
Douluo Dalu: God's Punishment List

Lin Yi traveled through the world of Douluo, foreseeing in advance that various god steles would descend on the Douluo Continent. Kill people on the evil list to get rewards from the god list. 【List of Hypocrites】: Includes all kinds of hypocrites Tang San: “Why am I the number one hypocrite list?” [Negative List]: Contains all kinds of negative men Tang San: “Am I second on the list?” Yu Xiaogang: “The No. 1 list will be announced soon. Who will it be? It definitely won’t be me Yu Xiaogang.” 【Announcement of No. 1 on the Negative List! Yu Xiaogang! 】 [Kill Yu Xiaogang, the number one on the Negative List, and the God List will reward a 100,000-year-old soul beast for voluntary sacrifice! 】 Yu Xiaogang, who was about to be chased across the continent, panicked and wanted to seek refuge in the Wuhun Temple, but Lin Yi, who had predicted in advance, was approaching Yu Xiaogang and was ready to kill! .................................................................................. I don't own the novel Soul land. Also don't own the cover.

Dragon_God_ · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Chapter 39: Terrifying Power!!

This was what Tang San thought, but now he was still very weak and had to rely on the Clear Sky School, so naturally he couldn't express his inner thoughts.

Tang San coldly snorted in his heart, angrily: "A group of ruthless old guys, my father and mother were targeted by the Spirit Hall. You didn't help and expelled his father from the sect because he was afraid of the Spirit Hall. He always wanted my father to use it. Apologize to death, bah! What the first sect, Haotian Sect, I think it is called the Coward Sect."

If Tang San was a bitch now, he would definitely express his thoughts.

Flender's face was heavy: "Mubai is dead, and the Shrek team is currently short of four people."

Seventh elder said: "This little question, can we choose four from the young generation of the Clear Sky School who are not more than 23 years old?"

In the Continent Advanced Soul Master Competition, the age cannot be more than 25 years old, and there are still more than two years to go before the competition, so the age should be no more than 23 years old now.

Flander said sternly: "No, at most two, I'm worried about four..."

Flender hesitated to speak but didn't say anything, after all, this was the site of the Clear Sky School.

The seventh elder frowned: "Are you worried that there are too many people and the quality is poor? Why? I promised the Great Haotian Sect, and choose the four most elite young generations, do you feel unworthy?"

Flender hurriedly said, "I didn't mean that."

Yu Yuanzhen made a relief: "There are still three missing. I will let the family's Yu Tianheng join the Shrek team. He is in the Tiandou Royal team, but he will come as long as I say a word."

Flander said: "The Heaven Dou Royal Team also has one that I think is very good. It is a very powerful support. Although it has an Oscar, it would be better to have this support. Clear Sky School is a strong offensive system. So, it has to be. Let this helper join, Jiuxin Begonia Martial Spirit, Ye Lingling."

Hearing this Martial Spirit, the Seventh Elder didn't say anything. After all, they all wanted to win the championship. It was indeed better to have this powerful healing assistant system.

The seventh elder nodded: "Well, then our Clear Sky Sect will find two of the most elite."

At this time, Tang Hao's face was heavy. In this battle, he saw the power of the Wuhun Temple. The self-confidence that he had played many years ago is gone, and now he thinks of Golden Crocodile Douluo, Tang Hao feels a little jealous in his heart.

"We also have to seize the opportunity of God's List." Tang Hao reminded.

Tang Xiao said: "The Haotianzong secretly acted to find five, six, seven, eight on the list of scumbags."

"The Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family is also secretly looking for it." Yu Yuanzhen said.

Now, I can only find five, six, seven or eight, and one, two, three, and four are all dead. Nine and ten are Tang San and Ma Hongjun, so naturally they can't kill them, so the target can only be five, six, seven or eight.

Tianshui City.

Shui Wuchang exited the barrier and successfully broke through, reaching the ninetieth level.

Lin Yi immediately left with Shui Wuchang. Through searching, he knew the exact position of Lin Bin, the fifth place on the scumbag list.

Killing Lin Bin, the fifth place on the scumbag list, will get 150,000-year soul beast sacrifice.

Lin Yi moved quickly. After all, the Spirit Hall had failed, and Dai Mubai was killed, so Lin Bin was the target of all spirit masters.

At this time, in a barren mountain in the central and western part of the Heaven Dou Empire.

