
Volume 10 (part 2)

A little flashback.

When Meijing was 'killed' by Yuan, the Asura God appears in front of her. The Asura God explains that she is very talented and even her spirit is the most compatible with himself, being able to even evolve to his own Asura Sword, making her the best inheritor for him.

Unluckily, even when he was able to detect her Slaughter City, Asura was unable to communicate with her due to Haotian's spirit influence, making her unable to become an inheritor. However, with that instant of Meijing's 'death', the bond was weakened while the death compatibility increased, making this conversation possible.

Asura offers a deal with Meijing, he would resurrect her to the Divine Realm and make her his own inheritor there. But Meijing quickly negates it, stating that she wouldn't want to live away from Haotian and that she would rather die bonded with him.

Seeing her determination, Asura changes the approach. Resurrecting over the Douluo World wasn't one of his capabilities. Even as the strongest Death God, his limit was to bring souls to the Divine Realm, not having the power to directly interfere over the Douluo World. But luckily, Meijing wasn't exactly 'dead'.

Over Meijing, the Yearning Heartbroken Red appears. The truth was that she never ate it at the Yin and Yang Well as she wouldn't dare to eat the proof of her love for Haotian, instead, she hide it away, eating the Singular Velvet Sky Chrysanthemum while the others weren't seeing her in its place, keeping the Yearning Heartbroken Red for her.

The Yearning Heartbroken Red is a miracle plant able to revive the dead, being considered as a second life. With it, Meijing wasn't completely dead. However, for her complete resurrection, more things were necessary, Asura being able to easily use his power to supply them.

Asura offers again to revive her, this time over the Douluo World where she would need to complete his trials and become his inheritor. However, Asura puts a clause, Meijing has banned communicating with Haotian and reveal herself to him. Of course, once she is able to inherit his position and become the Asura Goddess, Asura would lost any power over her so she would be able to do whatever she want afterward.

Asura knows that with this, Meijing would be more eager to become stronger to meet her lover, becoming more focused.

Meijing accepts the deal, directly becoming Asura's inheritor. The bond with Haotian is damaged and she is able to truly absorb the Deathgod Domain, she breaking through rank 70, obtaining a red ring given by Asura and her spirit evolving to the Asura Armament, making her spirit 7 different weapons, each one with different effects.

Meijing starts completing the trials, participating over the Sea God trials being one of them. Lastly, his last trial was to obtain Asura's legacy given to his last inheritor, Tang Chen. Finally taking it from Tang Chen, Meijing was able to inherit the position, her spirit evolving to the Asura Sword and she becoming the Asura Goddess.


Angry at Tang San, Meijing fights against him, Rakshasa vs Asura. Even when two gods were fighting, it became too one-sided, Meijing far stronger. Asura was a God-King and Meijing was possibly the most compatible with the position and she was taught by Asura itself while Tang San had barely gotten used to Rakshasa's powers, being a little forced to it due to his anger and he was a rank 1 God.

Meijing ends killing Tang San, cutting his head. Then she turns to Haotian her Killing Intent disappearing and smiling at him while telling him how much she had missed him.

Haotian is shocked by Meijing being alive, but nevertheless, he is incredibly happy for her being fine, wanting to charge to her and embracing her in his arms, but he is stopped by Yuena who warns him to be careful.

Yuena's body flies away, pushed by Meijing's pressure, her killing intent appearing again, focused on the bitch that was touching her Tian, Meijing preparing to attack Yuena again.

Haotian tries to stop Meijing, telling that Yuena was no enemy and that she had helped him a lot.

Meijing turns to Haotian, smiling at him while saying that he doesn't need to worry about anything that she would clean all the vermin interposing between both, not only Yuena, but all other of Haotian's girls.

Haotian takes her arm, telling her to stop, but Meijings explains what she had learned.

Now that she had become a King-God, she is able to ascend to the Divine Realm and even bring Haotian with her. Over there, she would find or rather force some god position for Haotian, both being immortal gods and passing the eternity together.

Meijing also tells that she knew that Haotian was already aware of this fact, but she didn't blame him for hiding it for her and that she forgives him before focusing again her killing intent over Yuena.

