
Tragedy Of The Abused.

After congratulating them, Dai Mubai yelled :

"Oscar, you're needed here."

" What Boss Dai, you needed me here." The next second, an uncle can be seen pushing his cart with all his strength as he appeared in front of everyone.

" Oscar, get some sausages for everyone."

Hearing that they needed his sausages, his eyes started to shine as he again started his indecent chant and made the sausages.

Everyone's eyes twitched hearing his incantation, especially at the moment when a sausage come out, a banana like smile appeared on Oscar's face.

As Oscar stretched his hand towards Tang San, he immediately turned his face and said, " No, I don't need this, I can recover just by meditating. You can ask them.." Tang San pointed toward the girls.

Oscar then tried giving it to every girl but no one took his sausage. His expression was very hurt, as he was going to just go back.

"Oscar, come give me five sausages and also add some seasonings. I have also used nearly all my spirit power."

Tang Ming's voice came, which immediately made him look toward him in worship.

He hurriedly made five new sausage, added some seasonings and brought it to Tang Ming and said :

" Brother Tang Ming, as the only person that can appreciate my food, from now on I'll let you eat my sausages for free. So you can eat as much you want till my spirit power can last."

"Oscar, give me some sausages too." Zhao Wuji roared from his seat.

" Oh, teacher Zhao, you too are here. Eh.. what happened to you. You looked like someone just beat you pretty hard." Oscar looked at Zhao Wuji as he scratched the back of his head.

Zhao Wuji just glared at him while scared back a few steps.

He immediately made some sausage and stretched his hand toward Zhao Wuji.

" Mr. Zhao the sausage you want is here, only 1copper coin per piece."

Zhao Wuji just snorted and grabbed the sausages from Oscar hand ate it in just one gulp.

As Tang Ming was helping Tang San and Xiao Wu recover by giving them some wine that he diluted and have healing properties. Be suddenly heard a voice.

"Your name is Tang Ming, right?" Zhao Wuji asked Tang Ming who was helping Tang San.


Tang Ming nodded.

"Wait for me here tomorrow, although you are strong, I lost because of keeping my strength. From tomorrow both of us will have a sparring session for one hour everyday. Finally I can fight to my heart content. Hahahah!" Zhao Wuji grinned and said laughing madly. By the looks he quite enjoyed fighting him.

Tang Ming also nodded as this can help him and also train his technique without holding back.

Today he can only injure Zhao Wuji with his self-learnt move because Zhao Wuji because he wasn't serious enough.

He has already consumed much of his spirit power fighting and also had to be careful of others. On one-on-one Zhao Wuji can easily beat him. And also the fact that he only used only till his forth spirit ring ability. If he used his fifth spirit ring, lasting an incense stick would be really hard.

Seeing that Tang Ming nodded, Zhao Wuji again laughed uproariously and said, " Good, good, you have courage boy. Mubai always ran away whenever I told him to have a spar. Hahahaha. Mubai you need to learn from your junior, see he didn't even flinch when I told him to spar."

Dai Mubai can only smile wryly and thought to himself.

' I was not a coward, but you beat me very badly everytime without any mercy. And Tang Ming is also a monster who can fight and beat you, so he has the confidence to spar with you. I'm not so masochistic to get myself beaten every time.'

After saying that Zhao Wuji stood up and left. At this time Oscar came to Dai Mubai and asked, " What happened to teacher Zhao, he looked like he was beaten up by the new students but still was so happy?"

"Shh, don't say it out loud if you do not want to get in trouble. I guess he is happy because he can fight someone with all his strength in academy." Dai gave Oscar a slight glance and said.

At this moment, Xiao Wu seems to have been woken up as she came over with Ning Rongrong and said:

" Wow! Brother Ming you really defeated teacher Zhao so badly."

"No, I didn't beat him. He could've defeated me if he used anymore of his abilities. So it's basically we won because time ran out." Tang Ming answered somewhat laughingly.

"Hmph, whatever we still won. It's that bear's fault that he didn't use any of his other abilities." Xiao Wu just pouted her mouth and said in an annoyed tone.

"Let's go and rest. I'm all tired today." Tang Ming then said as he yawned.

"Come, I'll show you all to your dormitory." Dai Mubai nodded and took Tang San, Tang Ming, Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing away.

O. their way, Tang Ming recalled the battle and felt all the mistakes he did. He was sure he can fight Zhao Wuji to a standstill with all his abilities like [Lightning Armour], [Godspeed], [ Observation Haki] and his two spirit ring abilities. The First Move that he learnt and used on Zhao Wuji contained only around one- fourth of his spirit energy. If he poured all of his energy in that attack, he didn't know what the result would be, as that move can become more lethal the more spirit energy is poured.

This battle gave Tang Ming a lot of gains, as he can feel his physical strength rising. He also wanted to ask Zhao Wuji to use his gravity skill to pressurize home so that he can do his body training. The training would yield better result in higher gravity and it would be easier to break his limit.

Dai Mubai also arranged their dormitory and it was already dark.

At this time, Shrek Academy was extremely silent, as there were no students other than the eight of them.

In Zhao Wuji's office, he can be seen sitting on a chair behind the table.

