
Douluo Dalu 2: Legend of the Heavenly Wolf

Mo Xie, the Millennium Genius, was hunted by every government organization that was after his projects. Betrayed by his lover and watching all his family and friends die, he dropped nuclear bombs on his enemies and died in the explosion. Reincarnating in the world of Douluo Dalu, he discovered that he had a powerful bloodline and gained several mysterious techniques. Now see how Mo Xie creates his legend in his new life! Note: Please read the tag before reading. - English is not my first language, so there would be grammatical mistakes in this story. - Please give my story a proper review. - I accept a suggestion, but no spam! PS: I don't own the cover, and any characters or world in this story, except for my own OC (Original Character)

iLyannn · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter 15 - Third Spirit Ring, Going to Shrek

Mo Xie was now on the outskirts of Star Dou Forest. After saying goodbye to the carriage driver in a nearby town, Mo Xie ran straight for 4 hours until he reached the forest before taking a break and catching his breath.

Xiao Hei had his head out of Mo Xie's cloak and was looking at the forest with joy, as if he was finally coming home after a long time and began to relax. Mo Xie patted his head lightly before heading straight into the forest, heading towards the inner circle.

Mo Xie decided to go to the cave where he found Xiao Hei and his mother and start his search in the inner area from there, and in the worst case enter the central area of the forest. It took almost a full day for him to avoid all the spirit beasts along the way and remember the path he took last time to find it.

When he arrived and surveyed the cave, he sighed with relief that no spirit beast had made its nest there. He went in and installed and activated some concealment arrays so that the cave could not be easily found and he could use the cave as a base without any worries.

Of course, if a spirit beast over 50,000 years old passes, it can still discover the cave as the installed arrays are only at the advanced level, but Mo Xie didn't worry too much, as most spirit beasts over 50,000 years old stay in the central area of the forest.

After the cave was hidden, Mo Xie took Xiao Hei to his old nest and left him there before cleaning himself up in the small pond the cave has. When Mo Xie finished cleaning himself and changing his clothes, he went back to Xiao Hei's side and pulled out some ready-made meat and handed it to him before eating his share.

"Having a ultimate fire attribute is very useful for heating cold food…" Mo Xie muttered happily, eating a piece of heated meat. If anyone knew of Mo Xie's mumblings and how he was treating a ultimate element like a meat warmer, one doesn't know what their expressions would be like.

Mo Xie rested for the rest of the night and when morning came he spoke to Xiao Hei before starting his search.

"Xiao Hei, be obedient and wait for me in the cave until I get back. I'll leave some food that will be enough for two weeks for you." After saying goodbye to Xiao Hei, Mo Xie installed some more barrier arrays to prevent entry and exit and when he thought it was enough he left the place.

Mo Xie finally began his search and hurried into the depths of the forest. Every step he took was silent and left no trace. After so long training in his movement technique, he has already achieved mastery and was very close to perfection making his speed extremely fast.

His shadow passed undetected through the forest as it dodged several 1,000 and 10,000-year-old spirit beasts. Ten full days passed as he wandered through the forest in search of his spiritual ring. However, his luck was not perfect.

At the time, Mo Xie was on the run from a 10,000-year-old group of Bloody Apes. There was even a larger ape that looked 35,000 years old.

"Damn it! If I find the bastard who stirred up this group of apes I'm going to kill him." Mo Xie cursed angrily. He was passing close to their nest and decided to leave the moment he saw their number, but some bastard tried to steal their wine, and as a result ended up dead. But instead of dying peacefully he actually managed to throw the gourd that held the stolen wine in Mo Xie's direction and made the apes notice him.

In his anger Mo Xie even forgot that the bastard he was talking about was already dead.

"It will not work! With over 20 Bloody Apes of 10,000 years chasing me I'll be dead by the time my spiritual power runs out." Mo Xie started to think of various ways to get rid of these monkeys, but none were very effective.

"If there were fewer monkeys I could use my illusion skill to confuse them before escaping… Wait! Fuck, I'm an idiot! I can just use the illusion to merge in the forest." Mo Xie really started to doubt his intelligence at that point.

"If it was my self from before, I would have thought about it the moment I started being chased… It seems that after I trained more and more with the sword and fought in the arena for a long time I became arrogant and wanted to face everything head-on." Mo Xie sighed wistfully. But he couldn't be blamed for becoming a battle maniac, as his blood boiled every moment he faced a strong opponent.

"Glad I figured it out early and it can be fixed…" Mo Xie realized that his mindset had changed a lot since he transmigrated to this world.

Without waiting another second, Mo Xie pulled an array from his storage and injected his spiritual power into it. The moment the array was activated, a blinding light appeared and prevented the Bloody Apes from looking at Mo Xie for a moment. When the light disappeared, Mo Xie was nowhere to be seen. He had already used his first spiritual ability and merged with the forest landscape into an illusion.

Mo Xie did his best to hide his presence and breathing and began to run silently from where the monkeys had stopped.

*Rooaarrrr* *Rooaarrrr* *Rooaarrrr* *Rooaarrrr*

Losing Mo Xie out of sight, the Bloody Apes began to roar and pound all the nearby trees. They returned to their nest after a while of venting their anger and Mo Xie breathed a sigh of relief after he couldn't hear the roars anymore.

When he relaxed he heard another roar.

