
Cattle Village (1)

Chapter 49 — Cattle Village (1)

I stared at heaven with the rage and bloodlust receding away.

Was I looking at the right way?

I wondered shortly.

"Mom, dad, sis… I miss you guys so much…"

I couldn't help but let my tears escape from my eyes

"I've already grown so much that I'm almost unrecognizable… If you guys were still alive, I wonder what reactions you would all show?"

I then chuckled as the tears streamed down like rivers.

"I'm such an idiot. Even if I change so much, I know you guys would still recognize me…."

Yet that fact just continued to worsen the feelings within my heart.

The memories I spent with them were gradually fading away, but the moments of their tragic ends still appear so clearly in my wake and sleep.

A never-ending cycle of nightmares.

My tears wouldn't stop spilling out from my eyes.

Even as my hands desperately tried to wipe them away, my tears continued to gush out.

I couldn't hold them back.

Neither my emotions.


And desires.








Everything was uncontrollably spilling out from my grasp.

Those things were impossible to hold back anymore.

Because before my family….

I was nothing but a weak child that was trapped in the darkness of loneliness and vengeance.

This moment was my weakest and lowest state.

My entire being was slowly sinking deep into a swamp of darkness.

However, I felt my heart still beating warmly as if comforting me from the darkness.

Liu San even came out from my spiritual consciousness to tightly hold my hand.

As I watched him, I couldn't help but let out a small smile.

"I forgot to tell you guys, but this is Liu San. He's the newest member of our household."

I introduced Liu San to the graves of my family.

"Hello, I'm Liu San!" Liu San nervously introduced himself.

"Liu San is a smart and nice kid. He's totally different from me."

I began to explain what happened to me in the past years.

I didn't hide anything from them. I talked about the good parts, and even the most horrible ones.

Alongside me, Liu San also silently listened to my stories.

"...I've also learned to play the flute like sis…"

I wanted to let them hear the music I've been seriously developing for them.

As such, I took out the black flute and raised it to my lips.

A series of light and melancholic notes soon began to emerge from the black flute.

Those sounds contained the entirety of my emotions, feelings, and desires—sublimating all of them into my second musical masterpiece.

—The Song Of Family.

As I played longingly with my flute, Liu San also skillfully pounded his chest to produce a series of low and somber drumming sounds to match my pace.

As the music of flute and drums mixed, the two of us were able to play a vivid and beautiful music towards our deceased family.

The night slowly passed.

With beautiful music.

And ugly tears.





















Next day.

In the early morning.

I managed to reach the entrance of the mysterious village.

From an outsider perspective, the village appeared extremely normal like other villages.

After I reached near the entrance, a watchman soon spotted me.

"Hey! Aren't you the savior of our village…!?" The watchman asked while looking very surprised.


The watchman nodded.

"The person who saved our village from an escaped madman. There's no way I would forget your heroic face!"

As expected, they still remembered my act of saving them in the past.a

"I want to talk with your Village Chief. Can I visit him?"

With a warm smile, the watchman eagerly gestured welcomingly with his hand.

"Please follow me. I'll guide you to our Village Chief."

I nodded before following the watchman inside their village.

As we walked, I noticed the inside appeared normal as well.

There were also various villagers gazing at me curiously.

"That person looks familiar…."

"Wait, isn't that our savior!?"


"It is! I'm sure of it!"


"It's our savior!"

The villagers began to loudly chatter while brimming with excitement.

"Don't mind them. They're just happy to see the esteemed hero who saved our village from harm."

I felt not a single dangerous presence from amongst the villagers.

There was only pure goodwill and zealous respect.

The watchman and I soon arrived before a humble wooden house.

The Village Chief's House.

Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Village Chief, the savior is here to visit you?"

Soon after,


A rough voice came from inside.

The door opened to reveal a wrinkly old woman with a skinny body.

Her dull gray eyes were excitedly staring at me.

"Please come in."

The granny invited me inside her house with a warm smile.

The watchman didn't enter as it was a private conversation.

The house appeared ordinary with minimal furniture.

However, there was a sterile scent that filled the stagnant air. It also smelled somewhat like a medicine.

The granny looked sickly, so it should be her medications.

The two of us silently sat inside the dining room.

"May I ask why you are here?" She respectfully asked.

"There are mysterious cases of villages being destroyed near here, so there might be a high possibility for this village to be the next. I'm here to stop the people responsible for those destruction."

"I've heard news of those incidents, but why are you going so far to protect such an insignificant village like ours?"

"Simply because it's a must."

"Then allow me to express gratitude on behalf of our village."

The granny bowed gratefully with a warm smile.

After the talk, she allowed me to temporarily stay inside her house for sleep and food.

There was an empty guest room that I could use to temporarily stay.

Since I now have a room, I went outside to investigate the village and its villagers to clearly see if there was something sinister behind them.

And they were definitely strange.

The villagers were oddly idolizing and respecting too much.

They were zealously worshiping me as their saviors.

When I asked for the reason, they only said they could feel the Black Sun within me.

Aside from the Black Sun, there was also the Kingdom Of Black People.

However, I didn't understand those confusing parts.

The villagers weren't offering explanations since they also didn't know much. Instead, it felt more like they were familiar to those things.

The only thing I know was that their treatment was genuine.

Their attitudes were clearly not fake.

Let alone danger, I couldn't even feel malice from them.

This was truly a mysterious village.

Or rather…

—The Cattle Village.