
Douluo Dalu: Era of Tang Ming.

A story about a person reincarnating in his most loved and prized fiction with some wishes. This is fanfiction of Douluo Dalu and the story will follow canon. And yes MC is going not going to hug Tang San thigh but will be with him. I don't own Douluo Dalu or any characters. All rights belongs to their respective owners. All I own is my character and the things that I will later add.

PrimorDious · Anime & Comics
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133 Chs

No Peace, *Sigh* No FUCKIN* PEACE.

Just as Xiao Wu fell down, Tang Ming expression turned from a serene one to a wolf like. He didn't waste anytime as he immediately casted illusion over the whole place so as no one can sense their presence. After fully doing all the preparation, he looked over the unconscious Xiao Wu as he thought to himself.

'Finally, after all those preparation, now I can finally have a taste of you.' He can't help but glance at Xiao Wu perfect figure which has all the curves at the right place except a little small on the chest area but overall a perfect figure with an extremely beautiful and innocent face.

He licked his lips as a sharp glint flashed in his eyes. He didn't waste any time as he lunged at her body and started feeling her. He looked at her face as he kissed her. Xiao Wu who was unconscious felt something on her lips as she opened her eyes but was shocked to see brother Ming kissing her. She tried to get up and run but Tang Ming easily held her and made her sit on his lap facing him.

He then looked at her with lust as he forcefully planted his lips on hers and started feeling her perfect ass with his hand and grabbed it. Xiao Wu couldn't help but moan at that sensation.

Tang Ming finally can't control himself as he ripped her clothes and underwears making her naked. He also stood up and removed his clothes and pants. A dragon can be seen in its full glory as Xiao Wu can't help but be mesmerized by it. He didn't wait for her as he held her ass up and turned her face down toward the ground. He took a moment to admire the view and after a few moments thrusted his dragon in her wormhole.

HAHAHAHAHAHA!! I know I got you all there for a moment. Ahahahaha!! Do you seriously believe that after all the time I spent creating a moment in the last chapter. Jokes on you all.


As Xiao Wu fell down, Tang Ming hurriedly caught her and sat her right beside him leaning on the tree. He then continued to recover from the injuries, even though he was injured pretty badly as some of his rib cage's bone were broken and even the bone of his left shoulder, he can easily recover this in a day's or two time. Tang Ming then used his second spirit again [Eternal Illusion] to cast an illusion over the surrounding so as no other spirit beast interrupt him.

'That damn ape did a good number on me. Fortunately because of cultivating 'Qilin Transformation technique' my body physique is already very durable, otherwise that last smack would have easily left a Spirit Emperor half-dead.'

Tang Ming then silently sat in a lotus position as he continued to recover himself as much as he can.

After one hour he opened his eyes as he exhaled a mouthful of foul air. He then turned around just to see Xiao Wu also waking up.

Xiao Wu groggily opened her eyes as a deep blush can still be seen on her face because of drinking wine. She then slowly moved her head as she saw Tang Ming looking at her with a slight smile.

"You woke up, you little devil. How was your sleep. Looking at the drool leaking from your mouth I'd say you slept well. Now come here and help me stand up, we should go back now before all others started to panic." Tang Ming said.

Xiao Wu immediately wiped her drool as she glared at Tang Ming but changed her expression to a guilty one when she saw her brother Ming asking for her help to stand up.

She hurriedly helped him to stand up and asked worriedly, "Brother Ming, is your injury very bad. I'm very sorry, because of me you're injured."

She said as her face suddenly changed to a gloomy one. Tang Ming can't help but look at her incredibly as he thought to himself.

'How can she change her expression so many times in the expanse of a few seconds. I really can't understand how women change's their mood so frequently.'

He can only shook his head in defeat regarding matter related to women. Xiao Wu then helped Tang Ming to stand up as he summoned his martial spirit Spear to support himself when standing as he hadn't recovered enough to walk freely.

Xiao Wu looked at Tang Ming who was supporting himself with the spear and can't help bt say while laughing, "Wow, Brother Ming, you look like an old man who was walking with the help of an stick."

Tang Ming mouth's twitched as a vein popped on his forehead as he can't help but shout in his heart.

'And whose fault is it that I'm looking like this now!'

He didn't say anything as he started to walk back as Xiao Wu also followed him while trotting like the whole forest was her backyard.

Tang Ming was walking a little slowly due to the injuries and Xiao Wu seeing this again said bluntly, "Heh, brother Ming, the pace we are going with it might take our lifetime to leave this forest. Can't you walk a little faster."

