
Rongrong's Date

Having finished today's match, everyone started abandoning the Arena with most of them talking about the match.

Neverending praises could be heard for Heaven Dou Team and especially Chenxiang while ridicule was concentrated over Shrek's Team who was unable to put a fight even in a 1vs7. However, not everyone was like the vast majority, a select group of elites were able to see more about the match.

"Shrek had clearly hidden its strength, we'll need to be alert of them" From the participants' seats a red-haired girl glanced with sharp silver eyes at Shrek and Heaven Dou's team leaving the grounds "Nevertheless, it's clear that Heaven Dou's team is incredibly strong this year, what are they hiding?"

Over another stand, a blue-haired girl contemplated the fight "Shrek is clearly not showing off his full strength, we should learn more about them and adapt our strategy for them."

"You think too much! What there's to worry about them?!" Another girl with clearly similar features at the other one but with greener hair pushed the blue-haired girl "They would freeze under our combinations!" She looked towards Heaven Dou team "You should focus on Heaven Dou" She directed her gaze towards the black-haired boy and smiled seductively, licking her lips "I'm certainly more interested in him."

"Ah!" The blue-haired girl sighed, shaking his head at the other girls' antics. However, she also turned towards black-haired boy, looking at him with interest. Somehow, she could sense something special for him, but he wasn't the only one, being able to sense something similar from the blue-haired girl next to him "What would they hide?"


For the tournament, academies all over the empire came to Heaven Dou City to participate in it. For them, Heaven Dou had prepared lodging near the arena for their own convenience, one private area for every academy participating. It was formed by big tents, but nevertheless, they were extremely luxurious, prepared for any necessity that could be thought of, even their own training grounds.

The only exemption was Heaven Dou Academy as their academy was already near the heart of the city, they really didn't have any necessity for lodging, being more comfortable in their usual living place.

With a tournament where there was a need to daily fight, it could be considered a good advantage but no one would dare to complain to the emperor for such triviality.

Over Shrek's area, the team entered their tent with somehow downcast faces, showing a tint of anger and sadness. People could think that they were like that due to their lose with Heaven Dou, but the truth was that it was more about their uniforms and all the ridicule that they had faced due to them.

With swift movements, the first thing that they did was changing their uniform, wearing more comfortable, and not so embarrassing, clothes.

Once they were all changed, they reunited to analyze their combat.

"Waaaaaa!" Hongjun shouted with exasperaton "I should have participated! I would have burned that girl down!"

"Are you saying that we were too weak?" Mubai looked coldly with anger at him "Are you sure that you would be able to cope with Chenxiang?"

Hongjun shut up instantly. Thinking about the blond-haired girl's strength, caused him to waver. He could feel himself much weaker than her, even if he was to break through to Spirit Ancestor, he wouldn't have the confidence to last in a 1vs1.

"Stop arguing between yourself" Xiaogang gained the attention of the group "Good job about today's match" He said looking at the participants "You certainly had lost this match, but we had gained a lot from it while keeping our strongest cards hidden."

"Chenxiang had shown her strength, using all her spirit skills and even her comprehension over the space element. With this, we would be able to prepare a plan against her."

"Moreover, you had grown too complacent with your victories, not having any drawback, especially facing against your age group."

"Bai Chenxiang is the same age as you" Xiaogang looked at the 7 devils "And it's not only her spirit and strength, her control of spirit energy and wind and space element is flawless, clearly having practiced a lot."

"The fight hasn't finished yet, grow from this defeat! And be stronger next time!" Xiaogang said, making everyone thoughtful, but with decided eyes, clear to become stronger.

Xiaogang nodded seeing their faces "You can rest for today, be ready for tomorrow match" He said before leaving the tent, leaving the students alone.

"We couldn't win this match, but let's show everyone the power of Shrek in the next matches!" Tang San encouraged, everyone nodding.

"Clap! Clap! Good words" Everyone stood up, turning their faces towards the claps, seeing a handsome black-haired boy at the entrance.

"Haotian?!" Rongrong asked confused, not expect the boy there.

On the other hand, the boys' reactions were more offensive.

"What are you doing here?! Are you spying on us?" Oscar jumped from his seat, shouting at him.

"Calm down" Haotian lifted his hands, showing no bad will on his part "I saw your teacher leaving outside and he gave me permission to enter." That calmed everyone a little, taking again their seats with Oscar as the exemption who looked rarely at him

"And really, spying?" Haotian turned to the angry Oscar and hummed "I won't fall so low, especially when there's no such a need." That caused Oscar to become angrier.

