
Douluo Dalu 3: Fire and Steel[Dropped]

Xiu Ye, a young man who lived an ordinary life, unfortunately died at the hands of truck-kun and gets reincarnated into the Douluo Planet, more specifically, the Glorybound City's Orphanage. He lived a carefree and lazy second life, well, that is until he awakened his martial soul that everything went 180. A deserted lifeless land that had countless weapons from old legendary heroes and villains embedded into its earth. A blade whose flames equals the sun's. A talent in blacksmithing that no one can equal to. This is Xiu Ye's story of fire and steel. ==================================================== *I do not own anything except for this story. *Vote your power stones, comment, review and share this story with your friends! Visit my patreon and help support my hobby: https://www.patreon.com/FroztDouluo Wanna be my friend and be up to date with my stories? Here's my discord link: https://discord.gg/aBH6KvtfAB

FroztDouluo · Anime & Comics
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154 Chs

Chapter 75: I'm Back!

Xiu Ye drove through the long empty road with his motorcycle, intent on heading towards Eastsea City to finish his exam and getting a shower. He had been in a forest all by himself for an entire week after all! The only saving grace he has was that he brought an entire week of food with him so he didn't really starve.

Though he didn't really think that he would spend an entire week in a forest, as well as getting a second spirit soul.

Speaking of Tiangou...

"Wow! Xiu Ye, what are those?!" Tiangou asked excitedly in his inner world, watching the outside world with his eyes. She was staring at the tall and advance buildings of Eastsea City that was slowly coming into his view.

The ritual was a success. Tiangou is his spirit soul now, and boy was that ritual a pain in the ass it was to deal with. Xiu Ye could still feel his body aching from the strain of absorbing Tiangou's soul power.

Right now, her sealed soul power is positioned in the middle of his dantian with his soul power around it.

But now that the ritual is over with, the benefits of having a corrupted soul beast as a spirit soul has shown.

Xiu Ye's physical strength, endurance, agility, resilience and durability are all doubled, bordering even thrice.

He can punch a boulder into pieces! He can run ten marathons all around Eastsea City without breaking a sweat and within a couple hours! His base body could easily tank a full power strike of a soul ancestor! Tang Wulin's body has nothing on him!

His soul power had also risen to rank 31, he is now a soul elder. Something he hadn't thought would happen so soon.

His soul power had only risen like that when he found out and subconsciously converted some leaked soul power of Tiangou mixed with his, during the ritual, into his own.

He would have probably advanced into a more higher rank if he mixed in more of Tiangou's soul power, but it was too much of a risk during the ritual and even now. His body is already with having absorbed a highly concentrated foreign soul power of a powerful undead. He would need to slowly adjust his body to her soul power, and it would take him some months or a year to do so.

Well, that was fine for him. After that whole ordeal he needed to slow down and stabilize his cultivation and body, so there wouldn't be any complications in the future.

Also, when Tiangou became his spirit soul, Ryūjin Jakka's sword form had some minor upgrade.

The blade of the sword still retained its shape and size, 170cm long, but the appearance of it had changed. The entire blade had turned pitch black with an image of a red wolf with cinders surrounding it engraved on both sides of the edgeless part of the blade. The purple pommel of the sword had turned black, and the golden colored diamonds in it had turned white.

The sword had completely changed and it had completely confused him as to how, well it was until Ryūjin Jakka... explained it to him somewhat.

'Tiangou is unreasonable and annoying. She wouldn't stop whining about how bland my sword form is and how boring your inner world is; with how there's only dry land with embedded weapons, a strange sun, two blood moons, etc. It was okay ignoring her for a couple hours but now... I just can't handle it anymore! Heck, even Mjolnir flew out to the other side of the world just to get away from her.'

'So, what did you do?' Xiu Ye asked, curious and dumbfounded. Is Tiangou really this powerful to influence his world Ryūjin Jakka?

'What do you think? I told her that she can redesign my sword form and added some changes into your world, don't ask me as to how she did it because I'm still feeling shock that she even able to do it! I just said it to her as a joke, I didn't really think that she was able to do it! Don't talk to me for a while, I'm going to try and recover my previous sword form and have it be like that permanently this time.' With that said, Ryūjin Jakka had cut off their conversation.

Xiu Ye chuckled in remembering Ryūjin Jakka losing his cool, it had almost made him not punch him in the face for the torture he made him go through when he was younger. Almost.

Accelerating the speed of his motorcycle, making Tiangou gasped in wonder as she sees the advance metal buildings of Eastsea City, Xiu Ye smirked and thought it was all worth it.

