
Chapter 29

Chapter 29 — Xue Qinghe (3)

Xue Qinghe's instinct awakening's name was 'Battle Warrior Angel'.

It raised his concentration to the limits and made his senses acute and very perceptive.

His control over his whole body also grew better with his movements being supported by the world's law.

Xue Qinghe charged at Ning Chen with his fist heading toward Ning Chen's head.

His fist was suddenly coated in golden light that increased it's toughness to deal with the sharp sword.

<First Sword Color: Red Dragon Power>

Ning Chen's eyes glowed eerily as he blocked Xue Qinghe's fist with his sword easily.

His first spirit ring ability's effect was now 60%, but it's energy consumption also increased as a result.


The sound of two metals striking each other, resounded clearly to the ears.

Ning Chen was surprised to see his sword only leaving a small sword mark on Xue Qinghe's fist.

His fist was tough and also contained an intense explosive strength behind it.

Xue Qinghe didn't stopped attacking and continued to attack by releasing a barrage of punch.

His fist were quick and sharp, making the wind go violent.

Ning Chen calmly blocked each of Xue Qinghe's attack with his sword and analyzed him calmly.

He saw Xue Qinghe's fist was coated with highly concentrated spirit power that increased his fist toughness by a large margin.

It was also pretty easy to read Xue Qinghe's attack because it lacked any form and techniques.

His attack contained only overwhelming power and speed.

But because of Xue Qinghe's animalistic senses, combat instinct and his excellent body control, his formidable attacks flowed fluidly and were also precise.

Xue Qinghe used a variety attacks like grappling and using some lethal kicks, but he was frustrated to see it not being able to reach Ning Chen at all.

He couldn't defeat Ning Chen swiftly despite him having advantage over their spirit rank.

Xue Qinghe's legs turned deadly like a snake as it charged toward Ning Chen's abdomen, but the latter quickly avoided it with strange footwork.

Suddenly, a golden energy ball quickly flew toward Ning Chen, who quickly retreated far-away.

Ning Chen was quite impressed to see Xue Qinghe deciding to not be stubborn on fighting him with pure power.

His guess was quite right, Xue Qinghe decided to attack from the distance.

<Second Sword Color: Green Dragon Agility>

However, Xue Qinghe underestimated Ning Chen's ability to quickly close in the distance.

Ning Chen's legs tightened tensely as he leaped toward Xue Qinghe with his sword slicing through the air.

In just a matter of seconds, Ning Chen was already near Xue Qinghe.

Xue Qinghe was startled at Ning Chen's speed, but because his surroundings looked pretty slow due to his concentration raised to it's limit, he quickly tried to block the sword with his large golden wings.

But It was too late, Ning Chen's sword struck his left arm which Xue Qinghe had used to block the attack in the final moment.

Xue Qinghe grunted heavily as he held his arm tightly.

Ning Chen wasn't worried about Xue Qinghe's light injury since it would quickly heal after some rest without leaving any scar.

"See? This is why I told you to not hold back," Ning Chen said while looking apologetic.

Xue Qinghe was irritated hearing that and felt his pride getting hurt.

"Fine! I will no longer hold back, so make sure to not regret it later," He said while gritting his teeth.

Xue Qinghe's large golden wings swayed fiercely as he started floating into the air.

<4th Spirit Ring: Judgement Time>

An army of small golden swords, slightly resembling a dagger, multiplied around his body.

And because Xue Qinghe was currently in instinct state, this ability appeared to be greater in numbers and it's lethality strengthened greatly.

"Raining Explosive Blades," Xue Qinghe uttered while looking domineering and sneered coldly.

(A/N: I like this Ability/Move from King of the Seven Deadly Sins.)

Xue Qinghe then gestured with his hand toward the army of blades, causing all of it to gather in front of him.

"Face your divine punishment for foolishly angering a supreme god," He said with a playful smile while looking downward at Ning Chen.

Xue Qinghe then motioned his hand forward, causing the army of blades to quickly rain down on Ning Chen.

"How cute," Ning Chen shook his head as his lips curled upward.

He took a very long breath, causing his muscles to swell and contract intensely as steam rose from his skin.

<Two Color Dragon Mode>

Ning Chen's eyes flashed viciously with crimson green light.

"Wind Stance: Dance Of The Wind God," He mumbled cooly as his hair slowly rose up.

This was technique that didn't required the use of sword draw.

Ning Chen then leaped from his location and then vanished, becoming one with the wind.

He appeared Infront of the army of golden blades and then brandished his sword. He started to quickly slash all of the incoming blades into two.

His pants and skin were continuously grazed lightly by the edges of the blades as Ning Chen used some of it like a foothold to jump higher.

It was all to reach the god.

Ning Chen couldn't help but smile as he remembered experiencing something similar to this.

It was him training to avoid the hanging woods.

His sword continued to slash without any hesitation toward the blades raining down while grinning excitedly until he finally reached Xue Qinghe.

"Game over," Ning Chen said as he unsheathed his sword.

<Flame Stance: Extreme Sun>

His sword sliced through the space in a blinding speed as it shined intensely.

It was too quick and fierce.

Xue Qinghe felt the desire to unseal his martial spirit's true appearance in order to block Ning Chen's attack, but then suddenly closed his eyes.

It wasn't a good idea to reveal his true spirit.

"I surrender... You win, my friend," He said, smiling bitterly at his lost.

Xue Qinghe started to look at Ning Chen in a different light because Ning Chen was the first man to defeat him.

He realized he wasn't the only born with the talent that surpassed everyone.

The sword suddenly halted and soon turned into particles.

Ning Chen fell heavily toward the ground and then bowed slightly to Xue Qinghe.

"Thanks for the fight," He said gratefully.

Ning Chen was starting to respect Xue Qinghe because he was very strong and not too stubborn although he was quite arrogant.

He couldn't also say anything about Xue Qinghe's arrogance because he himself was quite prideful and arrogant after all.

Xue Qinghe landed on the ground and then recalled his martial spirit.

"I'll admit that you're currently stronger than me for now, but next time, I'll definitely win," He said determinedly.

Ning Chen chuckled lightly hearing that and thought this man really acted quite cute.

Alas, it was unfortunate that Xue Qinghe was a man.

"How about you train with me for a while? I swear that you will be able to grow stronger quickly and learn many things you didn't know about fighting," Ning Chen smiled brightly as he said that.

Ning Chen's smile currently resembled Yu Qian's own smile and if Yu Qian was to see this, he would been proud of Ning Chen.

However, as soon as Ning Chen finished saying that, his pants got destroyed.

It got severely damaged during the fight like his shirt.

"...." Xue Qinghe went silent.


Stupid online class! It always freaking burns my eyes.

How's the fight scene? I think I messed some parts, but meh, I'm gonna sleep.

I've so recently played a game called mobile legends since all of my few friends play it. I'm currently mythic rank, and can't seem to achieve the so-called glory.

Any tips on how to improve, so I can show-off to my friends soon?

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