “Why am I the number one hypocrite list?” [Negative List]: Contains all kinds of negative men Tang San: “Am I second on the list?” Yu Xiaogang: “The No. 1 list will be announced soon. Who will it be? It definitely won’t be me Yu Xiaogang.” 【Announcement of No. 1 on the Negative List! Yu Xiaogang! 】 [Kill Yu Xiaogang, the number one on the Negative List, and the God List will reward a 100,000-year-old soul beast for voluntary sacrifice! 】 Yu Xiaogang, who was about to be chased across the continent, panicked and wanted to seek refuge in the Wuhun Temple, but Lin Yi, who had predicted in advance, was approaching Yu Xiaogang and was ready to kill! .................................................................................. I don't own the novel Soul land. Also don't own the cover.

Dragon_God_ · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Chapter 47: Scumbag Group..

Flander said: "Iron Fighting Soul needs one hundred points to be upgraded to Bronze Fighting Soul. If you win one game, you will get one point. If you win more than ten games in a row, you will directly add one hundred points for each victory. Bronze rises to silver. , You need one thousand points, and you need ten thousand points to get from silver to gold. Therefore, in the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Competition, your points must reach at least ten thousand points."

Tang San is confident: "If you win a streak, the points will increase a lot, so that's simple. Dean, it's better to be more demanding. Before the Continent Advanced Soul Master Competition, we will reach the Zijin Fighting Soul."

Ma Hongjun said in a condensed voice: "Brother, your thinking is simple. I have participated in a total of 32 battles now, with a record of 21 wins and 12 losses, and 9 points."

Tang San encouraged: "Listen to me during the battle, and I will lead you to win a streak together."


After one day.

Lin Yi, Xiao Wu and the others came to Soto City, Shui Wuchang was in the dark.

Entering Soto City, the seven came to a tea shop and took a break while drinking tea.

At this time, Lin Yi's mind sounded a system prompt.

"Ding! New features open!"

"If a person on the God's list is dead, the reward will be halved, and the new function opened is that the reward will not be halved."

This surprised Lin Yi: "In other words, the reward for coming has been halved, and the system can not halve the reward? If the reward is a 100,000-year soul beast, then the system can turn 100,000-years into 200,000-years. year?"


Lin Yi suddenly, this function is good, he killed Yu Xiaogang and a lot of scumbags, and then if they are still on the negative list, then the reward he originally received is halved, after all, the reward for the dead is halved. .

However, after the reward comes, the system can increase the reward, which is very good.

"There is also a new feature. Every time the host gets the first prize in the reward list, the age of all spirit rings is doubled. Moreover, the spirit rings obtained afterwards will also be doubled. For example, if the host gets the first prize in the reward list once, the current spirit ring will be doubled. The life span has doubled to 200,000 years, 400,000 years, 800,000 years. If the fourth spirit ring is 500,000 years, it will be doubled and become 1 million years."

"If you get the first place on the reward list twice, the original spirit ring age is multiplied by three, and the host's three spirit ring ages become 300,000 years, 600,000 years, and 1.2 million years."


Lin Yi's eyes lit up, and after the system gave him a gift package for novices, he only opened a small search function, and now he has opened two new functions, which is pretty good. Especially this spirit ring doubled, too powerful.

In other words, winning the first place in the team list can double the life of the spirit ring.


After drinking the tea, Lin Yi and the seven went to the largest and most magnificent building in Soto City, located in the center of the city. Sixty thousand people.

There are auditoriums, as well as one hundred VIP boxes, various types of fighting spirit arenas.

Fighting spirits are divided into three categories. The game is to learn from each other, and it is forbidden to kill.

The second category is the fight between life and death. The dead party cannot retaliate, otherwise it will be besieged by the nine major clans.

The third category is gambling, making a gambling agreement, and the winner gets everything the other party agrees to.

There are three types of competitions, one-on-one, two-on-two, and team battle.

The seven Lin Yi didn't need to go through the formalities, they had done it in Tianshui City, just waited for the arranged opponent.

Lin Yi will participate in one-on-one and two-on-two.

Lin Yi likes two-on-two, so he can fight more happily and play a role in tempering himself.

Teaming with Ning Rongrong would be the best way to temper, because Ning Rongrong assisted him, fighting by himself, singled out two souls.

Still, Lin Yi didn't use spirit abilities to fight, which is why he could fight happily and play a role in tempering.

The name of the combination with Ning Rongrong is an invincible combination.

At this moment, Flander also came with Tang San and others, all wearing masks.

As long as the registration is certified by the soul master, the name is not required, and it can be anonymous.

After the registration number, Flender took Tang San

to the soul-fighting area, and then left.

Flender took out his little money and prepared to make a bet. Naturally, Shrek's opponent won.

Flanders is excited: "They win the junior third and can make a lot of money. Because they are novices in the junior third, they are not known, the opponents are too high, everyone will naturally push the higher side, but I believe that they can leapfrog and fight. ."

Flender was very excited and thought he could make a fortune.

Flander arranged for Tang San and the others first.

One-on-one, two-on-two, and the selection was done quickly. For Tang San and Ma Hongjun, they were all the 29th-level great spirit masters.

For the team battle, Flender chose the soul-sovereign team, because a team, even if six people are not the soul-sovereign, but one is, can only choose the soul-sovereign team.

However, Flander also felt that it would be difficult for the Full Soul Venerable Team, so he chose some that were not the Full Soul Venerable Team, or even the Soul Venerable, but with a lower level.

After all, Team Shrek, Tang San, Oscar, and Ma Hongjun are all still great soul masters, and only Tang Yu, Tang Tian, ​​Yu Tianheng, and Ye Lingling are the four older soul masters.

Flander carefully selected, not too strong, but not too weak, it should look a little stronger than Shrek, so that the majority of the audience will overwhelm the opponent, so if you win over Shrek, you can make a lot of money.

"Crazy Team, no, they are all very powerful."

"Team Fierce God, let alone, not only are the souls, they are also good at killing. Xiao San and the others will have their lives in danger."

"Huh? Team Tianshui? Four souls, the other three are great soul masters. And among the souls, there is a forty - level and a thirty - eighth level. Yes, fight against Shrek as a whole The power is not much different, and the overall level is higher than Shrek. Very good, that's it!"

Flender chose the team battle opponent for Shrek, Team Tianshui!

Flender then put the money on the Shrek team to win, very excited, as if he would receive a lot of money soon.

Flander said to himself: "The first team fight requires self-confidence, so I arranged a team that the juniors and the others will be able to defeat. If the juniors know that I have worked so hard, they will definitely be moved."

The more Flender thought about it, the more satisfied he was. He felt that he was really a wise man, he was really good at arranging, he deserved to be Shrek's Dean, he was really smart.

Waiting Area.

One - on - one, no need to think about names, group battles, and no need to use monster teams directly. Team Shrek didn't dare to use it now, for fear of being suspected.

So, two-on-two will have to think of combining names.

Tang Yu and Tang Tian are naturally a team, Oscar and Yu Tianheng, Ye Lingling does not participate in the two-on-two.

Tang San and Ma Hongjun looked at each other, and they were in pairs.

"Brother, let's go sign up." Ma Hongjun suggested.

Tang San nodded and signed up for two on two with Ma Hongjun.

The staff went through the formalities and said, "I'll give you a combination name."

Tang San and Ma Hongjun glanced at each other, a little worried, what combination name should they think of?

Tang Tian stood up and proposed at this time: "Call the scumboy group."