
Doulou Dalu: The Power of a Book

Su Wen, traversed to the Douluo Continent and witnessed the helplessness of being unable to control his own destiny as he saw his newfound family perish as mere collateral in the clash of two powerful Titled Douluo. He vowed to avenge the two individuals who had given him a fresh start in life. However, life did not favor him, as he only awakened an ordinary Book Martial Spirit. Undeterred, he refused to be disheartened and, leveraging his unique perception talent, embarked on the journey to transform his martial spirit. An ordinary book martial spirit? No! I will evolve it to an extraordinary Heavenly Book Martial Spirit!

JohanLT · Anime & Comics
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159 Chs

Chapter 79: Useless to You? Then I can't Refuse

Dugu Bo did not stop Su Wen.

However, on the way home, Su Wen did not ask Dugu Bo to continue accompanying him.

As they passed through Heaven Dou City, Dugu Bo returned to Sunset Forest, while Su Wen continued southwest towards Nuoding City.

Fasinuo Province.

Nuoding City.

Su Wen's figure appeared at Nuoding City Primary Spirit Master Academy.

"Su Wen?" Bald Dean was quite surprised to see Su Wen.


"I heard that you went to Star Dou Great Forest alone to hunt for the second Spirit Ring. Now that I see you back, I feel relieved," Bald Dean sighed, then remembered something and asked Su Wen, "By the way, have you joined the Advanced Spirit Master Academy?"

"Yep, I joined."

"Oh, good," he nodded, saying, "Joining the Advanced Spirit Master Academy is good."

"Unlike our Primary Spirit Master Academy, the Advanced Spirit Master Academy is mostly a talent reserve for major forces. Whether it's resources or the training of students, it will be more comprehensive and accurate."

In fact, some academies are affiliated with a particular force.

Within the Five Elements Academies, the Blazing, Godwind, and Skywater Academy academies can be considered forces in their own right.

Of the remaining two, the Elephant Armored Academy belongs to the Elephant Armored Clan, while the Thunderclap Academy is closely tied to the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan.

These are just some of the well-known and powerful Advanced Spirit Master Academies. Many other Advanced Spirit Master Academies on the continent are more or less entangled with a particular force or may even be the rulers of a city, effectively considered a force in their own right.

Of course, academies generally do not get involved in conflicts. However, despite being called academies, they are essentially akin to forces in their nature.

Upon hearing that Su Wen joined the Advanced Spirit Master Academy, Bald Dean was evidently pleased for him.

"By the way, how far are you from reaching level thirty in Soul Power now?" Bald Dean suddenly asked curiously.

He remembered that Su Wen's cultivation speed was quite impressive. Now, it had been nearly three years, and he wondered if she had surpassed level twenty-five.

"I'm still quite far away," Su Wen was slightly embarrassed to tell the truth.

Bald Dean sighed and said, "As expected, your Martial Spirit is fundamentally lacking, which shows in the later stages. However, reaching level twenty at the age of eleven has given you a good foundation. If you continue to work hard, your achievements will undoubtedly surpass mine."

Even if he progresses at one level per year, by the age of fifty, Su Wen might even reach level sixty. Even if he advances at a rate of one level every two years after level fifty, there's a chance for Su Wen to achieve the status of a Spirit Saint by the age of eighty.

Certainly, the prerequisite is that Su Wen can maintain his enthusiasm for cultivation.

Su Wen remained silent. He and Bald Dean no longer shared a common topic. It wasn't the right time to say that he had surpassed the old Dean.

So, he decided to change the subject.

"Oh, by the way, Dean, how is Tang San doing?" Su Wen asked with a curious expression.

"Tang San?" The bald head patted his shiny head, a smile spreading across his face.

"He and that Xiao Wu both advanced to Spirit Grand Master early. They just graduated this year, still a few months away from turning twelve, and yet, their Soul Power has already reached level twenty-nine."

Clearly, Bald Dean was extremely proud of Tang San and Xiao Wu.

On the whole continent, aren't they at the very top level? And the academy that nurtured them is none other than the Nuoding City Primary Spirit Master Academy!

