
Volume 5 and 6

AN: This is the first summary of how this volume should have finished and the next one. The other might come at a later date (I don't know when I would be able to write).

Haotian's win against Yuan caused some discord by the Tè's elders, however, they are shut up by Dugu Bo that from outside uses his pressure of a titled douluo at Haotian's sign, Haotian showing his strong backing and not leaving the elders to protest.

Having become the heir, he cancels the wedding, excusing that he needs time to get used to his position. He takes Lingling with him promising her that he would protect her for life and that she doesn't need to worry about anything that she could do anything that she wants.

Lingling reacts approaching Xie Xiu, slapping her in the face and throwing her to the ground, Lingling unconsciously smiling brightly seeing her pained face.

Then, Haotian and Lingling return to Heaven Dou Academy. There, Haotian brings Lingling to his room being accompanied by Biyun.

Haotian is really aware that Lingling's feelings would be very difficult to recover normally, needing a lot of time for her to become a 'sane' person, making her available to create a spirit ring. However, remembering her expression when hitting Xiu, he occurs an idea.

The lemon chapter would start, Haotian letting Lingling injure Biyun. Lingling is unable to feel anything with her body, but discovers a hidden joy in seeing the pain she can inflict in the others. It starts with a little of sadomaso play between Lingling and Biyun, Lingling not contending, quickly healing the wounds inflicted with Biyun and Biyun enjoying it.

With Lingling's extasis inflicting pain to Biyun, Haotian takes advantage of it, joining the play. Then it evolves into a threesome. Lingling continues unable to feel anything with her body, but her sadist enjoyment is linked with the joy of her spirit being near Haotian, creating very strong feelings for him and finally being able to bond with him.

Haotian is a little pained having twisted Lingling, making her an incredible sadist that only enjoys inflicting pain, but thanks to it, he is able to create his 5th spirit ring so he thinks that he would make it up for her.

Lingling's spirit evolves into the Tree of Life. Her healing progress improves a lot, being capable of even recovering the spirit energy of her teammates. Moreover, her vitality has an immense increase and from that moment she starts training her own body, becoming a barehand and front fighter.

Haotian's 5th skill becomes a kind of passive, increasing his vitality a lot, being able to heal any non-life-threatening injures in seconds, plus his body's strength reaching a new level, surpassing even Spirit Douluos strength.

Then, finally, the team goes over Spirit City for the tournament, Haotian talking more with Xue Qinghe, his doubts of being Renxue increasing.

During the travel, Heaven Dou's teams are attacked by bandits (Spirit Hall's forces) that mostly target Shrek Academy, a Spirit Douluo attacking them.

Haotian is the first to warn the Seven Treasure Clan at the minimum signal and while keeping close to Qinghe, he focus on protecting his girls, knowing that this would be the safest place if Qinghe was truly Renxue.

To his surprise, in front of them appears the Chrysanthemum Douluo who is very interested in Meijing, feeling very close to her and her strong talent, wanting to take Meijing as his disciple.

Meijing denies the offer, telling that she has a much better master. Chrysanthemum tries to force her, but before she is able to do anything, the Sword Douluo appears revealing himself as Meijing's grandfather and master and forcing Chrysanthemum to put distance, finally reaching near Shrek's side in their fight, his gaze falling over Xiao Wu for an instant.

His orders were to kill Tang San, but having discovered a humanized spirit beast, he change it, knowing that Bibi Dong would prefer taking Xiao Wu

Then under the shock of everyone, Chrysanthemum kills he bandits Spirit Douluo, excusing himself that he was only there to protect them, not wanting anything bad, to avoid fighting Sword. Then, Chrysanthemum turns to Xiao Wu and tries to catch her, revealing that she is a spirit beast.

Tang Hao interrupts, defeating Chrysanthemum. Then, he takes Xiao Wu and Tang San away.

Arriving a Spirit City, the tournament starts. Haotian's team is able to win over everyone, being them who takes out Shrek from the tournament that without Tang San and Xiao Wu are greatly weakened.

The final match is Spirit Hall against Heaven Dou. Meijing is able to defeat Xie Yue without even using any skill while Haotian overwhelms the other with pure strength, discovering that Hu Liena's charm is ineffective to him thanks to his high mental progress, causing a great impression towards Hu Liena.

Spirit Hall makes their spirit fusion, but even with it are unable to cope against them, losing the match. Heaven Dou wins, with Hu Liena being very impacted by Haotian's strength.

Before leaving Spirit City, Haotian's grandfather appears in Haotian's room, Haotian directly attacking him and cutting his arm before the grandfather was able to show himself.

Bian's arm regrows with one of his skills showing how slippery he is. He tells Haotian to stop playing around and to return to the clan and take his position as the heir, threatening him to not force the clan.

Haotian was sure that he wouldn't lose against Bian, his fighting progress being incredibly low, but he is worried about him and the clan making their move against the girls.

Then, Bian disappears using a skill, Haotian learning that he had no way to stop him if he decided to escape.

Knowing the danger of the Tè Clan and needing more strength to fulfill his promises with his mother, he decides to hide for the time being. Knowing that Bian is too coward to risk against strong people or putting his life in any minimum danger.

The girls would stay at the Seven Treasure Clan while that he decides to go to the Slaughter City where he would be able to train his pure technique, obtain a domain and approach Hu Liena once she goes while thanks to his strong body, he is sure to be able to pass the trials even with spirit skills blocked, specially now thanks to his passive 5th skill.

