
Dying and Second Chance?

Earth, Mexico 24 July 2020.

1:00 Am.




Inside an isolated house which resembled haunted houses from the movies, was lying a man facing towards the ceiling while bleeding profusely from his stomach and other parts.

The man muttered something which wasn't understanble because of all the blood gurgled up in his throat.

"Heh, finally *gurgle* I'll have some peace from all the* cough blood* meaningless killings."

And soon his eyes lost all the life....

The man name was Black Shadow and was 19years old, and yes it was his code name given by the organisation which trained orphans like him into killing machines, He didn't have any real name. He was given that name because of his way of killing and his nature of always remaining silent. There were many like him in the organisation but he was among the top tiers.

But of course he was getting tired of all the killings because most of them who he killed where innocents who wanted nothing but betterment of society. And finally when he was fed of with all of this he decided to leave the organisation but was killed by the same organisation because they didn't wanted any rogue assassin.

His personality could be said to be like any teen-ager who wants to enjoy life and have fun...but all the killings have made him somewhat cold and not so talketive.




Meanwhile with Mc.

After dying he found himself in some kind of void....

"Well well ain't this so cliche, Still able to think after dying means I either am gonna reincarnate or being played by some ROB. And i sure as hell don't want to work for anyone else now...." The white soul muttered to itself after finding himself in empty void where he wasn't able to perceive anything.

"Hello child, I see that You are quite calm well it's no surprise that you are calm since given your job....is always to remain calm." The ROB said to the boy.

"Ohh you showed up quite early and yeah I was an assassin so yeah being calm is my trait by the way, other reason is because i have read and watched those manga, anime and fanfics where these kind of things happen.....and according to all the circumstances as far as I remember I only killed innocents so I know that I am not here because of any good karma shit, so either you want to entertain yourself or have pity on him...if it's the former then I decline and you can erase me from existence I dont really care....but if it's the later the I'll gladly accept your Sympathy." The boy answered almost immediately as if he have practiced this line for years....

While when the ROB heard the boys words he was stupified, and thought...' Wasn't this guy a silent type? Did his inner personality awakened after dying....? Let it be imma do my shit and watch some hentai.'

"Ahem, well child I assure you it's the latter one," 'Even if it's the former one how the fuck would you know....anyway I would rather watch some hentai instead of watching you..... if not for your parents I wouldn't even do this.'

the ROB replied. (A/n: Parents here doesn't have any significance used just for reference.)

"Okay thanks I guess, so how do we do this." the boy said even though he sounded plain his inner self was dancing....'Hope I get some op stuff since I didn't read much manga or anime, only watched naruto, one piece and bleach....I should have watched a few more, if not for those bastards who didn't even let me rest after a mission I would have surely watched some more...' the boy sighed internally...

"Okay so basically the world you get is random and wishes well that's random too.....Since you have so much negative karma I can't do anything else." the ROB said...

'Sigh I knew it, Man I just hope i get the world with not much killing please, no naruto and bleach shit... can't deal with them....' he thought then said, " I know so let's get started."

Soon the wisp of soul vanished from the void and appeared in what looked like a Japanese room with a two roulette inside in one there was mention of numerous amount of worlds and and other one had numerous amount of powers.

"Alright just think of spinning them and they will start spinning..." The ROB suddenly voiced.

"Okay" the boy then thought of spinning them, ' Just don't stop at dangerous world and if you do then please gimme some op powers.... please goddess of luck...' he prayed as the roulettes started to spin rapidly.

Gradually they slowed down, the first one to stop was....the World roulette.

"Naruto...no no not naruto man, comeon spin spin Doulou dalu 2? Which world is that...." the boy exclaimed when he saw in which world he would be going.

The ROB then said surprised by the boy reaction, "Hey what's with that reaction, didn't you read Doulou dalu, it's some good stuff man."

"Hey man, it's not like you don't know about my life, but before that I only read English translations so mind translating Doulou dalu in English." the boy said looking nowhere as there was no one the room the begin with.

"Yea i know, well its called soul land in English and have four series meaning one world for time lines....and you are going to the world of soul land in its 2nd timeline." the ROB explained.

"Fuck, i read soul land but only till 100 or so chapters. And hell with so many time lines I didn't even complete one." the boy exclaimed with then continued, " Please lady of luck now atleast give me Some OP powers that i can use in this unknown world..." he prayed and focused his attention of the 2nd roulette.

'Atleast I have the basic knowledge of that world. But man they kill those innocent beasts for gaining powers and I really don't wanna do that ..shit. Killing more innocents be it beast but still innocents i just hope i get something good so I don't have to kill them.' he thought while continuing to stare at the second roulette which was gradually slowing down.

Ans it stopped at, " The power of Dojutsu, All sharingan and Rinnegan abilities with all elemental justu because of Rinnegan. Hmm not bad, but you didn't get the byakugan. Anyway Rinnegan is already very powerful." ROB said.

Soon the boy exclaimed happily, "Finally than you lady luck for your graciousness, By the way ROB I won't have side effects of sharingan right."

"Naah, you won't have any side effects. So lemme explain how you will get your powers. So basically you can't get rings from the Soul land 2 world. So the thing is, you will cultivate sprit energy like everyone but when reaching the threshold instead of getting rings you will unlock one ability of sharingan. And yea you will directly unlock eternal mangekyou sharingan so no worries about blind ness.

You will get an AI that'll explain you how the power system for you will work. By the way the First time Awakening of mangekyou Sharingan will be the same where you will have to go through some kind of pain, can't do anything about that because of your negative karma." ROB explained the powers to the boy who was quietly listening.

"Okay I understand most of the stuff, but just dont give me some system who talks nonsense, just a simple AI will be good who simply relies on commands. By the way I also wanted to ask that can I choose my appearance. Don't want to look my average self second time too..." the boy asked..

"Yea sure you can choose it, now I need to go and yea you will keep your memories if you are wondering about that. So that's all, have fun." Rob quickly said the last sentence and suddenly the boy lost his consciousness.

'Fuck atleast lemm.....' consciousness lost.



.to be continued....


(A/N: so hope you guys like it...and do point out any mistakes.)

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