"They've graduated?"

"Yeah, they graduated a month early. It seems like they're preparing to go to the Shrek Academy."

"Oh?" Su Wen's expression changed.

Does that mean Tang San has left? Did Tang Hao leave with him?

After chatting with Bald Dean for a while, Su Wen left the Nuoding City Primary Spirit Master Academy.

Calm and composed, Su Wen arrived at the Nuoding City Branch Spirit Hall.

"Brother Tao."

"Huh?" Hearing someone calling him, Su Yuntao looked towards Su Wen with surprise.

Soon, he recognized Su Wen.

Having absorbed three Spirit Rings, each time undergoing a true Evolution, Su Wen's physical development had progressed significantly with the advancement of his Martial Spirit. At thirteen years old, Su Wen had almost reached the stature of an average adult—six feet tall, with a handsome face exuding an air of refinement and amiability. Simultaneously, he possessed a masculine vigor, enhancing his overall image.

"Xiaowen, you've changed quite a bit in these three years!" Su Yuntao was very happy, putting aside his work and pulling Su Wen into the office to chat for a while.

"By the way, where's sister Sisi?" Su Wen asked curiously.

Before Su Wen left, Su Yuntao had long been together with Sisi.

"Ah..." Su Yuntao sighed, instantly appearing somewhat world-weary as he gazed into the sky outside the window, lost in thought.

"Xiaowen, I've come to terms with it. Grandmaster Ma Xiu Nuo was right. It's not suitable between Sisi and me. Forcing it will only—"


Su Yuntao sighed consecutively, and it seemed like he couldn't continue.

Su Wen quietly filled in the unspoken words in his mind.

Forced pursuit will only lead to more disappointment.

"Alright, let's not talk about it." Su Yuntao waved his hand, asking about Su Wen's recent situation.

To avoid causing any discomfort, Su Wen refrained from disclosing his Soul Power level and simply mentioned that his recent cultivation had been progressing smoothly.

Everything was going well.

After leaving the Branch Spirit Hall, Su Wen finally returned to New Moon Village.

"Grandpa Jerry."

"Xiaowen, you're back."

Seeing Su Wen, Old Jerry was also delighted. He gripped Su Wen's arms with both hands, patted him hard, and chuckled.

"Haha, you've changed quite a bit in three years."

"Grandpa, you've changed a lot too."

Three years had passed, and Old Jerry's Soul Power had reached level twenty. Along with the cultivation of Soul Power, Old Jerry's body seemed much stronger now.

The absorption of the first Spirit Ring, coupled with the nourishment from the monkey wine for the body and Spiritual Power, made Old Jerry appear as if he had become twenty years younger.

"Why did you suddenly think of coming back to the village to see Grandpa?" Old Jerry asked.

Although he knew from their correspondence that Su Wen was coming back, Old Jerry was unaware of the specific reason.

"Grandpa, this time I brought you something good. After you take it, there's a chance you might reach Spirit Saint in this lifetime," Su Wen said mysteriously.

He didn't mention anything about being a Titled Douluo, just the possibility of becoming a Spirit Saint.

Upon hearing that becoming a Spirit Saint was possible, Old Jerry's eyes lit up.

Why did Holy Spirit Village have a unique working student spot? Why was the elder village chief, Jack, so assertive among the many surrounding villages?

It was all because their village had produced a Spirit Saint!

If, if New Moon Village also produced a Spirit Saint, and it turned out to be him, Old Jerry was genuinely excited.

Of course, after the excitement, he quickly realized that having such a heaven-defying item would be a waste to use on himself, wouldn't it?

"Xiaowen, it's a waste to give me such a good thing. You should use it for yourself," Old Jerry said.

Su Wen felt touched and explained to Old Jerry, "Grandpa, I've already used it. It's not useful for me anymore."

Not useful?

Old Jerry immediately regained his excited state.

Not useful? Then, I won't hesitate to accept it.

Just like with the monkey wine, Old Jerry only accepted it after stating that it wasn't very effective for him. Now, the Golden Dragon Sweet Potato was the same.


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