Haotian tries to stop Meijing, telling her to ascend both now. He had grown closer with the girls, but Haotian had always thought Meijing as his number one, he could accept leaving them behind and be only with Meijing, telling Meijing that there was no need for her to kill the others that she is always the most important, everything that he had done after her 'death', being for her.

Meijing is happy at Haotian's words, but she couldn't accept more people in Haotian's heart. Being number 1 wasn't enough, she wants to be the only 1. She knows that Haotian would be angry at him if she kills the girls, but she knew it would only be momentary, with an eternity with only them alone, she was sure that Haotian didn't have any other obtain than forgive her and completely accept her. Haotian was only her!

Meijing easily breaks from Haotian's grip and starts walking towards Yuena.

In his shock and nervous, Haotian didn't know how to stop Meijing's massacre, Meijing being too strong to stop her by force. Finally, Haotian makes an all or nothing, threatening Meijing to kill himself if she didn't stop.

Meijing stops telling that she knows Haotian the best and that Haotian knows the best her. She reveals that she was aware that Haotian had lived another life, having knowledge of it as he had been too intelligent when they were children and he was able to know things that would happen in the future (She thinking that she was a reincarnation of the future rather than of another world, this world being a novel there).

However, it didn't matter to her, she had long since accepted it. In the same way, she tells that Haotian was always aware of her true character and she hating the other girls influencing the world around her to create her place as his number one. It was simply that Haotian didn't want to worry about it, putting it aside in his mind for a future problem.

Meijing merrily laughs at how Haotian plans everything to the detail, preparing to even the worst when planning against rivals and strangers but he avoids thinking too much about what the people around him would do, letting Meijing always do whatever she wants. Meijing loving that strange and naive part of him.

Meijing smiles saying that she was sure that Haotian wouldn't suicide and explains what would happen if Haotian suicide. Meijing would kill the culprit of it, being Haotian's girls. Then, she would destroy the Douluo World in her anger to finally end suiciding herself as she didn't want to live a life without him. Her actions being very similar to Haotian who killed Yuan and destroyed all the clan but on a bigger scale.

Haotian realises that everything that Meijing told is true, knowing Meijing would exactly do what she promised and Meijing knowing that Haotian while he was capable of sacrificing to save his loved ones, he wouldn't sacrifice for anything. If the options were everyone dying or him and Meijing remaining alive, it was an easy decision for Haotian to choose the latter.

Haotian enters into a depressed state, not knowing what to do. Yes, Meijing was important and he had used the girls for his own gain, but after so much time together and helping each other, he had really cared for them, being irreplaceable for him. However, what could he do? He could only impotently see how Meijing kills each of them.

"Tian!" Yuena's voice reach Haotian, Yuena being the first time to call him by his pet name. Yuena starts insulting him, telling him useless and weak to be depressed by only this much. Didn't Haotian promise her to help her with her revenge? Fighting against all the gods? Where had it gone that strength and determination? This was only the first true step of their fight.

Yuena's words resound over Haotian, giving him a new found strength. Yes, it didn't matter if it seemed that there is no way, he needed to fight, to never give up and put all his strength in it. He would stop Meijing!

Seeing Haotian new determination and prepared to fight, Yuena warmly smiles at him, saying that she would also give her all, fighting everyone together, all of Haotian's girls appearing around and facing Meijing together.

Even in a 1vs9, they are the weak side but they would use all their strength until the final.

Seeing all of them together, Meijing becomes angry as they are next to Haotian, madly shouting that she would kill all of them, that Tian was only for her.

Just as the fight was about to start, Yuena turns towards Haotian, giving him a Skull spirit bone that shining with a beautiful rainbow color. This was her part of the deal, the piece that could help Haotian reach godhood, the Silver Dragon King Skull spirit bone, Yuena's main body part.

This was an important sign for Yuena, that bone was the remaining of her true body being sealed and was the key that could make her recover her powers in the future. She was giving herself to Haotian, putting her future in his hands and depending on Haotian's spirit in the future.