Tang Ming was really controlling himself so as not burst his anger. Suddenly he thought of an idea as he used his first spirit ring as the first purple spirit ring lit up, as a single spear clone appeared beside him. He controlled it to lower itself at the ground level and lay horizontally parallel to ground.

He immediately sat on top of it like witches sat on a magic broom. He then willed it to move forward horizontally as it instantly shot out like a bullet.

Tang Ming laughed loudly as he looked back at Xiao Wu with a smirk who was staring in shock at this development. He then said without looking back, "Xiao Wu, I'm going ahead and will be waiting for your arrival with all of the rest. Why are you walking so slowly? Walk a little faster otherwise you'll be left behind."

He didn't even look back as he shot forward again immediately leaving only some spark of lightning behind.

Xiao Wu also came back from her shock as she too used the new condensed third spirit ring as the purple ring floated up from her feet and she disappeared only to appear a distance away. She continuously used her third spirit ring as she appeared and disappeared instantly.

At this time Tang Ming had already travelled a long way but he can't seem to find anyone presence. So he continuosly changed his direction in hope of sensing anyone in his range. He looked back to see if Xiao Wu was still following him but looks like Xiao Wu was not following behind him.

After a while he seriously looked at his surrounding and can't help but smile wryly. This was embarassing but it looks like he was lost as he can't even distinguish the direction where he came from.

But he was not overly worried because of his [Teleportation] ability. So he continued to search for more than two hours. As he was traversing, he didn't know but he had somehow entered the inner periphery of Star Dou forest.

Suddenly he sensed a huge life force/aura in his [Observation Haki] range which was approaching him at a great speed.

He glided down from his spear as he immediately used his second spirit ring '[Eternal Illusion]' to hide himself and his presence.

Just as he hid, a fierce roar can be heard as a 5m tall Ape suddenly appeared. The peculiar thing about this ape was that all the hair/fur on his body is snow white.

He also had a pair of extra arm as instead of two he had four muscular arms.

The ape whole body looked like it has been sculpted as the image of him standing there with his four muscular arms looks like the definition of extreme strength. And the last noticeable thing was that in his forehead there were marking forming the word 'Saint'. It looked to be between 20,000-30,000 years.

It stood there while looking carefully at the surrounding carefully. Seeing no one his face showed a clear surprised expression. He has clearly felt a human scent around here in his territory. He then again sniffed trying to sense the human.

At this time Tang Ming who was hiding in his illusion can't help but be shocked seeing this beast. He immediately recognised this ape as he had read about him in the record of spirit beast but it was said to be an extremely rare and extinct species which can't be found now.

The beast is none other than the 'Battle Saint Ape'. One of the very few beast that is said to have an extremely domineering pure bloodline. It was said that Battle Saint Ape's bloodline can even be compared to fabled Golden Dragon bloodline. Both specialise in pure brute strength.

And its name was 'Battle Saint', because if rumour was true then it loved to fight stronger opponent so much that it can even disregard his own life in the battle. So many beast tends to not intrude on its territory even if they are way stronger than it so as not fight this fighting maniac. And the 'Saint' in his name was because first, it was vegeterian and protects the weaker spirit beasts that resides in his territory from any harm.

Tang Ming can't believe his luck that he again founded a spirit beast that is extremely rare and powerful and that at the time when he needed it most. But he really didn't have any confidence in himself to defeat and kill it now.

'Looks like I need to look for help. Um..should I ask for teacher Zhao and dean Flender help or should I look for Er Ming?'🤔

'Nah, I won't ask for that damn ape help, my pride won't allow me.'


A/N : Here's today's chapter. SO ENJOY.

Now please tell me if you like the story the way it is going. And do you like my new OC spirit beast.

Try to guess what ability will he gain from it.

And the next chapter will be released the day after tomorrow 😂 at the same time as of today. So stay tuned if you want to know what will he do and how will he fight. Try guessing it though.

AND PLEASE GIVE ME SOME POWER STONES IF YOU CAN. I saw that people don't gave me those shiny, lustrous and precious looking stones on the day I not release a chapter😑😑. It hurts me very much that my reader's are very selfish😭😭. But nonetheless I'll keep releasing my chapters and hope that you all atleast make my book in top 50.

Any suggestions reviews and comments are appreciated either good or bad. Now I'm out.


Again no peace out as I'm quite troubled not finding any good novel again to read. I forgot your name buddy but whoever suggested Samsara Online and Earth's Best Gamer, thank you very much but I already read it in the last two days.

Your Allfather Author-PrimorDious.

Creation is easy, as easy as easy peezy lemon squeezy. ThankYou.

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