
Douluo Dalu (Soul Land): Villain Life Simulator

In a journey across the Douluo Continent, Su Cheng, aided by the "Villain Life Simulator," continuously enhances his strength. Little did he expect that one day, the main characters would come knocking at his door. However, their personalities seem a bit off. "Qian Renxue, don't you understand? Teaching you knowledge, aiding your ascension to godhood, my ultimate goal is to destroy your Martial Soul Temple." "Bi Bi Dong, you're a love-struck maniac, not as clever as your daughter. Your current predicament is entirely your own doing." "Zhu Zhuqing, surviving in the royal family requires more than just violence. Only the ruthless and cunning can endure!" "Bo Saixi, you wouldn't want the innocent people of Sea God Island to perish because of you, would you?" As Su Cheng navigates through this altered Douluo Continent, the main characters confront him, each with peculiar personalities. -----'x'------ This is a translation! Original Book: 斗罗反派模拟器,开局迫害千仞雪 ------'x'------ If you'd like to support me and gain access to extra chapters, you can find them on my Patreon page: [patreon.com/Firesight323.] (https://www.patreon.com/Firesight323). Thank you for your support!

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197 Chs

Chapter 97: The Helplessness of Family and the Teachings of "Father"

Before opening the door, Zhu Zhuqing had thought that the person knocking might be Su Cheng, who had just left, or perhaps a servant delivering a message.

It never crossed her mind that it would be her father.

The same father who had been unusually cold and indifferent to her just moments ago.

"Father, how come you're here?"

"Are you not going to let me in?" Zhu Hongtao's voice was steady and deep, but it carried a hint of concern and closeness towards his own daughter, unlike his demeanor in the hall just now.

"A random guy walked into the room with my daughter, can't I check on her?" he continued.

A faint blush passed over Zhu Zhuqing's cold cheeks, but more prominent was her almost palpable surprise.

This was different from the impression she had of her father.

As she stepped aside, Zhu Hongtao walked into the main hall, poured himself a glass of water, and sat on a chair beside the coffee table.

He observed his daughter's puzzled expression in silence for a moment.

"Xiaoqing, many things are not as simple as you think, don't blame father," he sighed.

"Our Zhu family seems prosperous, claiming to be allied with the Star Luo Royal family, but in reality, we are just their vassals. The infighting among brothers is a tradition of the Dai family, not ours."

Here, there was a hint of pain and resentment in his expression as he mentioned the "Dai family".

"In this world, strength ultimately speaks. The weak have no choice."

"The so-called empire is just a collection of small and large interest groups. The Dai family is indeed powerful, but not powerful enough to suppress all the families. Our progress to this day relies on the fusion technique of our Dai and Zhu families' martial souls."

"Though the Dai family maintains their bloody tradition, their ultimate goal is to maintain their royal status. Unlike our Star Luo Empire and Tian Dou Empire, where the strong prevail, if you are not strong enough, you will naturally be replaced by others."

Zhu Hongtao's voice grew deeper.

"But unlike the Dai family, even if they lose the White Tiger of the Abyss, they still possess a powerful White Tiger martial soul, whereas our Abyssal Spirit Cat clan is much weaker. If we cannot merge with the White Tiger martial soul, the Zhu family will no longer be able to maintain its current transcendent status."

Zhu Zhuqing looked somewhat perplexed.

Softly, she said, "Must it be this way? Sacrificing our clansmen to gain status?"

"Xiaoqing, don't be so naive anymore," Zhu Hongtao stared at her with a serious expression.

"Currently, although we are technically vassals of the Dai family, at least on the surface, we have a cooperative relationship. If you have any rebellious thoughts and are unwilling to follow the Dai family's orders, then this so-called cooperative relationship might cease to exist. Perhaps in the future, we'll just become tools for them to wield their fusion technique."


Zhu Zhuqing opened her mouth slightly, her pupils dilating slightly, silently digesting the weighty term in her mind.

"That's right. Only the strong have the right to choose. If you truly want to change everything, then make yourself stronger. If you're not strong enough, then what you should be thinking about is how to maintain the current balance of power."

"Strong enough?"

