
Chapter 15: Start of class

The icily arrogant youth was sent flying in a flash after being struck by Tang Wulin's explosive punch. As his fist had connected with the youth's face, Tang Wulin released the binding of his Bluesilver Grass, allowing the arrogant youth to fly out of the room like an artillery shell. With a boom, the arrogant youth was embedded into the wall of the hall.

Yes, he was 'embedded.' In front of Tang Wulin's power, he couldn't even resist.


"Wow you really didn't pull your punches. Look at him embedded against the wall gotta say your strength still monstrous as ever."

Xiao Ran happily spoke while eating some popcorn which calm down Tang Wulin having heard a familiar voice.

Tang Wulin crouched down and gently picked up his blanket. He brushed the dust off of it and held it tight. Fortunately, the blanket hadn't been damaged, just dirtied.

"Hey why are you here? Thought we'll meet up at the School Canteen."

Tang Wulin inquired as he was surprised to see Xiao Ran while eating popcorn as though he was having fun watching which annoyed Tang Wulin.

"What's going on?" Right at that moment, a firm voice came from the hall.

Ten minutes later.

Eastsea Academy's intermediate teaching building.

"So in conclusion, this tragedy was triggered over a blanket?" Long Hengxu coldly looked at the four boys in front of him. His frowning expression was like a drop of water.

Zhou Zhangxi, Yun Xiao, Tang Wulin, Xiao Ran, and that arrogant youth were all standing side by side.

The arrogant youth's eyes had an ice-cold radiance in them which would occasionally glance at Tang Wulin from time to time.

Zhou Zhangxi's expression was ashen, and he was covered with bruises from head to toe. If one were attentive, they would discover a trace of fear in his eyes which refused to even make contact with Tang Wulin.

Yun Xiao was the one who thoroughly explained what had transpired. After hearing Yun Xiao's account, Long Hengxu grasped what had happened.

Long Hengxu began lecturing and reprimanding Tang Wulin, Zhou Zhangxi, Yun Xiao while Xie Xie didn't seems listening to Long Henxue but gazing at Tang Wulin.

Yun Xiao refuted in shock, "Director Long, I wasn't involved in the fight at all! From the beginning to end, I was simply a spectator."

Long Hengxu coldly answered, "You're all in the same dorm room. If you see them fighting and don't take any action to stop it, how can you say that's a good thing? That you're the righteous one? You're so sly at such a young age, how could you grow up to be any good. Do you have anything left to say?"

Xiao Ran watch Long Hengxu punished everyone from the side and continued eating his popcorn which annoyed Long Hengxu.

"Hey stop eating and why didn't you also stop the fight after noticing them fighting. Seeing your record you should be able to stop them in fighting."

Long Hengxu asked as seeing Xiao Ran eating popcorn annoyed him.

" Eh? why should I? and besides I thought that it was a friendly fight between roommates. "

Xiao Ran lazily replied while still finishing eating his popcorn.

Long Henxue was irritated but couldn't say much before refocusing his attention to the other 4.

Long Hengxu indifferently said, "Although there was a cause for the fight, there's still a need to compensate for the damages. I'll give you the costs to repair the window, the bed, and the walls later so you can pay it back."

"Go now. You can continue fighting if you want, but next time, it'll be added to your record. The result of the battle, along with the record that about your talent to become a Mecha Master, will affect whether or not you'll be accepted into an advanced academy in the future. If you have the courage, then go fight. But if you really want to fight, then you better not let the academy find out about it. Otherwise, there will be a severe punishment."

Long Hengxu quickly let them go as seeing Xiao Ran face irritates him and reminding him of someone that he was quite annoyed.

After leaving the Teacher Office, Long Hengxu's strict voice still lingered in their ears. Xiao Ran happily introduce himself to everyone before quickly leaving which made everyone stunned and confused.

"What the hell did he want?"

Zhou Zhangxi confusingly asked as Tang Wulin and Xie Xie was also confused before Yun Xiao hesitating spoke his doubt.

"Er I think he came to watch a show?"

Xiao Ran soon arrived at his dorm and noticed that his roomates hasn't yet arrived so he quickly arrived at his bed and began sleeping.

