
first fight

OK what is that Funbi replied, Shalewa was scared of facing her friend for the first time, she stammered for a while before she could force the words out, Funbi I am not a Virgin, this words sounded like noise to Shalewa's ear.. she looked at her friend strangely, this is the first time they would discuss issues concerning their romantic life, Funbi who could not hide her shock pulled her friend to the bed and told her to repeat what she just said... Shalewa managed to repeat everything she said and Funbi out of annoyance landed a hot slap on her friend's ear, how dare you Shalewa? why will you do something like that? you are a bad girl!! you are a slut!! this are words that kept coming out of Funbi's mouth, she was totally disappointed in her friend. Shalewa tried her best to calm her friend down after which she explained how she got disflowered..

It all started from her senior secondary school, she had a male teacher who also takes her private home lessons, one unfortunate afternoon while her parents were out, the teacher as usual came to the to take her home lessons, he started acting strange and was touching Shalewa in a way that made her uncomfortable, she managed to utter the words 'uncle stop!! but before she knew it he went wild and raped her... after the evil act he begged shalewa not to cry as he blamed it on the devil and when he noticed that his plea was not yielding the positive results as shalewa was still crying, he started threatening her and promised to kill her if she ever told anyone... and for a year the abuse went on without shalewa's parent finding out, she was happy when she graduated from secondary school and he could no longer abuse her

after Shalewa finished telling her story, Funbi was crying alongside her friend.. she was sorry for judging her and promised her they would both bring the teacher to justice when they become a lawyer

Funbi promised never to tell anyone her friends secret and they were both good friends again.

Do you think Shalewa's parents are at fault for not noticing the abuse?

Do you think Shalewa who was 15 at that time should have spoken up despite the threat?

Drop your comments as you wait for the next episode