
Doted by the Alpha (S1&S2)

In an alternate world where evolution has given the male species the ability to get pregnant, a young man named Daniel Sullen had his life turn 180 degrees when he discovered he wasn't what he was supposed to be. He discovered the secret of his birth and upon knowing comes along an evil twin sister that wants to ruin his life every chance she gets to and parents that don't even consider him as their own. The only person on his side was his grandfather who favors him more than anyone until that fateful night. Maybe it's good karma but who would think he'd end up being pregnant with a billionaire's child??! ... This is a work of fiction. It has no connection to real individuals groups or events. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or transmission (Including websites) of this work, in part or in whole is prohibited and punishable by the law. All Rights Reserve. lesson101 2018 ... Disclaimer: The picture used in the book cover is not mine. No copyright infringement intended. If you are the owner of this art and wish for me to take it down then my DM's are always open and I will remove it immediately. Or you can email me on lesson101.lightnovels@gmail.com

lesson101 · LGBT+
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237 Chs

Pregnant Again

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"Stay alert. We can't leave yet." Laotian replied, changing Luangmin's position to the other side of his arm. Of course, they can't leave yet, even if the media press was waiting outside, he can't cut off Daniel's enjoyment. 

The Omega had been anticipating this day to come and Laotian couldn't bear to spoil it.

"Yes sir. Team B is on standby." The man replied which Laotian nodded in acknowledgment before he waved his hand dismissing and putting him on alert standby.

"D-Dada…" As the man left, Luangmin started squirming and pointed at somewhere reaching out his little arm. When Laotian noticed it and looked at where Luangmin was glancing. Laotian saw a tall woman wearing a striking red champagne dress that must have caught his son's attention.

Yet, the moment Laotian laid his eyes on the woman's face, his expression twitched a little. He tightened his hold on Luangmin before he quickly shifted his eyes on Daniel, alarmed. The Omega was with a tall man, they were looking at the same painting while they talked.

Walking fast as he narrowed his eyes at a tall man talking to Daniel, Laotian signaled his men to stay on high alert as their enemy might just be around them. 

The woman in the red dress was the one Ethan Morris had told them who killed him that day and failed. She was the woman seen with Veronica Chime when he hired someone to follow her.

At this moment, Laotian well enough understood that the woman was his enemy. If she was here, then her boss might just be around them, and possibly the one talking to Daniel. Laotian perceived that this was no coincidence. This must've been part of the enemy's plot.

"Oh really!? Thank you so much, sir. I really liked this painting." Daniel replied happily to the man next to him. They were looking at the painting in front of them, this one was Daniel's fourth painting but compared to the other three, he liked this one very much that he wanted to buy it immediately.

However, when he wanted to put his sticker to bid for the painting, he found out that the maximum level for the painting to have bidders had been filled. Each painting can only have five bidders but the painting he was looking at already had five people who wanted to buy it.

Thankfully, this man beside him gave up his spot for Daniel and so now Daniel can bid for the painting at last.

*chuckles* "I am a close friend of the painter. I could just ask him to paint this again so don't worry. I only came here really to support a friend visiting the country I was born in." The man replied, causing Daniel to look at him surprised. His big doe eyes as if saying he wanted to meet the artist personally but had trouble saying it.

Seeing this, the man chuckled again and attempted to hold Daniel's hair but before he could do that, Laotian arrived pulling Daniel to his side.

"Laotian!?" Daniel called, surprised being suddenly pulled to his husband's arms. 

"Who is this?" Laotian asked deeply. His still narrow eyes remained at the man. Laotian carefully observes the man's features, memorizing as much as he could. He wondered what his real reason to approach Daniel was. He also wondered if this man was his real enemy.

"Oh, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Diego; I only came here to support a friend. But seeing your... wife I presumed, wanted this painting. I decided to give him my spot since I could just ask my friend to paint this again." The man introduced himself softly but somehow in an eerie manner. 

