
Double-Faced Mage

Magic is the stronghold that binds everything together here there's both the source of magic and source of darkness in the world where majority of the population is magical and the rest uses magic every species must come together for the greater good of their universe

GodlyAsura · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
1 Chs

Chapter 1


A boy who looks to be in his teens limps through the forest,p as he holds his left hand which looks it was broken with scars all over ranging from his head down to his feet like he just fought a war.

His long blue hair tied behind him exposing his beautiful face structure, as his white eyes resonated the moon aura. He passed through trees as he left a huge trail of blood behind him, and it seemed he was loosing blood faster by the second. It was obvious he could pass out at anytime.


A tall figure landed Infront of him with his hands behind his back. The boy immediately took a stance forgetting his injuries.

"Who are you? And what the hell do you want with me?!" Harry fell to the floor, before blurting out in frustration.

The man chuckled. "Me? Well, I'm just a nobody. You don't need to know who I am, nor do I know who you are. But certain people have ordered me to make sure I pick you up"

"Certain people?" Harry was puzzled.

"That's not for you to know" the man answered rather lazily. "All I'm going to say is, we can do this the easy way.. Or, the 'I'm going to beat you unconscious, then take you along' kind of way"

The boy springed forward with his hands in the air, his injuries forsaking him reducing his movements in the process.

The figure didn't move an inch even when the fist was directly at his face, he just smiled and disappeared appearing at the back of the boy grabbing his hands and slamming him on the floor with a loud thud.


His body and the floor made an impact sending a shockwave throughout the forest. The boy laid there as he slowly fell unconscious.


He stood up and looked around as he noticed he wasn't in the forest but he was in a room, the designs in the room showed that it wasn't owned by a commoner.

He finally looked at his body that's when he noticed his wounds were bandaged and he was shirtless exposing most of his scars.

"Where am I, I need to get out of here before they come and find me" The boy said grabbing his bandage as his head searched the room.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, so just climb back on that bed and lie down." The figure said as he rested on the wall, playing with a coin. "Oh how rude of me I'm Omar and you are Harry I presume " Omar said as he walked towards the raggedy looking Harry.

<How did this person know my name> Harry thought to himself shocked at how and why he knows his name. Harry have been used to danger that he got suspicious of everything.

"You must be wondering how I know your name, well I guess that was the only thing they told me about you"


Before Omar could finish his words Harry appeared Infront of him with a Fire ball in his palms. Omar just laughed as Harry stared surprised at why this strange person was laughing at the face of death.

"Do you need a reminder of how I defeated you easily yesterday without breaking a sweat" Omar said as an intimidating aura spread throughout his aura pushing Harry back in the process.

Harry slowly turned off the flame as he began to step away, his legs were weak and he looked like he could pass out again.

"Good I see you know your limits." Omar said carrying Harry back to his bed

"Who are you, what do you want for me and where am i" Harry asked adjusting his pillow which seemed to hurt his back.

"Number one i already told you my name, number 2 you'll find out in time number 3 you're in a house does that answer your questions" Omar said rather lazily

"What makes you think I wanna stay here" Harry asked maybe because he had this feeling he couldn't trust this guy and he didn't want to take chances.

"Well it's either I let you back where you came from and whoever that's after you actually kidnaps you or you could stay here and train under me and you might be able to face the people trying to harm you" Omar said sitting down besides Harry's bed.

"How did you know about the people trying to hurt me are you some kind of creep or something" Harry said immediately weary of the weird figure sitting beside him.

"Oh you poor child I literally saw you in the brink of deatg" Omar said as he yawned at his own statement."All I need for you is to come to the School of Magicals and don't worry nothing can actually enter the schools barrier"

Harry still didn't trust him even the slightest bit he knew how sneaky and backstabbing Magicals were.

"So am I now a student or is there a step I must follow"

"You'll have to go through the combat exam you'll find other magicals to decide if you'll stay or not" Omar paused making sure Harry was listening.

"So when is this exam thing so I can get it over with" Harry said in reply to Omar's lecture.

