
Chapter 1

Chapter 1 — The Star That Shines To The Greatness.

The Stone Village was one of the many village inside the Heaven Dou Empire.

The only difference was the stone village being more larger, and wealthy than any of the thousands village inside Heaven Dou Empire.

The reason for the village being called as 'Stone Village' was because a formidable spirit master appeared with a stone attribute spirit.

On the outskirt of the village, a young boy was enjoying his peaceful nap on the cold, hard ground covered in lush blue grass.

The boy wore a plain clothing with his body being skinny and thin.

The cool gently breeze flew and howled as it passed through the boy, causing his unkempt black hair to flutter.

The young boy was called Yu Long. He was a orphan at the stone village.

It was night at that time.

Yu Long was left behind near the village inside a brown, wooven basket.

The ominous black clouds were gathered on top of the black sky, raining heavily.

His pitiful wails were accompanied by the roaring thunders.

That night to him seems to stay for eternity.

Fortunately for him, a man who was patrolling the village for any dangerous spirit beast, found him.

The man took him toward the Village Head. After he was named, he was sent into the orphanage.

Yu Long's only keepsake from his parents was a pendant he wore on his neck.

It was a pendant with silver chain and a oval-shaped crimson gem.


Time slowly flew; Yu Long who was quietly sleeping, woke up lazily.

His eyes twitched and lazily opened, revealing his pair of crimson eyes.

His eyes exudes abit of matureness.

Yu Long looked up and saw the sky already going dark.

"I should return back to the orphanage or else I will get punished," Yu Long can't help but shiver.

Yu Long quickly stood up, he dusted away the dust that got on his clothes and went toward back at the direction of the orphanage.

As he was walking toward the orphanage, Yu Long heard a loud shout filled with fury.

"Damn you Fatty! How dare you tell to Uncle Chen that we stole his bread!"

Inside a dark alley, a stout boy and a skinny, but tall boy was looking at a fat boy who was on the ground shaking in fear.

The Fatty was covered in bruise.

Yu Long stopped at dead at his tract seeing what was happening on the alley. Fatty was his close friend.


Yu Long sighed in annoyance.

"This two bully! Always bullying the weak!" Yu Long clenched his hands tightly in anger.

But he wasn't able to change anything, he was weak.

'Should I just pretend to not see..?' That pathetic though crossed Yu Long head.

Deep resolved then flashed across his eyes.

'If I don't show any courage, how could I possibly find my parents and explore the wide world?' Yu Long mocked himself as he thought that.

He had read a vast amount of books and he know those without courage will just be a cannon fodder.


Yu Long was also a bookworm who always holed himself in the library of the village

Yu Long took a deep breath as he shouted loudly, "You bullies! Stop bullying Fatty!"

The two bullies looked toward Yu Long direction and Fatty also looked at him

"Yu Long..." Fatty muttered quietly, his eyes moistened.

The two bully seeing it was just Yu Long let out a snort.

"An orphan and bookworm without any strength, should just stay away from our business," The stout boy mocked.

"You!" Yu Long snapped as his anger was unleashed.

He hated being called as an orphan!

Yu Long charged toward the stout boy and pounded his fist toward the boy's face.


Although Yu Long fist met with the stout face, all it left was a burning pain and forced the boy to stumble abit.

"Heck You!" The stout boy face became red in anger.

His eyes shone slightly and thrusted his fist toward Yu Long to repay what he had done.

Yu Long tried to dodged the fist, but...


The first still hit him and Yu Long felt his face in pain and his vision to be haze.


Yu Long fell to the ground on his butt as he held his face in pain.

'It hurts....' Yu Long brows creased in pain.

"That's what you deserve for hitting me!" The stout boy said with a smile.

"Yu Long!"

Fatty went toward Yu Long, his face showing guilt and worry.

"Damn kids! Who said you can fight with each other, huh?" A old man appeared on the alley.

His hair and beard was ashen and he was the Village Head.

"It's the Village Head!" The skinny lad panicked.

He looked at the stout boy who also looked at him.

The two of them nodded at each other.


That were their thought.

The two of them quickly escaped with all their might to escape.

The Village Head seeing the two boy escaping, can only shake his head.

"Yu Long can you stand up?" The village head looked at Yu Long worriedly.

"Mm," Yu Long nodded his head, but the village head can clearly see the deep bruise on his face.

You should head back to the orphanage and get treated." The village head said slowly.

Yu Long then went toward to the orphanage followed by Fatty who had a guilty looked on his face.

"Yu Long... sorry for getting you involved.." Fatty lowered his head while speaking.

Yu Long looked at Fatty and then said with a large smile, "Don't worry. True friend help each other, right?"

Fatty hearing this smiled brightly, "Thank you for saving me.


The sun had already drifted out of the horizon and was replaced by the blue moon.

Inside the orphanage, Yu Long was sitting on the floor while looking out of his window.

Yu Long silently stared at the countless small star illuminating the black sky like a painting.

"If I was strong.. I can stood up against those bully.."

"If I was strong... I can already find my parents.."

Yu Long heart was bitter and sorrow.

In the books he had read, only the strong can live freely In the world.

"I wonder who are my parents.. and why did they leave me all alone?" Yu Long felt his cheeks getting wet as his tears fell.

The tears unknowingly fell on the pendant he was wearing.

The pendant glowed brightly as the crystal like tears fell on it.

Yu Long quickly noticed his pendant glowing brightly, "Why is my pendant glowing?"

He was surprised after seeing the pendant glowing.

Yu Long touched the oval-shaped crystal on his pendant.

He suddenly felt his entire mind being suck in toward the pendant after touching it.

"Wha–!?" Yu Long didn't managed to continue as he appeared inside a black place.

A mysterious book was slowly floating in mid-air.

'A book..?' Yu Long felt his heart beating rapidly in his chest as he saw the book.

He unconsciously reached his hands toward the book in an attempt to hold it.


After his fingertips touched the book, Yu Long saw the black space ripple as his surrounding returned back to normal.

The book was on his hands.

"This... Could this be the legendary spatial storage I read?" Yu Long widened his eyes in amazement.

He didn't expect the seemingly ordinary pendant he wore to be the legendary spatial storage he had heard about!

'But what is this book is?' Yu Long knitted his eyes.

He opened the book and slowly flipped the book to the first page.

He saw there was nothing on the page. Just a page colored in crimson mixed with silver.

"How weird," Yu Long was quite disappointed seeing their was nothing on the book.

Then his eyes widened in shocked and terror as the blank page slowly showed a faint illustration of a crimson and silver skeleton.

What made Yu Long terrified was because the illustration of skeleton was slowly coming out from the page


The crimson and silver skeleton flew toward Yu Long and fused with his own skeleton!

"Argh...." Yu Long muffled voice resounded as he lose consiousness.



Yu Long body twitched uncontrollably as a quiet cracking sound echoed and his body also glowed in two different lights interwining with each other

It was a crimson and silver color.

<Possessor Of The Regulus Star Who Controls The Heaven and Earth>

<His Presence Shining To The Greatest>

<Rejoice! Both Mortals, God, and Demons! Today Marks The Awakening Of The Star That Destroy Everything>

<His Magnificent Name Is The Regulus Sovereign>

A grand and majestic voice echoed through the whole void, resounding through different kinds of universe.

His voice brought and caused tremors everywhere.

This chapter is edited.

The grammar will improved so please bear with it. Thx :)

Ishya_Chancreators' thoughts
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