
Douluo Dalu: God's Punishment List

Lin Yi traveled through the world of Douluo, foreseeing in advance that various god steles would descend on the Douluo Continent. Kill people on the evil list to get rewards from the god list. 【List of Hypocrites】: Includes all kinds of hypocrites Tang San: “Why am I the number one hypocrite list?” [Negative List]: Contains all kinds of negative men Tang San: “Am I second on the list?” Yu Xiaogang: “The No. 1 list will be announced soon. Who will it be? It definitely won’t be me Yu Xiaogang.” 【Announcement of No. 1 on the Negative List! Yu Xiaogang! 】 [Kill Yu Xiaogang, the number one on the Negative List, and the God List will reward a 100,000-year-old soul beast for voluntary sacrifice! 】 Yu Xiaogang, who was about to be chased across the continent, panicked and wanted to seek refuge in the Wuhun Temple, but Lin Yi, who had predicted in advance, was approaching Yu Xiaogang and was ready to kill! .................................................................................. I don't own the novel Soul land. Also don't own the cover.

Dragon_God_ · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Chapter 13: Yu Xiaogang died tragically!

For this moment, after waiting for six years, Lin Yi naturally would not let others grab the kill reward.

Many students from Notting College rushed there, but they saw more than fifty elite students lying on the ground, screaming sorrowfully, and the ground was stained red with blood. They were so scared that they backed away and horrified that Lin Yi was so strong. A spirit ring turned out to be one hundred thousand years old, and there are one hundred thousand year soul bones.

   Despite this, they were still shocked. Even so, it was only one link. This combat power was too terrifying.

   With a one-hundred-thousand-year spirit ring, he can definitely leapfrog his ranks, but he has too many ranks.

   Lin Yi coldly looked at the surrounding students: "If you want to die, just come."

   The students backed away in fright. Although killing Yu Xiaogang could get a 400,000-year-old Titan Great Ape sacrifice, they had to be killed. As long as they stepped forward, Lin Yi would definitely kill them.

   At this time, at the gate of Notting City.

   Some spirit masters hurriedly left and rushed to Notting College. The reward for the first kill was too rich.

   There are still four hundred remaining soul masters, so I don't plan to make ink marks.

   In the distance, there was a man who looked at him in astonishment, his gaze fell on Tang San, he was Su Yuntao.

   Su Yuntao couldn't believe it: "Why, the scumbag is... Tang San?"

Su Yuntao rubbed his eyes and confirmed that he was not dazzled: "It's Tang San, I am very impressed with him. He is a waste of martial arts, but he is innately full of soul power, but why is he so powerful, facing so many people chasing after him? Killing, I have persisted until now, and I was replaced by me, and I died in less than three seconds. How is this possible? Tang San is so powerful? Isn't he a trash?"

   After the shock, Su Yuntao slapped himself directly.


With a slap on his face, Su Yuntao bitterly: "I'm really blind. I always complain about not encountering geniuses. I always complain about being responsible for awakening in such a ghost place. I can't provide geniuses to the Wuhun Hall for a lifetime, and I can't get promoted in my Job. Until now, I am still the same as before, leading to the slightest departure from me. Don't blame others, blame me for being blind!"

   At the gate, the soul masters started directly.

   "Don't fight, continue to drag on, Yu Xiaogang was killed, so if you attack together, it depends on who is lucky and whose attack will kill Tang San."

   The spirit rings on each of the spirit masters began to shine, releasing various spirit abilities, hundreds of different types of attacks with different rays of light attacked Tang San from all directions, engulfing Tang San.

   They know that if they continue, they will miss bigger rewards, so they can only do this, it depends on luck.

   Tang San closed his eyes in despair, no doubt he would die, in front of absolute strength, he had nothing to do, such a dense attack, ghost shadows could not be avoided.

   Tang San was unwilling, thinking that he could live a wonderful life in this life, but he is about to die now, and it is worse than his previous life, and soon he will become a sieve, and his death will be miserable.

   However, just at the moment, a great hammer fell from the sky.


   The giant hammer fell, and the strong wave of air swept away, directly smashing all the hundreds of dense attacks in all directions.


   Countless screams sounded, and the soul master closest to Tang San was directly lifted out by the air wave, vomiting blood, fell to the ground, and was killed directly.

   The soul master behind was horrified, and quickly backed away, what's the matter?

   They seem to see a giant hammer, who is it?

   They knew that they must be the strong, but they didn't back down, they were still a lot of people, and it was a big deal to besiege this person together.

"who is it?!"

   "You know, come first, come first, right? We chased him for a long time, and it's not your turn."

   "You are great, but we are so crowded, we can join forces to besiege you."


   These spirit masters immediately gathered together and looked at the place where the giant hammer fell.

   The dust was surging and gradually dispersed. In an instant, all of these spirit masters stared with horror on their faces.

