
Douluo Dalu: Four Timelines, One Soul

__________________________________________________________________________________ Our protagonist reincarnated in four different Timelines of Douluo Dalu at the same time with a chat group connecting them Witness how they flip their timelines upside down. __________ This novel is more of a wish fulfilment and casual type novel. If you want unique plot and story fanfic then you can check out my other ongoing fanfic. 1-2ch/week will be updated. _____________ PS:I own nothing besides the storyline and protagonist.

Nero_schizoid · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs


Just as Su Ming finished copying the artifact composition, the halberd morphed itself back into Tang Xuanyu's ring, and he himself became unconscious.

Without Tang Xuanyu, his teammates also lost quickly, resulting in Su Ming's team winning.

After securing their winnings from the counter, Su Ming, Li Bai, and Liu Feng withdrew from the Virtual World.

Emerging from the pods, Su Ming motioned to Li Bai and Liu Feng that they would talk at his apartment.


Su Ming's Apartment,

" I know you both have been curious and expectant about the method through which you both would able to shatter your limits." Su Ming looked at Li Bai and Liu Feng as he began.

Surrounding the room in a isolation barrier Su Ming began the explanation about his pseudo cell Martial soul, as Su Ming's explanation went on Li Bai and Liu Feng's facial expression morphed into one of astonishment with their bodies practically shivering. 

" Why us? Su Ming. I mean we are happy that you choose us but you could have chosen anyone influential or talented " after Su Ming's explanation Liu Feng asked with Li Bai also looking at Su Ming with curiosity. 

Su MIng smiled and replied, " Because Li Bai you had the loyalty that was priceless and Liu Feng you had the will and determination that perhaps one could not find in millenniums. Although I would like to give numerous more reasons but I think you both should be excited for your changes " 

Li Bai and Liu Feng nodded and got ready.

Su Ming put his hand on both of their forehead and activated his cell martial soul. His vision instantly shifted into two as he simultaneously arrived in Liu Feng and Li Bai's bloodline space. First as usual Su Ming gathered their human bloodline essence and magnified their Martial soul bloodline genome.

" Let's see if my theory is correct " Su Ming whispered and instead of tracing back their bloodlines he started inputting Core Asura Bloodline genome. The reason Su Ming did this was because he knew that Li Bai's and Liu Feng's Martial soul connection to Dragon God bloodline would led to a disadvantage in long run. So, he theorized that perhaps Asura Bloodline could affect their bloodlines in a way never seen before. 

After fully inputting the Asura genome sequence Su Ming withdrew and waited for the changes. Few minutes later, Li Bai's and Liu Feng's martial soul emerged and gradually started morphing.

In Li Bai's case, his hair grew into black long hair with red tips and multiple shadowy demonic looking snake heads emerged from behind him.

For Liu Feng, his martial soul color scheme changed into red and black. The most notable thing about him was the faint black and red scaled dragon shadow behind him. { Picture in comments}

Half 'n' hour later, both of them returned to their usual appearance but Su Ming knew that now both Li Bai and Liu Feng outclassed any genius of this era with their Asura Bloodline.{ Picture in comments}

' Status ' Su Ming inwardly thought.


Name: Li Bai

Age: 7-8

Martial Soul: Viritra: Encloser of Worlds

Rank: 17

Bloodline: Asura ( Viritra Variant)


Soul skills:

1st Soul skill: World Serpent's Embrace: This martial skill allows the character to manifest a serpentine aura that wraps around foes, restricting their movements and control within a defined area.



Name: Liu Feng

Age: 7+

Martial Soul: Asura Dragon Spear

Rank: 19

Bloodline: Asura Space Dragon


Soul skills:

1st Soul skill: Asura's Wrath Strike: Liu Feng infuses his spear with the vengeful energy of an Asura, delivering a devastating, armor-piercing blow to his target.


" How do you two feel? " Su Ming asked both of them as they opened their eyes.

" Amazing, I feel like I can defeat my previous self without even any need of my soul skill " Liu Feng exclaimed with excitement and trembling evident in his voice.

" Brother your Martial soul is unbelievably strong, this is nothing but a God's Miracle." Li Bai said with extreme respect in his voice.

" It's fine, this is what i promised " Su Ming just waved his hand as this wasn't that much of a big deal for him.

Su Ming spent rest of the day helping Li Bai and Liu Feng familiarising with their new acquired soul skills.


Douluo 1 World,

" Young Master, it is time to meet Ye family " a black haired middle aged man in black-green armor respectfully said to a meditating black-haired young boy with handsome face.

Opening his eyes the Black-haired boy who was none other than Su Ming asked, " Did you negotiate with them about the terms? I don't want to waste time explaining everything again and again"

Dugu Bo nodded and replied, " Yes, Young Master they have agreed to join your soul tool organisation in exchange of you removing their Martial soul Curse but young master, isn't it too much beneficial for them. I mean they are getting powerful combat power as well as their curse removed in exchange of practically nothing."

Su Ming smiled and replied, " You are thinking short term, Dugu Bo. It might seem like i am at disadvantage but the moment they start to learn about soul tool manufacturing, they will start to get loyal to organisation. I designed the books on such a way. "

Dugu Bo nodded indicating he understood, as for feeling guilty about such trick. Dugu Bo necer thought like that as in his long life he has seen far more worse brainwashing methods from other sects.

Standing up Su Ming nodded to Dugu Bo and they both disappeared in a flash of blue light.


Unknow Location,

In a white simplistic hall a bunch of adults with few children were standing behind a middle aged woman looking towards the middle of hall with anticipation.

Suddenly a blue flash materialized in middle of hall revealing Dugu Bo and Su Ming.

" Greetings, Lord Dugu " the middle aged woman bowed in respect followed up by the rest of people.

" No need for formalities Lady Ye. We should not waste time with these things." Dugu Bo waved his hand indicating the middle aged woman to get up.

Su Ming on the hand was observing everyone with his cell Martial soul to see what was this curse.

' Just like I thought, this curse is nothing but some god's fears. From the looks of it someone from Ye family probably in past became God and then died in some battle but her enemies locked the Ye family's bloodline in fear that someone like the Godess would eventually arrive and Ye Lingling had the potential to become a God but not the means. Well, whatever good for me ' as Su Ming internally mused about the curse, Dugu Bo and the middle aged woman also discussed everything related to the terms again.

" Young Master, everything is ready " Dugu Bo's voice brought Su Ming out of his momentary lapse.

" Who wants to come first? " Seeing the eager looks of the middle-aged woman and others Su Ming asked.

The Middle aged woman motioned a 7 year old silver-purple haired cute girl to step out. Shifting his gaze to the girl Su Ming guessed her identity.

Putting his hand on the girl's forehead Nero activated his cell Martial soul and arrived in the girl's Bloodline space. After gathering the Human Bloodline essence Su Ming first destroyed the curse and then as an addition added the Seven treasure pagoda's assisting genome.

Su Ming did this because he guessed that the girl was Ye Ling ling and he wanted to enhance the assistant of his team as much as he could.

As soon as Su Ming withdrew from the bloodline space, Ye Lingling's martial soul automatically came out and a green aura started lingering around her. Visible to the naked eye the purple begonia flower in her hand turned green.

The middle aged woman and others behind her started crying after seeing this. Dugu Bo sighed at this as he knew the feeling of finding a light in an almost abyss like situation.

Few minutes later, Ye Lingling opened her eyes and at the same time a green energy spread out from her.

Su Ming raised an eyebrow and Dugu Bo exclaimed, " Realm! "