Though he couldn't help but feel like he was forgetting something... something very important and horrifying, but he just couldn't recall it.

Whatever. He'll think about it later after he report his task to teacher Wu.


The end of the school's semester is near, just a couple days away in fact.

In class zero's personal gym room Wu Zhangkong, Tang Wulin, Xie Xie, Gu Yue and Mu Xi were the only people present. The latter four being engaged in their respective partners for sparring while Wu Zhangkong acts as their referee/instructor.

Tang Wulin vs Xie Xie.

Gu Yue vs Mu Xi.

While the two girls fought with quick, precise and expert unarmed strikes at one another with some elemental attacks added as well; ruthlessly attacking any of each other's momentary show of weaknesses and openings without pause for an entire half an hour. They were now exhausted.

They're on the ground, out of breath, both having some mild bruises, scrapes, burns, and also causing some collateral damages around them.

Wu Zhangkong's stoic frosty eyes look over them for a brief moment, staring at their conditions and their damaged surroundings, before nodding in approval, "Good. You both didn't hold back in your punches and kicks, used necessary techniques, and more importantly, you both didn't waste any movements to fight against each other. You both get full marks and have the rest of remaining days of the term off."

Both Gu Yue and Mu Xi grinned in excitement at the words of teacher Wu and, without looking at each other, fist bumped.

Turning his feet around, Wu Zhangkong calm eyes turned into a frosted glare at a certain pair of fighters.

While the girls had been fighting, the boys had remained standing in their places with their weapons ready in their hands.

Gripping his pair of daggers in his hands, Xie Xie calmly stared at his best friend and looked him up and down, trying to analyze any openings he can use to attack, and let out a irate sigh. "Wulin, it's not your fault. It was their choice, they chose their path, and we have to respect them for it."

Tang Wulin flinched as he stared at him with widened eyes and a surprised expression. His right hand grip on his trident tightened.

"H-How did you...?"

"Well for one, you didn't move for the last half an hour since the fight started, exposing numerous openings for me to use, that's just not how you fight. Your fighting style is to charge first into combat, which many would thought of you as a fool for it, and proceeded to have both absolute control on your surroundings and your opponent the longer you fight. Frankly speaking, with my fighting style, I should have already lost by now against you. Also, except for the long trip of Xiu Ye's exam and us except Gu Yue joining Tang Sect, the leaving of both Zhang Yangzi and Wang Jinxi are the most probable problem you might have right now." Xie Xie crosses his arms and raised an eyebrow at his best friend.

Tang Wulin looked like he sucked a lemon at how bitter his expression is currently is, "...Was I really that obvious?"

"No, frankly, I wasn't really going to ask you what's wrong. But teacher Wu over there is starting to scare me with how fierce he's glaring at us."

Both Tang Wulin and Xie Xie turned towards Wu Zhangkong, and they both trembled at how cold and fierce his glare was at them.

It was like they were being stared at by a terrifying, ice cold soul beast that's looking to tear them apart and chew them up.

That would probably happen to them if they don't finish up quickly.

They both turned back to stare at each other and Tang Wulin let out a sigh, and said, "You're right, although I had some part of why they left, it was their choice to leave and I gotta accept that. I just got frustrated, after all, my parents and my sister are gone, and they left. I gotta move on and stop beating myself for their decisions." The corners of his lips turned up into a smile of acceptance.

Xie Xie smiled as well.

"Thanks for the talk, Xie." Tang Wulin said.

Xie Xie shrugged his shoulders, "Ah, what are friends for? Now come on, let's get this over with cause I'm starving!"

"Hey! That's supposed to be my line!" Tang Wulin laughed which Xie Xie soon followed along.

Wu Zhangkong watched the entire exchange of the friends silently by the side, his eyes flashed the glint of approval. Witnessing bonds grow stronger between his students is something he secretly likes and approves of.

While Gu Yue and Mu Xi, each holding a bottle of water, looked at each other and rolled their eyes. But the happy grins on their lips couldn't be mistaken.


Just as the two were about to truly engaged into their spar, a loud familiar yell was heard, making them jump in surprise, and the doors to their gym was kicked opened.

"Hey guys! I'M BAAAACKKKK!! And I brought souvenirs!" From the doors came walking in was Xiu Ye, wearing all black leather clothing and black tinted sunglasses on his eyes. He walked towards them in swagger with a brown leather pouch in hand and a wide smile on his face.


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