
Doted by the Alpha (S1&S2)

In an alternate world where evolution has given the male species the ability to get pregnant, a young man named Daniel Sullen had his life turn 180 degrees when he discovered he wasn't what he was supposed to be. He discovered the secret of his birth and upon knowing comes along an evil twin sister that wants to ruin his life every chance she gets to and parents that don't even consider him as their own. The only person on his side was his grandfather who favors him more than anyone until that fateful night. Maybe it's good karma but who would think he'd end up being pregnant with a billionaire's child??! ... This is a work of fiction. It has no connection to real individuals groups or events. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or transmission (Including websites) of this work, in part or in whole is prohibited and punishable by the law. All Rights Reserve. lesson101 2018 ... Disclaimer: The picture used in the book cover is not mine. No copyright infringement intended. If you are the owner of this art and wish for me to take it down then my DM's are always open and I will remove it immediately. Or you can email me on lesson101.lightnovels@gmail.com

lesson101 · LGBT+
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237 Chs

The Scheme Just Started

* * *

"Mo Estate." Veronica quickly said to the driver Laura Mo arranged for her as soon as she left the building. Ever since Mo Hanlu walked out last week when his mother announced that he was to marry Veronica no matter what, none of them had seen the Alpha. Laura Mo had called so many times but just four days ago, their calls never again went through.

Even though that time Mo Hanlu agreed that he was going to marry her. He never once approached her or talked to her about their baby. He was completely ignoring her, Veronica never expected such treatment because Hanlu used to be so kind to her. He was never cold to her like he was doing now.

She solely believed that if the Alpha knew that the baby was his, he would take care of her like he did before. But none of that happened.

Before, Veronica thought Hanlu liked her. However, now she knew that wasn't the case and that took a toll on her ego. The reason she agreed on this arrangement was that she was confident Hanlu liked her, even in just the tiniest bit. If this continues, won't she just end up like Mo Laotian's Omega wife? Staying at home, taking care of their child in the morning and husband at night? Everyday just like that?

No! Veronica would never allow that to happen. Even if she marries into the Mo Family, being a housewife was not in her plan. She never even thought of taking care of the baby herself. She was hoping to let the nannies take care of it while she continued to be the star that she was.

That was the whole purpose of why she wanted to marry in the Mo Family. She wanted to use her background to her advantage in the entertainment industry. She wanted to become famous still, projects left and right but now, things weren't going her way. She had no time for children.

She was hoping Hanlu would give their baby a bit of attention, even if not her. But Hanlu wasn't, even though he said he was going to take responsibility. He didn't even care if the baby was healthy or not, whether it had two legs and two arms. Hanlu was entirely cold to her and their baby.

Nodding at Veronica's request, the driver started the engine. Veronica remained silent in the car thinking how she was going to convince Laura Mo to let her act. Days ago, the woman hinted to her that she didn't want her acting in the meantime because it would stress her out.

Veronica tried to change the subject at that time, convincing Laura that she liked acting and that she would be extra careful but clearly, the woman was not convinced seeing that she was now being pulled out in her movie. And so now, she will have to ask the woman to let her because she had nothing to do anyway.

While Veronica was thinking about how to perform later at the mansion, her cell phone suddenly rang. When she looked at her mobile phone, she was shocked to see Remi Long's caller Id flashed on the screen. Without delay, Veronica quickly accepted the call.

"Hello, Vicky?" As soon as Veronica accepted the call, Remi's voice rang from the other line.

"Remi? Where were you? I have been reaching out for you for weeks and you only called me now. I know I was wrong but was ignoring me really that necessary?" Veronica rushed to say frowning. For days she had been worried if Remi had been exposing her secret to the public but seeing that she wasn't, Veronica was kinda relieved.

"I'm sorry Vicky. I had a minor accident and been staying in the hospital for a week. I was advised by the doctor not to use cell phone device while I'm healing and so I was only able to call you now," Remi explained sounding weak that Veronica quickly believed.

"What? Where are you now? I'll go and see you right away." Veronica quickly said, sounding worried but of course, Remi was not convinced since she never asked her if she was okay. Normally, if people were really worried, the first thing they would ask should be, are you okay? Nevertheless, Remi continued on her act and told Veronica where she was.

"Okay, I'll be there right away. It's close to where I am now." Veronica said which Remi replied with a simple hum before they hung up on each other. Veronica quickly instructed her driver to go to the hospital and 15 minutes later, she arrived.

"What room is Remi Long staying?" Veronica asked the nurse at the front desk.

"What's your relationship with the patient?"

"I'm her friend. I came to visit her."

"Okay, wait a minute." The nurse briefly said and scanned something on the computer, she then, later on, called someone on the phone who she called Mr. Wood. Veronica listened to the nurse's conversation with a frown. Who was this Mr. Wood that the nurse needed to call just to ask permission for her to visit Remi?

"Okay, Mr. Wood. I'll send her up right away." The nurse said and then hung up. She looked at Veronica with a smile.

"Ms. Long is staying in VIP room 1 on the top floor. I have already received your permission. If you trailed the way over there you'll find the elevator, just press the top floor and you go left to room 1." The nurse instructed. Although Veronica was a little bit confused about who Mr. Wood was and how Remi Long managed to get a VIP room, she didn't ask anymore and just proceeded to find the room.

When she finally arrived, she didn't bother to knock at the door and opened it to find Remi laying in a massive bed while she watched the latest movie in a 42 inches TV that hasn't even premiered into the Cinemas.