"Fuck! What bastard is playing with my luck?" Mo Xie couldn't help cursing aloud, but he soon discovered that the roar was different from Bloody Apes. He tried to follow the sound of the roar and ended up discovering two spirit beasts fighting and a dead spirit beast near them.

The dead spirit beast appeared to be a 15,000-year-old Black Wind Lion and the two beasts fighting were a 20,000-year-old Golden Scaled Poison Snake and a Three-Eyed Bat that appeared to be 21,000 years old.

The Golden Scaled Poison Snake looked in pain and desperately attacked the bat with its tail, trying to poison it. She was furious at the moment. Although it was obviously stronger than the Three-Eyed Bat, it couldn't hit a single attack and would always be met with a hidden attack even if the bat made no obvious attacking move.

The Three-Eyed Bat just calmly flew at a distance avoiding the snake's attacks, waiting for it to die.

Mo Xie who was hiding watching the fight immediately discovered what the bat's attack was.

"A mental attack? But it seems to be a little different…" His eyes sparkled as he tried to understand the attack. He found that before the snake flailed in pain, the bat's mind power passed through it for a few seconds before the pain came.

'It looks like a time bomb… It creates a mark in the snake's soul and then gives the command for that mark to explode.' Mo Xie was pretty sure his thoughts were right and his eyes started to sparkle.

'I found it!' That was his last thought before seeing the snake fleeing the scene. Looks like she found out she couldn't do anything with the bat and gave up fighting it.

The Three-Eyed Bat also did not pursue and approached the dead body of the Black Wind Lion and was close to sucking his blood before feeling a mortal danger hit him on his back and quickly dodged.

"Tsk, I knew it wouldn't be so easy this time." Mo Xie grunted seeing his attack being avoided. Mental attribute spirit beasts have much sharper senses than other beasts and can sense danger faster so they can save themselves at the critical moment.

The Three-Eyed Bat glared at Mo Xie and bared his fangs before screaming and launching the same mental attack on him.

Mo Xie also didn't underestimate this attack and set up his mental defenses before delivering a mental shock to the bat.

The Three-Eyed Bat was surprised to see his attempt to mark Mo Xie's soul fail and in the next moment he felt as if his head was being hammered as Mo Xie's mental shock hit him.

Mo Xie seized the chance and ran quickly towards the Three-Eyed Bat, slashing with his new sword. A dense sword intent surged from his blade and made his opponent fear for his life. This sword's intent was accompanied by a scorching fire and a biting cold that confused the bat's senses and slowed it down.

Even so he still managed to dodge a little and came out with a big cut on his body. Mo Xie was not discouraged and continued chasing and slashing the bat and every time the bat was injured, ice and fire penetrated its body and made it difficult for him to move. The sword's intent in his body also tore his muscles little by little.

The Three-Eyed Bat desperately tried to mark Mo Xie's soul but always failed. Mo Xie finally found an opportunity and used one of the skills he learned from training the Yin-Yang Sword.

"Blazing Body Freezing Mind Slash!"

As the name said, this ability was both a physical and a mental attack. It used the sword's intent to guide the ultimate fire to burn the body and the ultimate ice to freeze the opponent's mind.

With a cut from Mo Xie, the elements of fire and ice in the air raged as they were guided by the sword's intent and penetrated the Three-Eyed Bat's body.

With the elements of ice and fire attacking both his body and mind, the bat slowly dropped to the ground lifeless and a black ring rose from its body.

Mo Xie breathed a sigh of relief and rejoiced in the acquisition of his new spirit ring, but he suppressed those emotions and scanned the area to see if there were any spirit beasts coming to this place.

Deciding it was safe, he recovered his energy before starting to absorb the spirit ring the Three-Eyed Bat released. The entire process took an hour to complete.

Mo Xie felt his body and mental power increasing rapidly during the absorption and in the end his spiritual power reached Rank 32. Because of his ultimates elements, his promotion speed would now start to slow down a bit, but it would still be faster than people with ultimate elements like him. After all, his cultivation method was not normal and his body could absorb more and more energy as he cultivated it. The spiritual ability he gained from the bat was 'Spirit Explosion' and it was the ability the bat used against him and the Golden Scaled Poison Snake. He can mark his opponent's soul with his mental power and could decide the timing of the mark's explosion.

This mark could last 2 days at most and could be activated over great distances. Mo Xie could also sense the location of a person marked with his ability as long as they were some distance away from him.

'It really is a time bomb!' Mo Xie thought and remembered what he had done in his past life and couldn't help shaking his head wryly. It looked like he would become a bomber in this lifetime too.

Looking at his purple spirit ring and his two black spirit rings, Mo Xie smiled contentedly before searching for spirit bones in the bodies of the Three-Eyed Bat and the Black Wind Lion.

His luck was extremely good, as he found a spirit bone from the Black Wind Lion's right leg, but he wasn't compatible with it, so Mo Xie kept it in his storage and decided to sell it when he got the chance.

Now he will go back to the cave and pick up Xiao Hei before leaving Star Dou Forest and will go straight to Shrek City and wait for the recruitment of students for Shrek Academy next year. With that in mind he immediately started running towards the cave.

I did a much longer chapter than usual as a compensation for the last chapter being a little short. I hope you enjoyed!

Thanks for everyone's support!

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