
Double Comparison: Sasuke, The Ninja World Is Numb

During the Chūnin exam, a live comparison broadcast room appears in the sky, showing the completely different lives of two Uchiha Sasuke! Sasuke from the Original World: Deceived by Uchiha Itachi, fooled by Uchiha Obito, manipulated by the Hokage, kept in the dark. Relying on the raod arranged by Uchiha Itachi and Sage of Six Paths to improve his strength. Seal Kaguya to save the ninja world, but finally leave Konoha alone. There is only one daughter, and seeing that Uchiha's bloodline is about to be cut off... Sasuke from the Parallel World: Read and think, look for clues to find out the truth, and destroy all enemies! Improve your own strength and acquire Sage Mode, Sage Body, Rinnegan, Tailed Beast Power, etc! Unify the ninja world with absolute power, sweep Ōtsutsuki, bring real peace to the ninja world, and open the era of interstellar exploration in the ninja world! Hey everyone, this is a Chinese Fan-Fiction I'm translating named: 双对比:海王佐助,全忍界麻了. Hopefully you guys enjoy it. Join my Patreon for advance chapters coming soon. Patreon.com/HiddenLotus_

HiddenLotus_ · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 35: Good, You Managed To Piss Me Off

Uzumaki Naruto: "Ah! That Sasuke actually wants to give up Grandpa Tazuna?"

Uchiha Sasuke: "That guy clearly lied about the mission first!"

Haruno Sakura: "Naruto! During the second battle on the Great Naruto Bridge, Sasuke almost died protecting you!"

Namikaze Minato: "Although Naruto and the others have indeed improved a lot in the Kingdom of Waves, such clients who lie about the situation are indeed dangerous."

Onoki: "In the ninja world, when encountering such a situation, are there many ninjas willing to perform the task? That Tazuna should really pray to god!"

Terumi Mei: "The mission still has to continue, if you don't kill this guy, you won't be able to escape."


[After reaching an agreement, Team 7 continues to move forward.]

[However, Kakashi is now fully motivated compared to the previous sluggishness.]

[Arrived in the land of waves.]

[In a forest full of water.]

[The Kubikiribōchō is flying in circles and whistling!]


[Kakashi and the others were on full alert, and followed the previous plan.].


["Is this the Decapitating Carving Knife? Doesn't feel like anything special except that it is bigger."]

[Sasuke stretched out his hand directly, and lightly caught the knife.]


[He was preparing for an ambush in secret, and jumped out to finish the job.]

[Instead, his Decapitating Carving Knife was caught by someone?]

[And that brat actually laughed at his weapon?!]

["Little brat, your strength is pretty good."]

[Zabuza jumped down from the tree and said to Sasuke.]

[Being able to catch the high-speed rotating Decapitating Carving Knife, and grasping the handle, not only shows the opponent's dynamic vision, but also reflects the opponent's strength.]

[With the size of the Decapitating Carving Knife, it flew over with a roar, and ordinary Genin couldn't catch it at all!]

Mangetsu Hōzuki: "Pfft! Senior, your way of appearing on the stage is so poor!"

Terumi Mei: "The ninja sword was seized as soon as it came out. It's really embarrassing to Kirigakure!"

Onoki: "It's about to start! Finally, I can see the strength of this Uchiha Sasuke in a life-and-death battle."

Orochimaru: "Gold Sasuke can catch the Decapitating Carving Knife easily, and his strength seems to have improved a lot, hehe."

Tsunade: "..."

Why did Sasuke suddenly become stronger?

It must be because the research on Chakra Enhanced Strength has begun to show results!

Although it has not reached her level, it may not be far from that day.


[Zabuza suddenly attacked Sasuke, wanting to take back his Kubikiribōchō as quickly as possible.]

[Although this little brat is more powerful than expected, he wouldn't pay much attention to it if he didn't catch his knife.]

[It's best to take back your weapon first before Hatake Kakashi makes a move. He'll then go fight Hatake Kakashi by himself!]


[Seeing himself getting close to Sasuke, Zabuza suddenly felt an unbearable pain in his abdomen, and a terrible force made him fly backwards!]

[The body rolled on the ground more than a dozen times before barely stopping, struggling to get up, coughing blood in the mouth!]

[What happened?]

[Looking at the situation on the other side, Hatake Kakashi is still in his original position, and the kid holding his sword just retracted his fist.]

[No way...]

[The punch just now came from that brat?]

[Is he a monster?]

[Why is the power so terrifying!]

[Looking up, I saw the other party's scarlet eyes.]

[Three Tomoe Sharingan!]

[He never expected the survivor of the Uchiha clan to have such a terrifying power!]

["Ahem...you are a descendant of the Uchiha clan! I heard that the Uchiha clan was killed by the Itachi who exterminated the clan, leaving only my younger brother, isn't it you?"]

["Your eyes can be sold for a good price on the black market!"]

[Zabuza looked at Sasuke's eyes with a greedy look.]

[If you can catch this brat and sell it on the black market, you can make a lot of money in no time!]

[On the opposite side.]

[Sasuke, who was a little excited because he was about to face the battle, gradually became gloomy:]

["So you want to take my eyes, right? Very well, you have successfully angered me."]

Uchiha Madara: "Even if you want to, why say it out loud? Are you are looking for death!"

Senju Tobirama: "Say that to a Uchiha, this provocation is strong!"

Onoki: "Every word he said is like touching Sasuke's reverse scale. There'll probably be nothing left of him when Sasuke finishes with him."

Terumi Mei: "It's miserable, Zabuza, it's miserable!"



[Sasuke's whole body flashed with lightning, and instantly activated the Lightning Style: Overdrive.]


[The figure disappeared in an instant, and appeared in front of Zabuza the next moment, and the Decapitating Carving Knife in his hand was facing Zabuza's waist!]


[Zabuza's expression changed drastically.]

[Isn't this kid's speed too fast?!]

[Even faster than him!]

[Even as part of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist, he can only dodge wildly at this moment!]




[Sasuke wields Kubikiribōchō and slashes around.]

[The earth was cut, cracks emerging, the rocks were cut to pieces, and the trees were cut in half!]

[The huge and heavy beheading knife is brandished like a toy in Sasuke's hands, and he can use it freely without hesitation!]

[Anyway, it's not my own weapon, so what if I cut carelessly!]

["Damn it! Damn kid, how dare you treat my weapon like that!"]

[Although theDecapitating Carving Knife can be restored by sucking blood, its still disrespectful for Sasuke to use it like that!]

[This brat actually treats his treasured Decapitating Carving Knife so wantonly and slashes at will!]

[Zabuza can't do anything except gritting his teeth in frustration.]

[The speed and strength of this kid are completely at the level of Jōnin! What a monster! How did that old man Tazuna hire someone of this level!]

Orochimaru: "Obviously, Sasuke's research on Chakra Enhanced Strength has already paid off, Tsunade."

Tsunade: "... Orochimaru you shut up!"

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