Night came yet Xiao Ran was still asleep suddenly a noise was ringing inside his bag which led Xiao Ran to wake up.

"Hmm who the hell is calling me?"

Xiao Ran took out his soul communicator and noticed that it wasn't a call but a notification from his soul communicator.

" Oh right I need to quickly finish that before those guys come and annoy me again. "

Xiao Ran thought before noticing it was dark outside and deciding he would head out in the School Canteen to have a dinner.

The School Canteen was much crowded as it was quite late and only few we're currently eating. Xiao Ran bought meal A and quickly ate as he was quite annoyed seeing that he was attracting some attention.

"Huh? Weird.. I guess I don't have roomates.."

Xiao Ran entered his dorm and still didn't find any of his roommate, He was quite happy as knowing that he can occupy this room all alone.

Xiao Ran trained for few hours before heading back to bed.

As the sun rose high, the opening ceremony started.

The opening ceremony on Eastsea Academy's huge plaza. It was only during this ceremony that both clusters of students from the Advanced Academy and Intermediate Academy met.

At the intermediate academy, there were around a hundred students within each grade, totalling up to a rough figure of seven to eight hundred students in all. Compared with the intermediate academy, the group at the advanced academy was significantly smaller as there were close to two hundred students. Students in the advanced academy were divided into three grades. It was thus an arduous task to get into the advanced academy that only had a small succession rate of 20% of students coming from the Intermediate Academy.

"Good day students. We shall now begin the Eastsea Academy's annually held opening ceremony. The President of Eastsea Academy has been invited to the ceremony and he will be making a speech shortly."

Eastsea Academy's President was a senior who looked to be about sixty years old. He had a medium build and didn't look that exceptional. He gave off a bookish atmosphere with his head full of white hair and pair of eyeglasses.

"Welcome to the academy, students. Every single year at this time, I feel a bit sad that students from the intermediate and advanced divisions have graduated, and have left us. However, some of the intermediate students will enter the advanced academy in addition to our new students."

"As I see it, academies are like the blood of society. It receives individuals into the academy and later delivers them into society. In the near future, I hope all of you can..."

The President was very eloquent in his speech. In fact, he didn't even have a script to read off of. He spoke excellently for a full hour before he brought his speech to a close.

The pinnacle of the opening ceremony proceeded right after the President's speech – class assignment.

Students who did not need a class assigned to them were slowly making their way out from the crowded plaza. Fresh faces from the advanced academy left towards their academy for their own class assignment. What was left within the plaza were the new students of the intermediate academy.

"We will proceed with the class assignment. It is known that within Eastsea Academy, the smaller the class number, the more prestigious class. Though that is a fact, we too hope for exceptions where students from the last class will work harder and perform better. We have a total of one hundred and nine new students today, divided up into five classes. The students whom I will call up next are in class one…"

Tang Wulin, Zhou Zhangxi, Xie Xie, Yun Xiao..." called when the announcer arrived at the list for class five.

Xiao Ran wasn't surprised by this call and knows that they we're quite lucky to have that teacher while Xiao Ran was assigned in class 1.

Xiao Ran thought for a while before deciding that he would join them later after class Zero was created.

There were twenty students within class five, and it was the smallest class of them all. Each and every one of them had a listless expression.

"Class teachers, please direct your students to their classes and help them familiarize themselves within the academy."

Five teachers appeared before the crowd as the announcement ended yet One of those five teachers headed towards the direction of class five.

This teacher looked to be about 27 or 28 years old. Stood at a staggering height of over 1.9 meters along with a pair of lanky arms and a thin waist. White trousers accentuated his long legs. Though he looked thin, the combination of that along with his brightly lit eyes, well-set nose, and thin lips gave off an image of height and intelligence. The mass of hair was swept to the back of his head. A random current of wind caught on his lake-blue tresses and rested them on his waistline, affirming the length of his hair.

His pupils were of a smoky green and the colour matched well with his blue hair, giving off a strange temperament. His face was expressionless, his gaze icy.

Xiao Ran looked at him deep in thoughts before the Teacher quickly noticed him but Xiao Ran already turned around and began following his assigned teacher.