
Douluo Dalu: Bibi Dong is my Martial Soul

(Smuts) - CH 58: Bibi Dong (handjob) CH 72: Bibi Dong (first sex) -------------------------- (A/N: This book isn't a copy, it's just that I've transferred it from my second account, That_One_Alive_Ali, to this account.) What happens when someone dies, is it the end? Do they just cease to exist? Do they end up in heaven or hell? Do they get reincarnated? Or does something else happen? Well, for our protagonist, a just-barely-out-of-his-teens young man named Ali Lightborne, or Ali Ashborne, it's the third option! When he died in his world of nothing but ordinariness, a R.O.B casually picks someone up, and it happened to be him! Not a simple Random Omnipotent Being though. But a Random Omniversal Being! A being of absolute transcendence! One of his wishes was to have his soul be separated into as many pieces he wanted, and sent to different universes, with their own wishes! And this Ali, wished to be reincarnated in Douluo Dalu 1 (Anime) and for the R.O.B, who he called Crow because he was a crow version of Alien X, to make his life interesting as hell! There will definitely be smut, and it will start with S in the chapter title

That_One_Dead_Ali · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

CH 75: Xiao Wu's Hell Begins

"Ahem ahem!" Kneeling on the ground, Tang Hao coughed out a mouthful of blood. The last strike had not only nearly opened his old wounds, it had also given him new ones. However, not as severe as his old ones, so they could be treated if he healed them early.

And for that, he needed to hurry and finish the fight. 'This is bad, this bastard is a lot more powerful than I expected.' He frowned deeply :'I've already used my 7th Soul Skill, yet I'm still being pushed back. And that guy doesn't seem bothered even after meeting my hammer head on. I guess I have no choice, I have to get serious.'

"You bastard, I'll admit that you're pretty strong, but don't even think about taking that girl away." He got up, glaring at the masked figure :"You might be strong, but it has never been a problem for me to bring down strong opponents!"

Getting into a certain stance, he started swinging his giant hammer. Bringing it down again and again, and every time Ah Li blocked or knocked it back, it came back even stronger than before, shaking the forest with each strike.

[Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer]

In the giant crater formed because of Tang Hao's 7th Soul Ring meeting Ah Li's fist, the hammer and fist clashed again and again, creating shockwaves that eradicated whatever that was lucky enough to have survived before.

"So this is the Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer?" Ah Li laughed, still feeling nothing by the 5th strike :"It's not impressive if it's just this much, Tang Hao! Try and entertain me even more! Hahahaha!" Making Tang Hao grit his teeth :'Gah, this tough bastard!'

10th strike.

15th strike.

20th strike.

30th strike.

Ah Li was smiling excitedly. He knew the might the Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer brought. After all, he knew it thanks to the knowledge brought by absorbing Tang San's blood. And now, throwing hands with Tang Hao, and feeling his fists shake and throb harder with every clash, he couldn't help but smile crazily.

He had missed having a good fight, and had missed beating the shit out of someone he disliked even more. So being able to do both at the same felt good. "Come on, try harder! Hahahaha!!" He laughed loudly, the strength in his punches growing as more power was pulled out of his GK-1,000,000-year Soul Ring.

Tang Hao on the other hand was starting to get nervous. Even after using the Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer, he still couldn't win. In fact, the bastard seemed to be growing stronger instead. "Why won't you die, you bastard?!!?!" He unleashed his Deathgod Domain.

Instantly, an intense bloodlust that made Dugu Bo in the distance shake spread around. The world seemed to be dyed red as bloodlust obtained by killing more than a thousand people enveloped that part of the forest, instantly empowering Tang Hao and weakening Ah Li.

Finally, in the 40th strike, Ah Li's fist was struck away. Tang Hao's gaze grew sharp, determined now that victory was in sight. He hammered again and again, and Ah Li's fists were pushed back more each time.

"This is the end!" At the 50th strike, Tang Hao gave a mighty roar, and brought down a hammer even Dugu Bo was scared of facing head on. But Ah Li simply smirked, and a deep blue ice enveloped his fists alongside the intense fire.

[Bloodlines: Water Dragon King]

His strange blue Soul Ring shone even brighter, and the space itself shook and rippled around the punch that was thrown at the hammer. When the hammer and fist clashed for the last time, the hammer was shot away from Tang Hao's hands, and he spat a mouthful of blood before Ah Li gave him a nasty left hook, shooting him away.

The old man flipped again and again on the ground, coughing intensely and blood flowing out of his mouth uncontrollably. But he didn't stay down. Holding his hand out for his hammer to come back, he was about to get up, before a filthy kick to his midsection sent him flying away. He crashed into trees and stones alike, shattering each one as his impact on the ground created a hole of itself.

