
Chapter 18: Rumour

Few days has passed since Gu Yue and Xiao Ran began living in one dormitory. There are couple rules that was implement immediately and Gu Yue was wary against throughout the night which made Xiao Ran unable to sleep so he decided to just meditate and thankfully this didn't last long. Gu Yue started seeing him as acquaintance after knowing that Tang Wulin and Xiao Ran we're childhood friend.

Many things began to change as Xiao Ran began interacting with the trio every lunch and been hanging out with them lately.

Many we're quite dissatisfied by Xiao Ran action for hanging out with some students of class 5 while some we're just jealous and envious from his looks so they started making bad rumours about him which led some his classmates looks down at Xiao Ran and little by little they started bullying him.

Xiao Ran didn't mind it all and just see this situation as childish so he never fought back so long they wouldn't harm him.

Bad rumours began to intensify each day and him skipping in class didn't help at all which made the situation got worst to the point teachers was needed to interfere.

Tang Wulin, Xie Xie and Gu Yue we're clueless about this situation as Xiao Ran always behave the same in front of them while Yun Xiao and Zhou Zhangxi have known this matter for quite a while now but they never revealed a single thing to them as they we're approached by Xiao Ran to never say a word about this matter.

Wu Zhangkong have also been told about this matter and was about to handle it quickly but he thought for a bit yet in the end he chose to turn a blind eye in this situation after meeting Xiao Ran and instead he increased the special training of Tang Wulin, Xie Xie and Gu Yue to the point that they we're exhausted that they couldn't even move nor have a time play around.

"Hey, Why are you frequently staying in our dorm these past few days?"

Gu Yue curiously asked and looks at Xiao Ran that was writing on his bed.

"Huh? what do you mean? Don't I go out?"

Xiao Ran didn't reply but instead asked back and didn't dare to look at Gu Yue knowing that she started noticing something which isn't a good thing for him.

"Anyway I'm gonna go out for a while and I might not come back tonight so lock the door properly before you go to sleep."

Xiao Ran jumped down in the upper bunk bed and began to head out but he was quickly stopped by Gu Yue.

"If it's nothing then why are acting strange right now? and besides Don't think that I won't notice that your more having actively going out at night these past few days."

Xiao Ran was stumped by this question as he didn't think that she would caught on this matter quickly even though he tried to appear that everything was fine.

" Are you doing illegal or something? It's quite strange for you to always goes out in night."

Gu Yue suspiciously asked and coldly gaze at Xiao Ran that if ever do something dumb then be prepared to die.

Xiao Ran quickly deny her and began refuting her while giving her some logic reasoning to make her stop worrying as it was quite strange but He understood what she meant when she look at him.

"Anyway stop worrying and isn't it time for you to prepare for the class promotion thingy which will happen in about two months. "

" Those guys wouldn't stand against us in this upcoming event and we'll surely be the one that would stand at top. "

Gu Yue arrogantly declared yet Xiao Ran didn't refute her as he knew that they would win with ease.

"Good Luck then. I hope that special training that you're currently undertaking would help all of you."

Xiao Ran laughed a while after noticing Gu Yue eyes changed for a bit and decided to head out.

"Anyway I need to go and by the way I know that you didn't have your dinner yet so I already bought a food for you and I put it in the table. It is still warms so eat it before it gets cold. "

With that said Xiao Ran began running the hallway and didn't wait for Gu Yue to speak once more.

"Thank You."

Gu Yue muttered and looks at the door for a moment before eating the dinner Xiao Ran bought.

"*phew* That was close, I thought Gu Yue knows my situation but I guess not and was just curious where I always head out."

Xiao Ran spoke as he arrived at the Eastsea Park and began moving deeper through the forest.

"I guess it's better if I don't always frequently goes out at night as to not worry Gu Yue but I can't train as usual if I don't go out. I guess I need to find some hidden place in the school campus but it's risky cause maybe I'll get caught by Wu Zhangkong. "

Xiao Ran thought before he arrived at the deepest part of Eastsea Park.

" Hmm anyway I need to figure out on how to improve my strength as I need it in the near future. I already experiment some lightning techniques that I saw from my past life but I can't seem to figure out why I kept on failing to the point that I lost a soul power. "

Xiao Ran painfully thought after he had gone down to 25 soul power rank after failing an experiment he had done from the past.

"I should be able to recreate some techniques that I watch from my past life as Tang San was able to apply his Tang Sect techniques in this world."

Xiao Ran thought for a bit and decided that it was best for him to have some movement technique.

Xiao Ran released both of his martial soul and looks closely at the exquisitely looking sword. Xiao Ran began to ponder on what on earth his second martial soul was like cause every time released it He doesn't feel anything out of ordinary and what was worst is that he couldn't even use it as if though he was restricted.

"What is wrong with this sword? Is it broken somehow?"

Xiao Ran ponder for a bit and decided that it is better for him to grow stronger and in the future he would maybe figure out what was wrong.