   I saw another figure beside the giant hammer, wearing a cloak, but it couldn't hide the burly tall body.

   On top of the man's head, a circle of spirit rings fell one by one.

   Yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black, black and red!

   Nine spirit rings, Title Douluo! The ninth spirit ring turned out to be red, one hundred thousand year spirit ring!

  Some of these spirit masters were paralyzed with fright, and they fell directly to the ground. The opponent was a Title Douluo, so it would be useless if they had more than a hundred times their number!

   The soul master was frightened, and his voice trembled.

   "Whattttt... a Title Douluo!"

   "This Martial Spirit is, Clear Sky Hammer!"

   "It doesn't seem to be very old."

   "I am young, Clear Sky Hammer, Title Douluo, ninth spirit ring one hundred thousand years old, he...he is... Clear Sky Douluo, Tang Hao?!"


   A soul master exclaimed, and as soon as Tang Hao said the name, the hundreds of soul masters suddenly backed away in fright.

  The person here was Tang Hao, he was relieved, and luckily caught up.

   However, Tang Hao saw that his son Tang San was already seriously injured, his whole body was scarred, and his face was pale. Suddenly, Tang Hao's anger rose in his heart.


Tang Hao grabbed the Clear Sky Hammer and swept it out directly. He stood still on the spot, but as the Clear Sky Hammer swung out, his soul power poured into the Clear Sky Hammer. The Clear Sky Hammer was suddenly huge, like a small hill. In all directions.

   These spirit masters can't even escape. The terrifying aura makes it difficult for them to move. When the clear sky hammer the size of a small hill whizzes past, their bodies all explode, their deaths are miserable, and there is no corpse.

   At this time, Tang San was shocked, Tang Hao?

   Tang Hao, he is his father, but his father is obviously a blacksmith. He only knows to drink all day long. A somewhat sloppy and decadent man. The domineering man in front of him is totally inconsistent with his father. He is still a titled Douluo!

   "Mistress, let's go, you need to heal."

   Tang Hao turned to face Tang San, with a soft voice, facing the enemy's fierce domineering, showing a soft side to his son.

   Tang San's eyes trembled, he was really his father.

   "Dad!" Tang San exclaimed excitedly, but when he was not asking why, he said anxiously: "Dad, take me to Notting Intermediate College and save the teacher or he will die!"

   Notting Intermediate Academy, after Lin Yi's blow, Yu Xiaogang was dying. If it weren't for Luo Sanpao's attack and his body to resist most of the power, Yu Xiaogang would be dead.

   Yu Xiaogang was desperate, but still begged: "Don't kill me, I'm the teacher of Tang San, you and Tang San used to be roommates, let me go for the sake of Xiaosan's face."

   Yu Xiaogang doesn't want to die, UU reading www.uukanshu.com he hasn't proved himself, he can't die without shame.

   Lin Yi is indifferent: "Tang San?"

   "Yes!" Yu Xiaogang nodded quickly.

   Lin Yi said lightly: "I am not familiar with him and soon that scumbag will die under my or someone's hand."

   Suddenly, Yu Xiaogang's pupils shrank, and his heart became cold. It's over!

   "Luo Sanpao, Wuhun blew himself up!"

   Yu Xiaogang is about to fight, his eyes are fierce and decisive, and he glances at Luo Sanpao reluctantly.

   Luo San Pao was already paralyzed on the ground, but after hearing this, his eyes flashed with golden light, Luo San Pao's body suddenly expanded, and at the same time he bounced towards Lin Yi like a ball.

Although Yu Xiaogang is at level 29 and Luo Sanpao is a waste martial arts soul, there is after all a little Golden Dragon bloodline hidden deep in his body. This self-detonation is extremely powerful, and the Golden Dragon bloodline will explode. A self-detonation can definitely kill the soul. Respect.

   Yu Xiaogang knew the power of Luo Sanpao's self-detonation, and felt that Lin Yi would die.


   Luo Sanbao exploded directly after approaching Lin Yi.

  Yu Xiaogang's view, Lin Yi has no bones left, but when Lin Yi walked out of the explosion, Yu Xiaogang's eyes widened and he couldn't believe it, because Lin Yi was unscathed!

   Lin Yi didn't even have the idea of ​​hiding. The self-detonation power is strong, but his own martial spirit is chaotic body, and the 100,000-year spirit ability has improved defense, naturally this self-detonation can't hurt him.

   Yu Xiaogang was frightened and couldn't stand up at all, so he crawled desperately on the ground, but slowly like a tortoise.

   Lin Yi stepped out in front of Yu Xiaogang, looking down with cold eyes: "Die."

   "No!" Yu Xiaogang finally let out a cry of horror, despair and unwillingness.


 Lin Yi punched out, aimed directly at Yu Xiaogang's head!

  As the punch landed on Yu Xiaogang's head directly! It was like a watermelon being crushed by a Sledgehammer.

His death was miserable!