Yuena kiss Haotian deeply, instantly a bond forming over them, the Spirit Bone linking between both. Even if it's not a complete bond as Haotian would need to fuck her, the bond is real, linking both of them.

Yuena's strength increases and joining the other girls tells Haotian to hurry up absorbing it.

Haotian without wasting even a second starts absorbing, giving all his attention to it while praying that the girls would be able to last.

The Spirit Bone is too powerful, almost killing it with its unruly energy, but gaining strength with his memories with all the girls, even Meijing, he is finally able to absorb it. The bond with Yuena's becomes stronger due to it, linking both of them forever, Haotian's strength boosting to a new level and breaking through, forming a 10th rainbow-colored spirit ring and reaching rank 100 godhood.

Opening his eyes, Haotian finds that the girls are completely exhausted, close to their limit, being almost a miracle that no way of them had died, each one focusing on gaining time, protecting themselves and being healed by Lingling whose spirit power is running out.

Entering the battle, Haotian unleashes his now evolved spirit, Divine World, swallowing Meijing inside it and preparing to face Meijing.

Meijings happily let herself enter Haotian's Divine Realm, smiling at seeing Haotian's spirit, an inner world that seemed to reflect his own heart, wondering how it would become when she is the only one for him.

Haotian starts fighting Meijing using his Dragon God martial art against Meijing's Asura Swordsmanship.

Thanks to being inside Haotian's spirit, the connection of Meijing with the Divine Realm is blocked making Meijing weaker as she had not yet turned herself into a true goddess, turning her spirit power into immortal qi and creating her divine rings, needing to ascend to do it.

However, that doesn't change the fact of Meijing has a spirit power of a God-King, Meijing being superior to Haotian who had shortly ascended.

Both fight each other, Meijing without going all-out, never trying to kill him nor showing any Killing Intent, playing with him, trying to tire him out.

However, Meijing quickly finds that something is wrong, Haotian seems to not become tired, he even seems to become stronger, forcing Meijing to use more of his strength. Looking at her surroundings, Meijing finally realizes the reason. From the desert that represented Meijing, beautiful red swords were growing around it, a powerful strength being able to be perceived from it.

Meijing discovered the reason. Having blocked her connection with the Divine Realm, she stood in a state of almost not having a true god position, Haotian's new evolved spirit taking that weakness to mend the bond. The bond between her and Haotian was repairing itself!

If the bond was able to be fully established, Meijing would lose her Asura Goddess qualification, her strength lowering at it while Haotian would become stronger, being able to take her power.

That high-speed recovery showed how deep and strong were their feelings and Meijing was happy about it, but she couldn't let it repair, at least, not before killing all those bitches!

Meijing's killing intent explode, preparing to make her strongest technique, the Asura End, a cut capable of cutting everything, not even space and time being exemption and the original slash that sliced the Dragon God in half.

Meijing's objective, of course, wasn't Haotian, instead it was his Realm. Slashing his spirit would certainly damage Haotian, but Meijing should be able to heal him later. The most important now was to break free from there before it was too late.

Knowing Meijing's intentions, Haotian doesn't let it go, he himself unleashes his strongest attack, his all.

Haotian's girls with the last of their strength, gave Haotian all their power, Haotian absorbing it making using of the Dragon God martial art and finally converting it all into a sword.

That was his all, his love, training, dangers, suffering, experiences... all of them condensed showing a new technique joining it all over, even showing all his time with Meijing and that practice with the sword that had evolved into this fight.

Haotian slashes at Meijing's attack, both attacks clashing seemingly without a winner and finally exploding, destroying the world around causing Haotian's Realm to break apart, the Spirit Realm again gaining influence.

After the aftermath, all their surroundings are destroyed with Meijing standing tall with her sword in her hands while Haotian is barely able to stand, vomiting blood for the aftermath.

"I win" Haotian smiled as over him a deep red ring appears while over Meijing her 10th ring breaks in pieces, the bond between Haotian and Meijing completely reforming and taking out Meijing's Asura position over the Divine Realm.

Haotian might not have much strength remaining, but Meijing would be unable to win over all the girls, not having any way to win.