There is no entrance to a mountain wall, but there is actually a door with no gaps, which looks like the mountain wall is intact. Among them, is a cave, a person is hiding in it, preparing a lot of food.

He is Lin Bin.

He knew that everyone wanted to kill him, not only because of the generous rewards, but also the things he did.

The murder of his family was related to him. He also consumed his deceased wife and sold miserably, and cheated before that. It made people suspect that the death of his wife and children was related to him. It was extremely vicious.

At this time, Lin Bin was not afraid, hiding here, it was impossible for anyone to find himself, at best it would be a little bitter.

At the same time, there was a corpse next to him, who was the subject of his derailment. In order to worry about being exposed, he killed him before fleeing. Therefore, no one knows his whereabouts, and who can find himself.

After half a day, Lin Yi and Shui Wuchang came here, and Shui Wuchang turned into an ice phoenix and flew quickly.

Lin Yi came to a wall of the barren mountain, blasted the shelter door with a fist, and entered it.

Lin Bin's face changed drastically, how could he be discovered?

Shui Wuchang was also surprised. How did his son know where Lin Bin was? Such a remote barren mountain, and the barren mountain is very large, covering hundreds of miles, and it is directly accurate to the barren mountain, even if everyone on the whole continent looks for it together, it is impossible to find it.

But don't ask too much, all cultivators should have their own secrets.

Lin Bin, 49 years old, 59th-level Soul King, Wuhun Scissors.

When Lin Bin's expression changed drastically, he released his spirit, holding scissors, five spirit rings all over his body, white, yellow, yellow, purple and black.

Lin Bin couldn't understand how he could be found.

Shui Wuchang calmly said: "Fifty-ninth-level Soul King, Yi'er, do you need me to solve it?"

Lin Bin was panicked, thinking that this woman was very strong and couldn't see through.

"No, although my fortieth-level soul sovereign, it is more than enough to solve him."

Lin Yi's words took a step forward.

These words made Lin Bin baffled and found it ridiculous. Forty-level soul sovereign? More than enough to kill his fifty-ninth-level soul king? What a joke.

Forty-level soul sovereign, although forty-level, but has not obtained the fourth spirit ring, then it is the third ring, how to solve oneself?

This allowed Lin Bin to see hope. Although he felt that this woman was very strong, this boy might be the woman's son, so as long as he caught the boy's threat, there was still hope to escape.

However, in the next second, Lin Bin was sluggish.

Lin Yi stepped forward, three spirit rings fell, lingering around him, and the entire Dark Black Cave suddenly became blood red.

Lin Bin's eyes widened and couldn't believe it. He stepped back subconsciously, and his voice trembled: "Ten...Hundred thousand year spirit ring!"

Lin Yi didn't intend to use his soul bones, and the three spirit rings gleamed directly, and the blood-red light was even more dazzling.

After Lin Bin was shocked, he went all out, using the fifth spirit ring's ten thousand years spirit ability, the scissors suddenly became huge, the black light shone, and they were extremely sharp. Although it is unbelievable, but it is 19th level after all, I have hope.

Lin Yi's first spirit ability power increase was 600%, and his defense increased 600%. The spirit power consumption of his spirit ability was reduced by 90%.

At the same time, was raging thunder and lightning all over his body, which was obviously the second spirit ability. Thunder, the speed increased by 600%. Lei Wei, attack power increased by 600%.

The third spirit ring, the power of the Titan, tripled the power. Suddenly, Lin Yi's aura became even more terrifying and his power was violent.

Lin Yi manifested the Titan Great Ape on his head. It was 30 meters large, and his huge fist blasted towards Lin Bin. The power and attack power were determined by Lin Yi himself, so this fist was extremely terrifying. In addition, the Fist of Titans has triple damage. Although the power is charged for one second, Lin Bin feels extremely heavy under Lin Yi's terrifying aura, not to mention the extremely huge Fist of Titans.

Lin Bin had no time to dodge, so he could only attack with all his strength.

boom! !

After the terrorist bombing, the Scissor Martial Spirit collapsed, and Lin Bin let out a scream, and was directly bombarded into a pool of flesh, with no whole body dead.

Shui Wuchang was startled: "It's incredible to kill the 59th-level Soul King in a second."

Although it feels normal inside, after all, the spirit ring configuration is too terrifying, and it's normal for the spirit ability to be so powerful, not to mention that the son's martial spirit is a chaotic body spirit, and the combination of these is even more terrifying.

However, the present scene was still too outrageous and shocking.