Laotian caught this immediately that he slightly tightened his arms on Daniel making Daniel confused.

Noticing that Laotian wasn't interested in responding to the man, Daniel took this as a cue to reply in order not to appear rude. "My name is Daniel. This is my husband, Laotian, and my son, Luangmin. Nice to meet you, and thank you so much for giving me your spot, " 

"Oh, Laotian?! Are you perhaps, Mo Laotian?" Diego asked, surprised. After all, there was only one person he knew in the country that had a name Laotian and it wouldn't be odd for him to relate Laotian to that person since Laotian is a very rare name.

"Yes, that's him," Daniel replied happily already warming up to the man's kind approach, plus he was friends with his favorite artist. It made him happy to make friends with someone who knew his idol.

"It's nice to meet you, Mr. Mo. It's really an honor to meet you here but I think I should go now, nice to meet you again, Daniel. I hope you get to buy this painting. And maybe next time I'll introduce you to the artist." Diego said at the end, noticing Mo Laotian's glares on him.

"Oh okay, thank you again. Hope to see you again. I will definitely not waste your sacrifice." Daniel replied slightly reluctant because he was hoping to meet his favorite artist but since it couldn't be helped, Daniel waved his hand goodbye.

"What is it Laotian?" When the man fully left their sight, Daniel faced the Alpha and asked. Laotian finally sighs in relief before he leaned down and hugged the Omega.

"What happened, Laotian? Did something happen?" Daniel asked, worried. He rubbed the Alpha's back with one of his hands and the other to Luangmin.

"It's under control now," Laotian replied, pulling away from Daniel. On cue, Melissa, Josh, and Kent came worriedly.

"Danny, will the three of you be okay? I heard the exit had been blocked by the people from the media looking for the two of you." Melissa informed.

"What? But how? No one knew we've come here, and this was a private event," Daniel replied restlessly before he looked at Laotian. Furthermore, what would they want to ask them this time? Veronica Chime's issue should have been cleared to them already. 

"I don't know either. But I had it under control already. They can't come in here, so you can enjoy looking at the paintings more." Laotian said dotingly which made Daniel even more worried. He suddenly felt like he shouldn't be selfish. 

Because they were at the gallery, the event had been spoiled just because the media didn't want to give them their privacy. 

People were being bothered because of them. Daniel thought.

"Hey, don't worry about it. You just need to enjoy the gallery." Laotian cooed.

"No, I can't enjoy it when I'm causing this much trouble to other people." Daniel insisted.

"I heard they were asking about your second pregnancy?" Melissa added and her eyes wondered on Daniel's stomach. 

She didn't notice it earlier since Daniel was wearing thick clothes. Although she felt something earlier when she hugged the Omega, she pushed the thought at the back of her mind because of her excitement. It's been such a long time since she saw Daniel and seeing him again looking better than before, made her forget about the other things.

And besides, it would be rude for her to ask why Daniel's stomach seemed to be so big. If he was pregnant, people will know sooner or later anyway.

"What?" Daniel looked at Melissa surprised. None outside of the family had known his pregnancy, not even Veronica Chime. When Laotian noticed Daniel's stomach had been growing drastically, they immediately stopped going to the Mo Estate. Laura also didn't complain because she didn't want what happened before to happen to Daniel and Luangmin again or else she wouldn't be able to hold herself and ruin Veronica Chime with her own hands.

But now that the media had come to know this, the question was? How? How did the media come to know this information? Who leaked it?

Laotian hearing this suddenly had a headache coming. Can this day get any worse? They were just here to have fun. Why can't that happen?

"Are you really pregnant?" Melissa asked curiously, even though it's quite a mess outside, she felt excited that his friend was pregnant again. Mo Laotian and Daniel Sullen Mo's pairing had become the most desirable couple tandem in the country. Their wedding was called the grandest weddings in the country's history and could even compare to the royalties. 