Yuena appears and is about to kill Meijing but she is finally stopped by Haotian shouting her to stop. Meijing is now part of his strength, killing her causing him to grow weaker and making Yuena's revenge more difficult.

Being bonded with him, Haotian has Meijing's strength and would only become stronger, making sure that he is always stronger than her and keeping her at bay.

Like Meijing said, Haotian knew her the best and he was sure that Meijing wouldn't try to betray him like this while she is weaker than all of them.

Moreover, in the end, Meijing's loss was only due to her deep love for him and while Haotian was angry at her for it, he couldn't and did not want to kill her, even now Haotian loving her.

Promising to put all his effort in becoming stronger, Yuena finally accepts him, deciding to not kill Meijing.

Then, hurriedly Yuena breaks the space around them, quickly bringing Haotian with her.

They appear over the core of the Douluo World. Before due to Divine World's interferences, attacking the core would have been impossible but now that they had exterminated all the gods followers and Haotian had almost full control over the continent, the core was helpless against him.

Yuena hurries Haotian to absorb it, Haotian taking it into his body, becoming his last Torso Spirit Bone {AN:He would have obtained another leg spirit bone, but I didn't really thought any}.

Absorbing it, Haotian's spirit evolves, becoming a Divine Realm itself, he gains full control over the the Douluo World, destroying the connection with the God Realm, making them unable to descend and try to attack them, while his power increases tremendously.

Finally, returning with his girls, a big celebratory of their victory occurs, finishing it with an orgy with all of them, every girl becoming anchors of Haotian's Divine Realm, Haotian breaking through God-King rank and the girls' spirit evolving and ascending to godhood, their strength determined by their bond with Haotian.

Name, spirit, goddess position, rank.

Chen Meijing, Nine Kill Sword, Death Goddess, 1st class.

Ma Biyun, Eternal Yin Phoenix, Yin Goddess, 2nd class.

Bai Chenxiang, Jade Roc, Jade Goddess, 1st class.

Dugu Yan, Medusa, Poison Goddes, 3rd class.

Xie Lingling, Ancient Life Tree, Life Goddess, 2nd class.

Hu Liena, Ten-Tailed Fox, Fox Goddess, 3rd class.

Ning Rongrong, Rainbow Land, Soul Goddess, 1st class.

Qian Renxue, Ultimate Archangel, Angel Goddess, 2nd class.

Bibi Dong, Fallen Arachne, Spider Goddess, 2nd class.

Gu Yuena, Silver Elemental Dragon, Elemental Goddess, God-King.

About their battle against the Divine Realm, I didn't think much. I wanted it to be more of a tactical battle, rather than a battle growing.

What I thought about it:

-They would liberate the Golden Dragon King causing chaos to the realm and finally being absorbed by Yuena, her and Haotian becoming stronger with it.

-Yuena would fight against Life and Destruction, learning their elements and surpassing them.

-Haotian would fight against Goodness and Evil, the supreme gods (The ones before, not Ji Dong and Lie Yan.

-Meijing would fight against Asura whose position wasn't destroyed as Meijing lost the qualification.

Meijing would fight against Asura alone because Haotian promises her to forget her, forgiving her attacking everyone if she is able to kill him.

Meijing battle style is fighting with his 9 swords at the same time, each one having a different elemental, all of them full of killing intent.

Over the battle, Meijing would reveal her truth, her true spirit and true goddess position. She is the Jealously Goddess and her spirit had become Jealous Armament creating a sword that counters her biggest enemies, her nine swords representing each one of Haotian's girls and her killing intent against them, the elements based in the counter of the other girls' spirits.

Meijing only hates and wants to truly kill Haotian's girls that stop her from being with Haotian, but with Haotian's promise, Asura became another objective, Meijing creating her 10th sword, fusing all of them and forcing her actual and real position, God-King rank, showing that she is the most important for Haotian.

-Everyone win their own battle, Haotian taking control of the Divine Realm core and absorbing, obtaining full control over the Divine Realm and accomplishing Yuena's dream for spirit beast to ascend.

And that's all that I though and my last chapter. I hope you enjoyed. I would stop writing for now, about the future, who knows.