He hides his face with a mask and enters the City. At Slaughter City, he discovers that somehow he is not affected by its law, being able to use his spirit skill but doesn't know why. He decides to hide it away, keeping it as insurance as he doesn't want to be targeted by the Slaughter King.

He takes it slowly until Hu Liena arrives at the City, winning less than 10 matches while fighting with a forged sword. Unfortunately, he needs to fight at the Arena against someone with 60 wins, a Spirit Douluo incredible strong that uses lances and even destroys his sword, forcing him to unleash his spirit bones, killing it in his surprise in stopping his lance with his hands. This makes the Slaughter King focus on him and he gains the nickname Bloody Berserker.

After Liena arrives at the City and participates for the first time at the Slaughter Arena, she is attacked by a large group after her combat that being the first and not used to it, she is already injured and unprepared. Haotian comes and saves her just as she seemed about to lose against them (when in truth she was about to use her spirit bone). Haotian leaves her letting her know that it was a simple novice gift.

After some more matches, Haotian finally contacts her and offers her an alliance explaining that he like her wants to cross the Hell Road, coming there to train himself.

Slaughter City is truly a great place to have allies as while you can't help each other at the Arena, you can help the other later when you are at your weakest that frankly, it was usually more dangerous taking into account the lawless city. Also, he presents himself as part of the Tè Clan, being part of Spirit Hall.

Liena thinks the Tè clan as nutcrackers but Haotian promises that he is different than his clan and would find it shortly.

She accepts the alliance, Haotian completing his objective. The opportunity to improve her relation with her to form a bond and being seen with her, obtaining her protection given by Bibi Dong, the Slaughter King not daring to directly kill him fearing Bibi Dong's retalation.

During their time together and helping each other, their relation continues improve, each other trusting more the other. Finally, to gain more of her affection, he takes out his mask, presenting himself as the winner of the Continental Tournament, telling her that he is a spy at the Seven Treasure Clan for Spirit Hall. That causes her to trust him more and the deep feelings of her defeat to overlap with him.

After a year and 50 victories (Thanks to Haotian's help, Liena's speed is increased). Two new important people enter Slaughter City. One is Tang San who Haotian already expected and the other is Meijing.

Meijing had reached rank 51 in this year and she had come to the city to train under the Sword Douluo's training. To unleash the true strength of the Seven Kill Sword, the user must cultivate in the Slaughter City and pass the Hell Road before reaching the Spirit Sage realm.

Sword Douluo didn't want to put Meijing in such a danger, not even him having done it and having been able to become one of the most powerful of the continent, but with Meijing passing his test,s he let her. The tests being a combat against him, reaching Spirit King before turning 16 and wining vs everyone, never losing over the Continental Tournament without using any skill.

Inside the Slaughter City, Meijing's killing intent exponentially increases and with it, her strength. Also, she is able to cultivate her Spirit Power using the blood of the people that she kills, quickly increasing her rank, reaching rank 60 before completing her 100 matches, Haotian also reaching it thanks to their sessions.

Haotian doesn't know how he should present Meijing to Liena as saying her as his lover might affect her future capture but in the end Meijing resolves it herself, creating a very good relation herself with Liena.

They start winning matches at an incredible speed while Haotian tries to avoid Tang San. He is sure that he would win against Tang San, but being wary of his hidden weapon, he might be forced to use his skills and would prefer to keep the hiding.

The only meeting with Tang San is crossing over the City, all of them wearing mask, and Tang San being wary of him, stating that he was dangerous before being informed that he was the Bloody Berserker.

In the end, Hu Liena, Haotian and Meijing complete their victories and rejecting the Slaughter King offer to join permanently at the City, they enter the Hell Road.

Just entering the Hell Road, the poison in their body taken when drinking the Bloody Marys activates, their blood circulation reversing and their body almost exploding from it. However, Haotian uses his 4th skill and with the hydra control over poison, healing everyone taking the venom from their body.

They cross the road, Meijing killing the Three-headed Bat King and making it her 6th ring, gaining the ability to control blood.

Reaching the end, the strong killing intent starts affecting them. Haotian finds himself immune, but Meijing attacks Liena trying to kill her. But she is stopped but Haotian who even in her seeming mad state, she doesn't attack him, throwing in his arms, kissing him.

To stop Liena, he unleashes his starved mode and kissing her, thanks to his spirit he is able to stop her killing intent, but her intense feelings remains changed to lust.

Here the lemons start, a threesome with Liena and Meijing. Liena is into petplay, respecting the stronger and more talented than her, and considering Haotian and Meijing as her 'owners'. That behavior is greatly thanks to Meijing who had been slowly influencing Liena while in the city, cementing Meijing's position over Liena.

After the bonding, Liena's spirit evolves to the Nine-Tailed Fox and Haotian obtains his 6th skill, becoming a Spirit Emperor and gaining a strong charm power.

They finish the Hell Road, Liena and Meijing obtaining the Death God Domain, Meijing's spirit further creating her own domain where she is able to create a cut in any place inside the domain. And for some reason, Haotian is unable to use the domain, not knowing if he is incapable or if he didn't obtain it.

Then, they separate, Liena returning to Spirit Hall while Haotian and Meijing return to the Seven Treasure Clan.

Next chapter