Their wedding two years ago was even nicknamed as the royal wedding of the century because even royalties and aristocrats from across the world attended. It was breathtaking. 

Of course, Melissa can't blame the media for being this hyped after receiving news that Daniel might be pregnant again. Many people had been following their relationship all this time. Even she had become the couple's fan after she discovered her friend had married the man that every Omegas and woman always dreamed of.

"Hmmm, but it's a secret within the family for now," Daniel confirmed holding on his bulging stomach. He didn't expect his second pregnancy would receive a reaction like this.

After all, it's normal for a wife to be pregnant with his husband.

"Oh my gosh! Really?" Melissa exclaimed excitedly. 

"Congratulations," Melissa added, the two other guys at her back smiled and congratulated him as well.

"Thank you but, Laotian and I were planning to keep this as private as we can," Daniel replied worriedly. Melissa quickly understood and held Daniel's arm softly. There was silence between them before Daniel pressed his face to Laotian and Luangmin.

At first, Laotian was actually the first one who suggested that they should keep his pregnancy for now and only reveal everything to the public when the babies are finally out. But when Daniel thought of it, he also agreed since he wanted to raise their children as normal as possible. 

It wouldn't be healthy if the paparazzi keep on following them. It will definitely have a negative effect on their personality if they grow up in that environment.

"Laotian, what do we do?" Daniel asked. He can no longer have fun now that this is happening.

"It's okay. Everything will be okay. We don't have to answer them." Laotian cooed helplessly. 

"Laotian, I don't want to stay here anymore," Daniel whined softly, still hugging his son and husband. Although he wanted to stay and enjoy more, it couldn't be helped with the current situation.

"Are you sure? How about the latter's event?" Laotian asked.

"I can't enjoy it anymore," Daniel replied depressingly, his mood already shifted because of what's been going on. Laotian seeing this suddenly felt rage. How dare they spoil his beloved wife's entertainment? He will make sure the one responsible will pay.

"Okay, if that's what you want," Laotian replied tenderly, he caressed Daniel's hair softly before he kissed it. Laotian then looked at the three, his earlier loving demeanor turned monotonic.

"Come with us," Laotian simply said, shocking the three but in the end, they followed the couple as they trailed the way out of the hall.

The moment they stepped out of the room, flashes of cameras started appearing in front of them. Suddenly, the group of reporters went berserk.

They started pushing each other until the situation went out of control that the men Laotian brought were barely holding them in place. Daniel saw this and he quickly felt terrified, he had never seen such chaos before, what could have happened for them to act like this?

Daniel protectively held his stomach while Laotian wrapped his arms around him. They continued to walk pass through the crowd ignoring all the questions being thrown at them causing the reporters to act aggressively, desperate to know the answer before they left.

Mo Luangmin who saw this chaos around them also hid against his father's neck, they were almost at their car when all of a sudden one man managed to go pass through the defense and rushed towards Daniel.

Thankfully, Daniel's classmate, Kent, was fast to act and caught the man directed to Daniel; however, since the man's movement was fast and strong, he knocked down Kent to the floor and purposely pushed Daniel out of Laotian embrace.

The moment this happened, everyone went silent in shock; no one expected it to happen that the commotion stopped in horror.

Meanwhile, Mo Laotian's expression turned ghastly seeing his beloved on the floor still stunned holding his stomach. He quickly bends down putting Luangmin on his feet, he gently held Daniel, "A-Are you okay?" Laotian asked, his hand trembling as he held Daniel as if the Omega would break any moment.

"L-Laotian, i-it hurts!" Daniel uttered holding his lower abdomen. Hearing this, Laotian almost instantly lifted Daniel, "I apologize but can you please take care of Luangmin for me?" Laotian briefly asked Melissa which she hastily nodded lifting Luangmin on her arms.

Nodding gratefully, Laotian then shifted his eyes to the people around them. He glared at them menacingly that they automatically made way for the couple to go through.