" New students are all monster, especially Tang Ming is a monster among monster."

Zhao Wuji grinned, " Strong physical fitness, terrifying skill and an extremely powerful martial spirit. Not to mention that kid didn't even use his spirit ring skils. That kid even has his self made spirit skill at this young age, truly a terrifying monster. Hahahah, I would have a very fun time teaching them all."

" The last move that he used, I can be sure that anyone below Spirit King can't even survive that. A soul king's fifth ability might be not exaggerated as that move." Zhao Wuji mused. He didn't say it at day, but he too was surprised by that move.

He also liked Tang Ming's fist to fist straightforward fighting style, as he too enjoys it.

He also thought about everyone and can't help but smile at that. "All the new children's are monster, I have to train these guys well in the future."

However at this moment..

"Zhao Wuji.."

A deep voice came from the outside and rang in Zhao Wuji's ear through the open window.

In an instant, Zhao Wuji was stunned and stood up.

He is a Spirit Sage but he didn't notice anyone. At his level you can already sense everyone in a particular distance.

But when the voice came, he didn't even notice it.


Zhao Wuji shouted.

"Come in the forest behind the academy." The doors and windows suddenly opened, as the cold wind blew from outside.

Without any hesitation, Zhao Wuji jumped out of the window and followed that voice from where it came. He quickly came to the forest at the back of the Shrek Academy and shuttled through the forest..

Not long after, Zhao Wuji stopped by a big tree, seven spirit rings lit up on his body, as he took a fighting stance and yelled loudly :

" Come out, I know you're here."

A black clothed figure walked out from behind the tree. He was covered in black robe and even his face was covered, so he can't recognise the specific appearence.

"Who are you?" Zhao Wuji momentum soared as he locked on to the figure,.as his eyes shone with coldness.

The person in black clothing ignored the coldness and hostility in Zhao Wuji's eyes and said lightly:

" I'm no one, I just wanted to fight with the infamous Motionless Bright King and also relax by the way.."

As the voice fell, the black figure raised his palm and a huge hammer clad in lightning emerged.

At the same time nine spirit ring slowly rose up from his body one by one, two yellow, two purple, four black and the last a red.

The moment he saw the spirit rings, Zhao Wuji was dumbfounded and swallowed fiercely. His hostility and cold tone disappeared instantly as he asked with a trembling voice :

" Title Douluo?"

The Black figure kept walking toward Zhao Wuji as he hurriedly added :

" Senior, please don't joke, how can I be qualified to discuss and spar with you, why are you bullying me a little Spirit Sage?"

"Oh!" The Black figure stopped at a little distance and said, "Did you not bully those little kids during the day?It looked cool. I would also like to have a good time and experience the feeling of bullying. Do you have any problem with that?"

Hearing this, Zhao Wuji was stunned and cursed in his heart. It looked cool? Bullshit you're just finding an excuse to beat me.

As the black figure was going to rush forward, the wind started to blow as a man flew out from the forest and landed beside Zhao Wuji, the moment the person landed seven spirit rings lit up as he bent down a little and asked :

" Under the Haotian crown, what brings you here to my small Shrek Academy? I don't know how Zhao Wuji has offended you, but I, Flender in behalf of him is apologizing if he has done anything to wrong you. I wonder if you can show him a little mercy..."

When Zhao Wuji heard the word Haotian, he suddenly gasped, he can't understand as why the Douluo continent's top powerhouse is here?

"Stop talking nonsense, Flender of the Golden Triangle, Spirit Owl. I know you. So stand aside, otherwise I will beat you together with him!"

Flender's eyes sank and Zhao Wuji has already his back wet with his sweat. He looked at Flender with a begging look.

"Under the Haotian crown, atleast tell us the reason why you are beating Zhao Wuji?" Flender asked as politely as he can.

"Reason?" The Black clothed figured paused slightly and then said, "Isn't it natural that when you hit the young one, the older will come for the debt?"

Hearing this two of them immediately realised something instantly.

'Tang San, Tang Ming the both are surnamed Tang and are brothers, so it mean they were....'

They both thought at the same time.

"Under the Haotian crown, you must have seen the daytime situation... although I hut a few times, in didn't make a lot of shots and I've already been beaten once. It's already miserable enough..." Zhao Wuji told his tragic situation with a bitter feeling in his eyes.

First I was beaten by two children and now his father came to beat me for not even injuring them, how was this anything fair? Why do whole the family like to abuse so much?

"...." Flender.

"....." Tang Hao.

Hearing what he said, they both looked speechless.


A/N : Here's today's chapter, SO ENJOY.

And thank you all for your wishes. It feels great when someone cheer you.

Can anybody suggest any illusion related ability that I should use for his second spirit ring ability, as I already told you it will be auxiliary. I'm thinking of illusion related ability to cover up some of the things like hiding his spirit ring age, make hard light constructs that can be useful for battle and all type of things. So do suggest if you know any good ability or skill.


Any suggestions, reviews and comments are appreciated either good or bad. Now I'm out.

Your Allfather Author-PrimorDious.

Creation is hard, even if it's a fanfiction. So cheer me up with those lustrous power stones if you have any spare to. ThankYou.

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