
Douluo Dalu: Era of Tang Ming.

A story about a person reincarnating in his most loved and prized fiction with some wishes. This is fanfiction of Douluo Dalu and the story will follow canon. And yes MC is going not going to hug Tang San thigh but will be with him. I don't own Douluo Dalu or any characters. All rights belongs to their respective owners. All I own is my character and the things that I will later add.

PrimorDious · Anime & Comics
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133 Chs

Back Story and Concept of Godhood In Douluo Dalu.

In Douluo continent it was said that Dragon God is the progenitor and God of all spirit beast.

The Dragon God is also known as the initiator and creator of Douluo Divine/God realm.

The Dragon God was at the top of the Dragon Clan. It was said that Dragon God was born naturally during the creation of the world.

He was one of the most ancient gods, the Originator of all the beast type Gods. Legend has it that a long time ago, the Dragon God started roaming the galaxy not long after he was born. At some point he acquired Destruction/Chaos and Life/Creation energy laws. Later he found a planet to settle down. That planet was the Douluo Planet. Thereupon, he began creating his first-generation children.

After a very long time, humankind was born on multiple planets including the Douluo Planet. The Dragon God created the Divine Realm and relied on its power to reign over the divine beasts and gods in the Divine Realm.

The 9 sons of the Dragon God that were also the Nine Great Dragon Kings descended to all the planets so they could pass down their legacy. They were the Dragon God's direct line of descendants and were also real dragons.[2]

At some point, the Dragon God went on a rampage throughout the Gods' Realm, leading to a great war with the human gods. In the end, the Dragon God was defeated by the Realm's enforcer, the Asura God. However, he could not be fully killed and instead was split into the Golden Dragon King and Silver Dragon King. Afterward, the Golden Dragon King was sealed away by the gods, whereas the Silver Dragon King managed to flee and entered a deep hibernation on the Douluo Continent where the Star Dou Forest would be. Dragon God's body and Dragon Core and many other dead dragons fell into the Dragon Clan Graveyard.

According to one of the story was that the Dragon God went mad because he has the power of destruction, life, goodness and evil god cores within him. This caused him great trouble because he needs to balance the four forces within his body until eventually he can no longer sustain it, causing his madness. He ended up killing divine beasts and gods alike until the Asura God ended his suffering by splitting him into two separate beings, the Golden Dragon King and the Silver Dragon King. The Dragon God died during the war and his remains fell from the Divine Realm and ended up in the Dragon Clan's Graveyard with the rest of his clan. What the Asura God cut in half was his God Position or Life Essence.


(Another Version of the Story):-

Legend has it that there were Five Great God Kings in the Divine Realm. They formed the council of the Divine Realm and were the rulers whereby they supervised the world under them. Because the Divine Realm was created by these high-ranked humans, these Godhood humans regarded themselves superior over the rest. In the beginning, everything was fine. With the passing of time, an ideology that the beasts were supposed to serve the humans took hold. What followed was the Godhood humans naturally prevailed over the Godhood beasts, and the humans ended up enslaving the beasts."

The Godhood humans were more powerful. They controlled the hub of the Divine Realm with the five God Kings. Their powers far exceeded the Godhood beasts, so the Godhood beasts had to endure the abuse. One day, a Godhood beast encountered an unjust treatment where it was being hunted down. Upon learning of the mistreatment of one of their own, the Divine beasts were infuriated. The Five Great God Kings dealt with the Divine officer who mistreated the Godhood beast, but they could not pacify the wrath of the Divine Beasts. Out of rage, the Dragon God proposed to lead the Divine beasts into leaving the Divine Realm and establishing another Divine Realm that would solely belong to them. The council of the Divine Realm controlled by the Five Great God Kings would never approve of that. Thus, a major conflict erupted. However, the Dragon God refrained himself and chose to compromise. Not long after that, when he felt that he was well prepared, he led the Divine beasts into starting a war."

The war lasted for a long time in the Divine Realm. It brought an unfortunate catastrophe to the Divine Realm. More than a third of the Godhood humans were casualties during the war. It was the heaviest hit they suffered since the creation of the Divine Realm. But in the end, the Divine beasts lost the war. The council of the Divine Realm was overly powerful. The Dragon God was severed into two by the Asura God of the Five Great God Kings."

"The Godhood humans banished the Divine beasts from the Divine Realm completely. No one knew of the whereabouts of the Golden Dragon King and the Silver Dragon King. Ever since then, there were no Godhood beasts in the Divine Realm. Any beast that was qualified in ascending to the Divine Realm was suppressed in the world beneath and rendered incapable of subliming to a higher level."

The Divine Council passed a Divine punishment that prevented Spirit Beasts from attaining Godhood through their own efforts.

The Dragon God wanted to create a Divine Realm that human gods and beast gods could live together in harmony. This was a very noble dream; however, the action that the Dragon God took to attain his dream was too violent and hasty.



Concept of Godhood.

The so-called Godhood is actually a sublimation after one's life force has achieved a level similar to that of the Natural Elements in the universe. Forcing themselves to ascend from a 3rd-Dimensional being into a 4th-Dimensional being who are above the mortal dimension. In fact, the definition of God isn't a real concept and simply something the races made to categorize themselves as. Thus, the apex of existence, for humans from multiple planets, formed the higher-dimensional plane that is the Divine Realm.

True Gods are beings who have attained the Strength, Position, and Immortal Qi of a God. Immortal Qi and a God Position can only be gained from a God Realm but it is possible for a mortal to attain the strength of a God without a God Realm by anchoring themselves to a Semi-Divine Realm. Only a God-King is able to manipulate and utilize Immortal Qi without a God Realm, as their existence is able to generate and take it from the universe. A God King can not be created without a God-Realm as the energy requirement is way too much without exceptions. And a God-King who resides in the universe without a God-Position will be destroyed by the Universe because they are seen as a threat by the Divine Council.

They also founded a series of hierarchical systems in the Divine Realm, those who are God Officer to First Class Gods are considered 4th-Dimensional beings. While God-Kings are above them, residing and being able to control 5th-Dimensional spaces. Anyone who had cultivated to that level, be it a human or a beast, could ascend to the Divine Realm as long as one could overcome the final hurdle, which was to break through the limit of the world. Moreover, one would be assigned to different ranks according to one's potential and strengths. It's stated that only a True God can unleash the full power of a divine weapon.

In Soul Land, in order for a spirit master to become a god, they must either be revered by millions of people and spirit beasts as a god, like the Sea God, or inherit a god position.