
Douluo Dalu: Era of Tang Ming.

A story about a person reincarnating in his most loved and prized fiction with some wishes. This is fanfiction of Douluo Dalu and the story will follow canon. And yes MC is going not going to hug Tang San thigh but will be with him. I don't own Douluo Dalu or any characters. All rights belongs to their respective owners. All I own is my character and the things that I will later add.

PrimorDious · Anime & Comics
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133 Chs

Tang Ming's Status:-

A/N : So this is his current status.

You can also check out how Tang Ming looks like in the auxiliary chapter(Images).


Name - Tang Ming.

Age - 12.

Gender - Perfectly Straight Male.

Race - Human (???)

Relative - Foster Father Tang Hao.

Spirit :-

1. Primordial Spear.(5 spirit rings).

2. Mythical Qilin/Kirin.(None).

3. Monkey Wine Gourd.(3 spirit rings).

4. Guqin.(None).

Spirit Rank - 56th-level Spirit King.

Combat Strength - Can beat the living shit out of anyone below level 90. And fight equally with atleast 91st level Titled Douluo.

Physical Strength - 35,600,000 kgs of pure physical strength. (Well he got slight boost to his physical strength after absorbing the Battle Saint Ape bloodline as his strength increased from 55k to 60k.)

Spirit Ring:-

1. Primordial Spear.

i) Thunderstorm Strike. (Summons 10 clones of spear imbued with lighting to attack a target. Can control them. Each spear deals devastating damage and also has a 10% chance to ignore defence.)

Obtained from - One Horned Thunder Tiger.

Age - 9999 year currently.

ii) Eternal Illusion. (A very rare illusion ability that can put anything or anyone into illusion eternally. One can only break through the illusion if the person has more mental power than the caster of the illusion.)

Obtained from - Myriad Illusion Demon Butterfly.

Age - 50,000 year currently.

iii) Battle Saint Transformation. (This skill increases the users overall strength, defence, agility and regeneration by 300%.)

Obtained from - Battle Saint Ape.

Age - 50,000 year currently.

iv) Fated to Perish. (The ability of his fourth skill enables him to kill anyone at the same stage or below him with a single attack, no matter how hard the defence or virtual invincibility or how fast the person is. The attack bypass time-space to sever the cause and effect of the person skills or ability, effectively killing the person in question. Also able to injure higher level enemies seriously but no instant death.)

Obtained from - Space-time Civet.

Age - 50,000 year currently.

v) Primordial Fire Spear. (The Primordial Spear would change into a Fire Spear with 'Ultimate' fire element. Every normal attack would have fire element imbued in it, which Tang Ming can easily use to also attack at long distance by sending fire slashes because of him having able to release slashes. Temparature increases proportional to the age of the spirit ring. Currently can release 90,000 Celsius degree of heat.)

Obtained from - Godfire Star Beast.

Age - 90,000 year old.

2. Monkey Wine Gourd.

i) Healing Wine. (Can heal pretty much everything physically, spiritually or mentally).

Obtained from - White Lotus.

Age - 100,000 years.

ii) Spirit Wine. (Can recover all the spirit power of a user in just 3 seconds).

Obtained from - Vine Type Spirit Beast.

Age - 100,000 years.

iii) Cultivation Wine. (can help the person cultivation speed increase by 1000% for a period of one day).

Obtained from - Jade Lotus.

Age - 100,000 years.

Spirit Bone:-

1. Battle Saint Gauntlets. (External Spirit Bone).(Covers both of the arm fully in a bronze colured gauntlets).

Skill - Grants the user the ability to absorb any attack and release it back with twice or two times the power through both of his fist. Limit of absorption depends on the strength of Tang Ming and the age of the spirit bone.

(Note:- He can release the attack 'he absorbed' with twice the power. You get what I'm saying, suppose he absorbed the attack energy of a person at Spirit Ancestor level then when he rebound it, the attack will atmost have the power of Spirit King. So, with his gauntlets he can fight them all without hurting them, otherwise if he attacked with full force then it'll be like swatting flies.)

2. Space-time Civet Head Bone.

Skill - [All-Seeing Eye]. ( Enable Tang Ming to perceive his surrounding and think at 150x faster.)

Age - 10,000 years.

3. Starlight Wings. ( A pair of wings that enables him to fly and also provide an extremely durable defense after covering himself with it. Each wing has a wingspan of 3m, and looked like blue shimmering crystals connected with his shoulders bone coming out from his back.)

Self-Created Skill/Technique :-

1. [Godspeed] - For now he can run at the speed of Mach5.

2. [Observation Haki/Divine Sense] - Can sense anyone's presence, strength and emotion in 1500m in all directions. Also grants the user with limited pre-coginitive ability.

3. [Lightning Armour] - Covers the body in a purple lightning suit of armour. Increases the defence by twice .

4. [Hyperactive] - Slows down the perception of time for the user to almost still and the user can move normally with the help of [Godspeed]. Places a very high strain on the mental power and Tang Ming can only maintain this state continuously for no more than 10 minutes after which he'll became unconscious.

5. Foundation Spear Technique. Two Moves.

i) Flood Dragon Goes to the Sea.

ii) Iron Bridge Blocks the River.

6. Ming's Original :- Currently only one move.

i) Chasing Thunder.

7. [Kunpeng Leaping the Nine Realms]. A technique he got from the memories he wished for.

8. Gravity Manipulation. Can increase the gravity in a certain area.

9. Lightning Manipulation. Can manipulate lightning throughout his body but not outside.

10. Domain of the Battle Saint. Releasing the domain increases the overall attribute of Tang Ming by 100% and the allies by 50%.

11. Space-time Lock. ( Can lock down space time in an area of 100m, no one at his level or lower will be able to move even a single inch no matter what.)

12. 'Ultimate' Fire Manipulation. ( Can create, control and manipulate the fire after absorbing Godfire Star Beast bloodline.)

13. Flight. ( Innate ability of Godfire Star Beast.)

And last , the legendary --

[*] Dao Of Brick. Can smash the face of anyone ranging from young masters to the grand ancestors of the young master.


A/N : If I left something in there plese remind me so that I can add it later. Thank You.