
Douluo Dalu 3 | Divine Destruction

The Golden Dragon King was a being of pure destruction and chaos, a dragon of madness whose own power corrupted its sanity. Eventually, its tyrannical strength couldn’t endure the waves of damage caused by his greed. He was defeated. After his death, the Golden Dragon’s power was granted to a newborn child, a child with memories of another world.

TrapLover · Anime & Comics
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73 Chs

Cold God's Fangs

"I'm sorry?" Gu Yuena said unsurely. What she did was dangerous, that's why she tested it in a place where no permanent damage would occur and she even went as far as to protect them all. However, her actions were actually quite the boon.

Although most of the energy came from the weaker spirit beasts on the edge of the elementary area that had been reached one way or another she had managed to defeat eight ten thousand year and numerous thousand year spirit beasts. It was hard to call it a bad thing.

"It's fine. Ultimately, it's a good thing." Wulin replied uncaringly, once again taking his other half's hand. Unusually though she was squeezing it quite hard. Wulin didn't understand but since it didn't hurt he ignored it.

His mother had said {When a girl is being violent it's probably because you did something insensitive!} While Wulin wasn't sure what exactly he had done he didn't doubt that it fell under the category of insensitive if Gu Yuena of all people was angered by it.

"I apologize." Wulin declared simply to his other half. He didn't know what he did nor why Gu Yuena was so offended by it but it didn't truly matter. Ultimately, he had angered her so he was the one that had to apologize.

[That's my boy.] The Sea God declared proudly, an audible nod off his head resounding through Wulin's mind though he skillfully ignored it as per usual. Instead, his focus was on Gu Yuena's now softened expression and her now gentle touch on his hand. Once again, his mother's advice had worked wonders.

"What are you even apologizing for?" Gu Yuena asked with a pleased giggle, an amused and happy grin on her face. She had been annoyed by his lack of tact but it wasn't anything to apologize for. Really, she would have only been angered for a few minutes at most.

"What the hell?! You could do that Mu Xi?!" Xie Xie shouted, stopping Wulin from answering in a bout of luck. He would have answered truthfully which may have erased the good mood he had just created. Of course, it's more likely that Gu Yuena would be amused.

"Uhh… no?" Mu Xi declared unsurely, unconfident in replicating what had just happened. If all the stars in the universe aligned maybe she could do it right now but… well that would never happen for obvious reasons.

The attack she just saw seemed like something even Wu Zhangkong would struggle to do. That may be because he focuses heavily on controlled power rather than outstanding destruction but it's still something he'd struggle to do at the moment. It wasn't fair but it was the power of a Spirit Saint.

"It was a series of coincidences really." Gu Yuena explained briefly, completely avoiding the topic of how it was her own fault. Xie Xie would not hesitate to utilize such a fact against her in their next argument.

"Coincidences… that's one hell of a coincidence." Xie Xie declared, his mind still reeling from the shock of it all. The attack Mu Xi just made… if Wulin didn't pull him away it would have probably killed him. Death was fine in here but it wasn't ideal.

"Mhm. Fate can be quite kind sometimes." Gu Yuena declared simply, a smirk of amusement on her face. She was quite pleased to see the effect her attack had on Xie Xie's mind. It wasn't only her own, she couldn't even consider showing such power currently, but it was still mostly sourced by her so the pride was owned entirely by her.

"Get along." Wulin declared simply, his crimson irises glancing at her from the corner of his eyes. He didn't mind fighting since it made people closer apparently but this wasn't a fight, this was bullying, and as far as he was aware that didn't help.

"Sure sure~." Gu Yuena replied uncaringly as she created a small mound of earth with grass and everything. Having control of all elements made things like these much easier and she would use it to her advantage.

"Let's take a break." Wulin commanded softly, clearly interested in the idea. It helped that all the spirit beasts the attack had killed were currently filling them up to the brim. If they 'ate' any more then some of it would go to waste and the Spirit Pagoda would probably intervene.

"Alright~." Mu Xi declared, instantly lying on the ground without a care in the world. In that split second it took for her to lay down, she fell into her blacksmithing mind and her thoughts were completely stolen by metal and the forge.

"I could use a bre-" Xie Xie began before their bodies began glowing, a look of irritation appearing on his face before they all vanished at the same time. Instantly, their minds returned to their physical bodies and they were greeted by the light of the ceiling.

"They damaged nearly a million credits worth of equipment! They cannot be allowed entry!" The same Spirit Pagoda worker who had helped them enter shouted at their teacher. In total, they had destroyed around twenty one kilometers and thousands of spirit beasts of various levels.

The estimation of a million may actually be an understatement all things considered. Of course, everything they had done was completely fair. The Spirit Pagoda had a clear rule that whatever happened in the server would not be held against the 'player'.

That was mainly so that people in the Spirit Pagoda could get away with 'killing' people from other factions but it was also rarely used against them. Most of the time it was in the same way the Spirit Pagoda intended to use the real but occasionally events like this happened.

"Can't? Who are you to tell me I can't?" Wu Zhangkong asked, his domineering attitude perfectly representing his title of Cold God. It wasn't just a title given to him by Eastsea Academy, it was actually something he was called in Shrek as well.

Colder than anyone else, growing faster than anyone else, and disappearing just as fast, that was the Cold God of Shrek. Within his second year, he was already the strongest of his class, the disciple of an elder of the Sea God Pavilion, and a master of ice.

That legend of Shrek was being told he can't by a mere three ringed worker?


Hey there, hope you liked the chapter.

Look at that, Wu Zhangkong's being the best teacher in the series once again. He may not be the strongest but the fact that he's so willing to go the extra mile for his students in amazing in my books. That, and the other teachers were kinda meh in my opinion.

If you want more chapters, head to patre*on.com/TrapOverlord for up to 25 extra chapters. It isn't required but it'd be much appreciated.