"Anyway" Haotian changed his tone, becoming warmer as he smiled turning towards Rongrong "I came here to invite you over a tea. Due to our training, we hadn't had the opportunity to talk over the last month and I would be delighted if you accept my invitation as there are no more matches today." Haotian looked at the others of Shrek.

"Like hell she would accept!" Oscar shouted angrily.

"Oscar!" Rongrong shouted indignant "Don't talk for me. I can make my own decisions!"

"But he is our rival, he might try something" Oscar tried to excuse himself.

"I can think for myself and Haotian is not like that" Rongrong turned towards Haotian "I would gladly accept your invitation." She turned to her companions who nodded at her. They had already talked about the match and they really didn't have anything too important to discuss anymore so it was no problem for Rongrong to go out with her friend. Moreover, with so much attention gathered due to the tournament, they really doubt that someone would act against the participants.

"Let's see later!" Rongrong said goodbye, leaving the tent with Haotian.

As he saw the figure of Rongrong leaving, Oscar made a worried face with a tint of sadness. Since the first moment that he saw Rongrong, he liked her, she was so cute and beautiful. It wasn't love at first sight but he certainly was attracted to her. After she changed her bratty and arrogant attitude after passing experiences and dangers together, Oscar couldn't help to completely fell in love with her.

He knew that they were of completely different worlds even when they went to the same academy, she was the heiress of one of the strongest clans while he was a no named orphan. Moreover, with his spirit being food, he wouldn't be able to protect her. Nevertheless, he didn't surrender, trying to become closer to her.

Every time that Oscar tried approaching Rongrong intimately, he was rejected by her, but he was able to feel her feelings for him were strong as it most surely was due to her thoughts about her clan rather than her personal feelings. He could feel himself become closer and closer with her little by little, more dealing blooming from her. That gave power to Oscar to strive forward who decided to become strong enough to be worth to be next to her.

However, there was a big change months ago when Rongrong came from her clan and showed her new spirit. Not only she was able to evolve her spirit, she even increased her cultivation breaking through Spirit Ancestor while he who was older was still rank 36.

The short distance that he felt between both it became a wide abyss impossible to cross that would only turn wider as time come knowing how slow were food spirits to cultivate. He didn't have the strength to protect her and now he was lacking the talent to be next to her.

But the worst was the interactions with her. While she usually rejected him, now she tried to avoid him, always making a worried face when seeing him, all her interactions becoming colder as doubts started to appear over her. Oscar was no longer sure of Rongrong feelings about him. What could have happened in such a short time for her to change so much?

Oscar clenched his hands in fury as he saw Rongrong leaving with Haotian, being sure that Haotian was at fault for her change. 'I will surpass him and be worth for you, Rongrong' He thought decided.


At a teahouse near the Arena, Rongrong and Haotian sat over a table with some tea and pastries prepared for them. Haotian had reserved all the floor so there was no one around them and was simplistically decorated without any haughty decoration, creating a comfy and warm environment that seemed noble but not suffocating. Haotian wasn't rich but thanks to his standing at Heaven Dou Academy his influence over Heaven Dou City gained him some perks.

"It's a good tea" Rongrong said with her eyes closed as she appreciated the aroma of her tea. "Do you usually come here?"

"Yeah, this place is my favorite from Heaven Dou City. It's not vastly known, but I really like the atmosphere here" Haotian said looking over the opened wide window where most of Heaven Dou city could be seen from it.

"I suppose that you will usually come with Mei and Chenxiang" Rongrong lowered her face a little as she tasted the tea remembering Haotian's girlfriends "Chenxiang is really beautiful and strong, it's normal that you had fallen for her." She said remembering the previous fight, she was really shocked by Chenxiang's progress and strength, she certainly wouldn't want to have her as an enemy.

"She certainly is, but I'm not so superficial to fall for her only for that" Haotian answered "She is incredibly funny, cheery and intelligent and she always put her 100% in everything that she does, pushing herself more than anyone."

Sure, Haotian had search for her due to her spirit, but after spending so much time together, she had clearly taken hold in his heart, it wasn't at Meijing's level but she was certainly irreplaceable.

"It's make me sad that you think so low of me, Rong'er" Haotian made I sad face.

"Of course not!" Rongrong hurriedly said flustered "I know that you wouldn't be so superficial" However, she quickly found Haotian wearing a teasing smile "Muuu!" She puffed her cheeks "Stop teasing me!"

"Sorry, sorry" Haotian laughed it off "I couldn't help it when I saw your cute face."

Rongrong blushed, but quickly covered herself "But Chenxiang is certainly too strong."

"Oh, looks who is talking!" Haotian pointed at Rongrong inquisitionary "The first recorded 9 Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda user, the strongest support spirit of the continent with infinite potential. If you were to participate in the combat, Chenxiang's wouldn't have been able to win."