"The exam is in one week and I assure you that with your current skills you're just gonna get destroyed in the exam" Omar chuckled "But don't worry I'll be your master and train you so you can at least put up a good fight"

"So when does this training start"

"First thing tomorrow immediately the clock strikes 6, but for now I need you to rest you're a magical so your regeneration should be at least plausible" Omar said not minding if his words were triggering Harry.

Harry didn't say anything he just slid back into the bed and immediately he fell asleep.

Next morning*

"Bloody hell why does my head hurt so much." Harry said as he come down from the bed and attempted to open the door.

Omar stood outside with a weapon in his hands, opposite him was an exact copy of him for a while they were both silent.


They both clashed forward as their swords collided on impact, I couldn't see anything they were moving faster than what I could keep up with all I noticed was the air waves they both made.

Under a few seconds a head was sent flying straight to my hands,<This dude is actually as strong as he says he is> Harry thought as the bisected head disintegrated into nothingness.

Omar waved his hands instructing Harry to come. Harry walked towards as he subconsciously switched on his defence.

"Sit" Omar ordered commanding Harry to sit down in the grass

"Why should I sit" Harry protested as his hands found its way to his hair.

"I see you have a bad habit of always asking questions" Omar said as his faced twitched into an irritated smile

Omar used his aura forcing Harry to sit down, he sat down at the back of Harry and cracked his fingers.

"I'll need you to relax and free up your body again don't ask a question" Omar said prepared to do whatever he was about to do.

"How am I sure you're not about to do something dangerous to me" Harry said as he turned to face Omar

"Maybe because I could've have killed you many times yet you still seem alive so can you shut up before I actually kill you" Omar said as his voice turned from neutral to irritated in a second.

Harry slowly turned before Omar finally placed his palms at Harry's back. He took a deep breath and a bright light came out of his hands into the back of Harry making Harry scream in the process.

After a while Omar finally stopped while Harry crashed to the ground.

"Now you can easily control mana without any issues o have to say you had a lot of impurities in your body." Omar said as he stood up stretching while Harry just stayed there.

"What was that for you could've gave me a warning before you put me through hell" Harry said as he blurted his well assumed anger.

"I told you to relax any pain you felt was on you." Omar said shrugging off what he did to Harry "Stand up let's begin".

Harry stood up and to his surprise he felt lighter like a huge load was lifted from his shoulders.

"Draw out your weapon so we can begin." Omar said dusting his body from the debris.

"I don't have a weapon" Harry said playing with his fingers

"That's strange every Magical has a weapon and you can't use mine it'll just react badly with your body" Omar heaved a sigh as he walked towards a Shack coming out with a long katana.

"Use this until you can actually unlock your weapon"Omar said throwing it towards Harry who catched it in response.

"First I'll like to know your element affinity or affinities"

"Only fire as you've seen"

"Don't lie to me I can feel your heart beating faster if you want me to actually help you then tell me"Omar said as he rested his hands on each other

"Fire, Air and Shadow" Harry heaved a sigh replying sluggishly.

"You're a three element mage at this age good I can make good work of you" Omar said walking towards a huge tree. He threw a punch his fist stopped directly Infront of the tree.


The tree was blown away along with other trees, Harry just stood there with his mouth wide open as his face betrayed him

"Neat uhn, well this isn't even half of what I can do for your first assignment you are meant to cut this tree in half with just sword aura I don't want you to touch the tree. Is that clear enough" Omar said pointing to a nearby tree while Harry just stood there dumbfounded.

"I'll leave you to your thoughts I want it done by the end of the day" Omar said as he flew away into the horizon.

"So I could actually be killed at any moment what kind of situation am I in" Harry grabbed his hair as he fell to the ground "Should I run away or play along I'm sure if I run I'll just end up dead"

He just heaved a sigh and stood up "I'm going to use him to accomplish my goals I'll get stronger through him" he walked towards the tree and began swinging.

After what felt like hours the fatigue finally set in the sweat drenching his cloths and his muscles weakened as he fell on his back looking up at the sky.

"What is it I'm missing I did exactly what he did I swinged my sword I don't know how a person can do that without infusing an element" He punched the ground but stopped before his fist made contact.

"That's it how was I so dumb I didn't notice it it was obviously very clear." He jumped up and took his sword and faced the tree "This time it's gonna be easy" he said with a wide grin on his face.