"Yes, strong enough," Zhu Hongtao glanced deeply at her. "Not just in terms of strength but in every aspect. No matter how powerful you are as an individual, you cannot match a large force. Even a Title Douluo has limits."

He then asked, "Xiaoqing, how do you think our Star Luo Empire compares to the Tian Dou Empire?"

"Of course, Star Luo Empire is far stronger than Tian Dou Empire," Zhu Zhuqing replied without hesitation.

In terms of national strength and military power, the Star Luo Empire far surpassed the Tian Dou Empire, and its power was concentrated, unlike Tian Dou's dispersed imperial authority, with many kingdoms within its borders.

"Why then hasn't the Star Luo Empire invaded the territory of the Tian Dou Empire? Is it because they don't want to?"

Of course not, it's impossible because they don't want to.

Zhu Zhuqing, though young, had grown up in such a family environment and had a good understanding of many things.

Currently, the resources of the empire seemed abundant, but after being divided among the major families, there wasn't much left, impossible to fill everyone's stomachs.

"Because of the Spirit Hall," she said softly.

"Exactly. The Spirit Hall stands between the two empires, and the Star Luo Empire simply cannot bypass it to directly attack the Tian Dou Empire," Zhu Hongtao nodded, continuing, "So, what do you think of the Spirit Hall?"

"It's very powerful. The number of soul masters under the control of the Spirit Hall far exceeds the total number of soul masters obedient to the two empires."

"Then why hasn't the Spirit Hall become the ruler of the continent? Is it because they don't want to?"

Zhu Zhuqing was at a loss for words.

Zhu Hongtao took a sip of water and said lightly, "I know everything that happened to you at the academy."

Zhu Zhuqing looked up, astonished, at her father.

"To be honest, I'm disappointed," Zhu Hongtao met her gaze with slightly lowered eyes.

"You only know how to use brute force but fail to think critically. With that attitude, you'll never lift our family out of the mire, nor will you break the cycle of mutual destruction between you and your sisters.

"Have you ever thought about why that Su family boy, Su Cheng, could command such attention at the academy?

"Is his strength greater than yours? Have you seen him make a move? Or is it that his family has more influence than ours, intimidating both fellow students and academy teachers?

"Or maybe he spent money and effort to gather others around him, enticing those aristocratic youths with benefits?"

"In reality, none of these reasons apply.

"Have you ever thought about why?"

Zhu Zhuqing stared blankly at Zhu Hongtao, unsure how to respond.

Indeed, for the past year, she had lived under the shadow of Su Cheng and his clique.

But she had never considered why those people were willing to follow his lead and act against her.

What benefits did they gain from it?

Zhu Hongtao stood up and paced around the room.

"Being able to achieve this, it's all about having 'influence.' The weak seek protection, the ambitious seek to bask in glory, and the profit-driven seek a leader who can offer them greater benefits."


"Yes, a leader. How did Su Cheng manage it? What kind of person is he really? I believe you have a deeper understanding of him than anyone else, don't you? Is he really as gentle, refined, and approachable as he appears? Does he truly regard those people as friends and family?"

Zhu Zhuqing's mind churned incessantly.

Echoing in her ears were Su Cheng's devilish threats, whispers, and the dominance and indifference hidden beneath his rarely revealed nature.

"Conspiracy, calculation, human nature—these are the things you should be considering, not just blindly cultivating and seeking to improve your strength."

"Unless you're a god!"

Zhu Hongtao said faintly.

"If you have the strength to stand up against a hundred, then you needn't worry about these trivial matters. With strength alone, you can crush everything. But can you do it?

"Even Tang Hao, the ancestor of the Hao Tian Sect back then, undefeated in the world with his own strength, could he act entirely according to his own will?"

After a moment of silence, Zhu Zhuqing nodded. "I understand. Father, what should I do?"

Hearing this, Zhu Hongtao smiled with satisfaction.

"I'll give you one hint: no one is beyond manipulation. No one is without desires or fears. You just need to find what they desire most, then entice them with benefits, threaten them with power, or move them with emotions, and naturally, you can make them your own.

"But remember. Those who come together for benefits will also scatter for the same reason. No one is worthy of your complete trust, including me."