Listening to him, Rongrong made a light smile "Yes, I'm not worst than her" She whispered for herself "Of course, it would have been different."

"But in the end, we would have won anyway" Haotian said grinning "Even if you could win against her alone, you would surely lose against the full team."

"You are too full of yourself, Tian" Rongrong fiercely glanced at him "You don't know how strong Shrek is. If we showed our full strength, you would be surprised about."

"Sure" Haotian made a light smile at that. He might not know about Shrek's actual strength, but he knew of their counterpart of the novel and he was sure that the actual Shrek was far weaker than them due to the lack of immortal herbs. Moreover, he was sure that he would have been able to win against the one in the novel, not to talk about the actual.

"But you really thought you would be able to go against mine?"

Rongrong made a thoughtful face, remembering the information gathered by the Grandmaster and the strength of them "We can't be sure, but we would put up a good fight."

"I have no doubts about that" Haotian really would have liked to see Shrek's actual strength so it was no lie.

"Now that I remember" Rongrong seemed to realize something "How is Dugu Yan in your team? Wasn't she part of the Emperor Team?" She said the Dugu Yan part with a hint of anger that Haotian was able to see.

"Oh, Yan?" Haotian made a difficult face "Did you remember the deal that I made with the Poison Douluo?" Rongrong nodded "It's related with it. She even stayed some time over the clan?"

"She had been at the Seven Treasure Clan?!" Rongrong was shocked.

"Yes, we had a deal with Dugu Bo there" Rongrong squinted her eyes listening Dugu Bo's name, not really having forgiven him yet.

Rongrong said with anger in her voice "I hate him! I even told grandpa Sword to punish him but he negated killing him."

"You are too extreme, Rong'er" Haotian laughed "He almost killed me but in the end, I discovered that he is only an old man that truly treasures his family, doing anything for Yan. Not much different than the elders for you, Rong'er."

Rongrong made a thoughtful face about it and finally nodded. Not long ago, she even threatened Mubai, wanting to buy Tang San to punish him. It was not so strange at noble circle. Of course, that was in the past and she really isn't so petty now.

"He had already repaired it enough and shown his sincerity. We became stronger thanks to him, even your Beautiful Silk Tulip was obtained thanks to him" Haotian said "Yan joining our team was simply part of the deal."

"I understand" 'She might been some kind of hostage, keeping Dugu Bo under control' Rongrong nodded quickly figuring it out.

"Now that we had finished with this, let's talk a little about us" Haotian quickly changed the cold theme, changing to a warmer one "What had you done these months?"

After that, they started friendly chatting about them, telling everything that happened during that time without meeting each other. Of course, hiding the fact of their actual strength and new spirit rings, keeping as a secret for a rival of another team.


"It seems that it's time to return" Haotian sighed looking the beautiful sunset over the window, the night quickly approaching. Seeing Rongrong under the last sunlight of the day, resalted her beautiful face and pink hair, making her more enchanting. He had really enjoyed their cheerful conversation, but it was time to finish.

"Yes" Rongrong said a little negated, really wanting to continue.

"I will accompany you to your place" Haotian smiled, both leaving the teahouse and slowly making their way to Shrek's tent as the lights of the street quickly light up just as the sun disappeared over the horizon, illuminating the young couple. They didn't talk much but enjoyed the calm atmosphere and surroundings, comfortable walking next to each other.

"We had arrived" Rongrong said a little sad reaching Shrek's tent.

"Thanks to the tournament, we will be close to the other, so we will have more opportunities to meet" Haotian explained "We can even change pointer in our cultivation the next time."

Rongrong smiled "I really would like that."

"I really loved this time together" Haotian lowered his body, taking Rongrong's hand and planting a kiss over while not separating his gaze from her.

With the kiss and looking at Haotian's enchanting purple eyes that grew shinier in the dark night, Rongrong's heart went to full speed, her face completely blushing, causing her to only be able to bashfully nod her face, trying to hide her embarrassment.

Haotian smiled seeing her as he separated "Till next time" He left these words before leaving, Rongrong quickly entering her tent, trying to calm herself down while Haotian returned to his academy.

As he walked over the streets of Heaven Dou City, Haotian wore a smile over his face "She is quite near." He closed his eyes, feeling his own body "I'm close to rank 50" His smile became biffer "She might be 5th ring."

I really don't like this tournament arc! I really find it little important in this fanfic so I will use to increase the likeliness of the girls and meeting new ones.

About the fights of the tournament, don't expect too much, they would be one-sided, without much explanation and only with two being wroten, the others only being barely named with a time skip.

VdVcreators' thoughts
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