He wheezed. He hadn't been in such a tight spot in years. But he wasn't going to give up. Tang Hao the Clear Sky Douluo did not know how to give up. But just as he was about to get up, Ah Li's ridiculing voice came :"Killing you sounds appealing, but I haven't tormented you enough yet. You'll have to wait for your death. Until next time, be sure not to die."

Seeing him standing with Dugu Bo who was holding the unconscious Xiao Wu, his eyes went wide. "You think I'll let you escape?!" He immediately rushed towards them, hammer in hand and ready to strike again. Ah Li smirked :"More like you don't have the ability to stop me." And he grabbed the air.

But under his fingers, clad in black and dark purple light, the fabric of space itself was gripped and ripped into a door that he pushed Dugu Bo into :"I hope you'll enjoy the misery I'll bestow upon you and your loved ones."

"No!" Tang Hao screamed, but he couldn't get to the cracked space soon enough. As the fabric of reality mended to its original shape, causing him to pass through nowhere, Tang Hao roared in anger of losing, and rage of failing to save the girl his son loved.

- (Ice & Fire Yin Yang Well)

"Whoa, boss, what was that?" Stepping through the cracked space to the garden, Dugu Bo looked around amazed :"You seriously have the ability to teleport multiple people? And to such a faraway distance at that?!"

"Yeah, something like that. It's not teleportation, but kinda complicated, so I'll explain about time." He smiled cruelly at Xiao Wu :"For now, we have more important things to do. Put her there."

(A/N: Just for your information, she's not surviving, and she will no way in hell join the fucking harem. I just wanted to say this part and assure you, because a bunch of Douluo Dalu fanfics have betrayed my trust where she just magically survives and joins the harem when she should have died because of actually being enemies at first.)

Pointing at the bed with chains and restraints he made using his webs, he imprisoned her as Dugu Bo did what he said. He bound her limbs, neck and stomach to the bed, and made sure the bed wasn't comfortable to lie on.

Dugu Bo :"Hahahaha, I guess the fight was worth the price, huh? An actual 100,000-year Soul Beast. Even for me, it's my first time seeing one. One that has transformed into a human at that! Good thing you knew about her, otherwise, another Titled Douluo might have caught her first. I was about to lose her to Tang Hao after all."

Ah Li :"Tang Hao didn't want this bitch's Soul Ring nor her Soul Bone."

Dugu Bo :"What? How can that be? This is a 100,000-year Soul Beast, the greatest treasure any Soul Master wishes for."

Ah Li :"Well, it's complicated. I'll tell you later."

Dugu Bo :"Well, alright then. So what next? What are you going to do with her now?"

Ah Li :"Don't think about getting anything from her, buddy. You didn't do much in getting her either, I did all the work to begin with."

Dugu Bo :"Haaa, I knew it. Who would let go of a 100,000-year Soul Beast that's in this state? Alright, I won't complain. You already gave me the method to create a Poison Soul Core already, so I won't be ungrateful."

Ah Li, smiling :"Glad to hear that. And besides, I wasn't planning to kill her yet."

Dugu Bo :"Hm? Oh, is it because you don't need a new Soul Ring yet? So you're going to imprison her for now?"

"Nope." Ah Li smiled evilly, sadistically, making Dugu Bo shiver :"You see, I have a grudge against this bitch and her lover. And believe me, before I kill her, I'll make sure to torture her until I've had my fill. You might want to leave, cause it's going to be pretty gorey."

Thinking about all the pain that he was going to inflict on her, all the torture methods he was going to use, he couldn't help but laugh maniacally as he reached out to begin right away :"Hahaha, hahahahahaha, hahaHAHAH! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!"

And so, Xiao Wu's hell began. A hell that even Dugu Bo, with all the things he had seen and even things he himself had done, couldn't bear to see for long. He could only pray for an early death to the guys this crazy kid wanted dead, and made sure to note down to never get on his bad side.


In a hidden room, a figure sat cross legged, meditating. Suddenly, a golden wave of Soul Power left her, indicating her advancement. Her eyes shot open, and a golden light surged in her purple orbs. Her blonde hair, like a golden waterfall, waved gently behind her.

"Yes, I've finally broken through Lv 70!" She smiled excitedly. In front of her, two old men appeared out of thin air, bowing respectfully :"Your highness, congratulations for reaching Lv 70 at such a young age!"

"Elder Porcupine Fish Douluo, elder Snake Lance Douluo, I'll have to trouble you two to assist me in finding a suitable Soul Ring once again." She smirked, standing up. The two elders nodded seriously :"Leave it to us, young miss." Her eyes brightened in satisfaction :"Then we shall depart as soon as possible to the Sunset Forest!"

(Volume 3: Ice & Fire Yin Yang Well, completed.

Next volume, Volume 4: Martial Soul Hall.)