Remi hasn't noticed Veronica yet, she continued to eat her snack as she focused her attention on the movie. Seeing this, Veronica frowned in distaste. She had been stressed out for a week looking for this woman and now she's actually here relaxing in the bed while snacking on some wild blackberries.

"I thought you were in an accident. That doesn't seem to be the case." Veronica spoke as she neared Remi. It was then that Remi noticed her. Picking up the remote control, Remi paused the movie and put the bowl of wild blackberries at the side table.

"Vicky, thank God you came. I was so bored here. I'm very sorry I was not able to call you, as you can see, I'm trapped here." Remi said mournfully, she reached out to Veronica and hugged her.

"It doesn't seem that you're bored though. Anyway, what happened to you? What kind of accident happened to you and how were you able to afford this room?" Veronica said suddenly feeling impatient with Remi as they separate from the hug, just seeing her being this carefree made Veronica mad. Earlier when she heard Remi got into an accident, she was expecting Remi to be in a sorry situation. Not like this. It's like she's living a happy and carefree life instead.

"Nonsense, I am bored here. I have nothing to do but watch movies and eat." Remi insisted, hurt evident on her expression that immediately made Veronica soften her expression a bit.

"Okay, but you seem to be fine. Why are you still here? I was expecting you to come back and work for me again. Anyway, can you even afford this room?" Veronica said which caused Remi to smile, however, her smile didn't reach her eyes.

"Vicky, I just got into an accident. I may seem like I'm okay but currently, I can't move my leg. I can't go back to work and even if I did, I don't think my boyfriend would want that." Remi said as she caresses her left leg that now has been covered with a blanket. As soon as Veronica heard Remi, her eyes quickly went wide. Boyfriend?!

Remi Long had a boyfriend?! The plain-looking Remi actually managed to get a boyfriend? Remi had been Veronica's friend since they were kids and never had she heard of the news that Remi had gotten herself a boyfriend. Additionally, Veronica knew that Remi had a long time crush with her ex-boyfriend, Ethan Morris. Never in her life that she heard Remi liked someone aside from Ethan, up until now, Veronica knew Remi still liked Ethan.

"Boyfriend? Since when did you even get one?" Veronica asked with a frown. Now completely unhappy at what she's hearing. Somehow, it irked her to see Remi being this happy. Between the two of them, she should be the one who should be acting happy because she'll be marrying Mo Hanlu soon. But instead, she wasn't.

Seeing Remi like this, made her bitter.

"Well, I actually met him a few months back. He came here to visit the country. Back then, I only helped him with directions and then a week ago, I was hit by this car while I was on the way to get my groceries. He helped me and then we quickly fell in love. He's the one paying up this room so no need to worry about the bill." Remi explained, her expression showing that she's really in love with this boyfriend she's talking about.

"Remi, aren't you rushing into this. You just met him a few times and now he's your boyfriend? Are you even sure he's in love with you?" Veronica replied with a frown remaining in between her brows.

"Vicky, why does it seem like you're not happy that I'm finally having a boyfriend. I was always happy and supportive when it comes to you. Why can't you just be happy with mine? Ever since you arrived, you haven't asked me if I'm okay or not and instead, you rushed me to get back to work when I clearly said that I just got into an accident. I can't see that you're happy that I'm okay or that you're happy that finally, I'm happy. After all these years." Remi said, she felt irritated at how Veronica was treating her ever since she arrived.

She had been treating Veronica as her best friend for more than 25 years. She had dedicated her whole life to her and helping her in her career instead of finding herself a proper job. She had graduated properly unlike Veronica but up until now, she had not reached anything in her life.

Her parents had been telling Remi to find a better job in a well-established company but she didn't because Vicky begged her. Vicky told her that she needed her in her life. Remi had been a good friend but she didn't realize that she was the only one treating her-her best friend while Veronica was treating her as her plain-looking manager who she could push around whenever she wanted.

Remi was already turning 30 this year but she was still single, being Veronica's manager took all her time that she didn't even have the time to socialize with other people. Find a nice man to settle with so she could finally forget about Ethan Morris. Or even find a time for herself to relax and unwind.

Hearing Remi's outburst, Veronica realized what she had been saying and quickly apologized to Remi. Even though she was indeed irritated at the moment, she forced herself not to and just be happy for Remi.

"Okay, I'm sorry Rem. I have been really stressed out lately and you know how pregnancies are, right? I'm really sorry if I upset you, I was just worried that Mr. Wood is just using you or something. You're my friend and it's only natural for me to worry about these kinds of things." Veronica tried to explain. Which quickly nodded and acted that she understood.

"Okay, I understand. I'm sorry as well. Even though I can't be your manager anymore, I can still help you sometimes if I have time. Okay? Anyways, don't worry about my relationship with Jonathan. He's really nice to me, and in fact, he just called me earlier and said he had time to visit me today." Remi said cheerfully.

"I'm sure you'll be surprised to see him. But I hope you won't get angry with me. But you see, it also shocked me. He's from England and only visited here to open up a new company. I wondered why he fell for me at first but he was so kind. I'm sure you'll like him too." Remi added excitedly and just as she finished, they heard a gentle knock on the door before it opened.

Since Remi was laying on the bed, Veronica was the first one to see who had just come in. The moment he saw the man, Veronica's eyes gape in surprise.


Search up "lesson101", Title of the book "Doted by the Alpha" or title of Volume two "My Husband is a Mafia Boss". Or simply "DBTA" / "MHMB".

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