
Meet the Elders

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After they went to Global Jewelry Store, the two drove to an exclusive restaurant. Laotian already called Hanlu earlier to go there first and Daniel also called his grandfather to come.

Meanwhile, worried about what might have happened to his grandson, Elder Sullen rushed to the restaurant he was told to go. When he got there, he didn't expect to see his old friend, Chendong and his wife, Laura. Coincidentally, they were told by their son to come as well.

At first, the couple didn't want to go but Mo Hanlu relayed them the message as if the situation was about life and death that they didn't have a choice and rush out.

"Gab, didn't expect to see you here," Mo Chendong said as his old friend went inside the private room lead to him by the receptionist.

"The receptionist must have given me the wrong room. My grandson summoned me here."

"Oh, leave it. Which grandson are we talking about? Is it the Omega?" Chendong asked curiously. He really liked the idea of marrying his son to his friend's Omega grandson.

"Yeah, Daniel. I feel like he has something important to tell me. I was worried, so I rushed here." Elder Sullen explained. He didn't bother calling the receptionist anymore and find a chair to sit on.

"Oh! The same with our son! Well, since were already here, let's take this opportunity to introduce the two." Elder Mo suggested. He was feeling more excited knowing that Elder Sullen's Omega grandson was coming as well. He thought how nice it would be if his son gets interested.

Its been widely known that Omegas are extremely fertile, if either of his sons marries the Omega, they will surely be granted with many grandchildren.

"Chendong, I don't mind introducing the two but my Daniel won't be accepting any marriage soon if your son gets interested." Elder Sullen reminds his friend. He was no doubt any Alpha would get interested in his precious grandson.

"Gabriel, if the two falls in love at first sight, we can't do anything about it." Laura Mo interrupted smiling. She was as desperate as Mo Chendong to marry his son. She doesn't care who it was as long as her son chose the person.

She believes her son has good judgment so if her son chooses someone; it surely wouldn't be a bad daughter-in-law or son-in-law. However, if it's Elder Sullen's Omega grandson then it would be so much better since the two families are already friends from the start.

"My Daniel is too young for marriage. But I won't stop them if they dated." Elder Sullen replied happily which satisfied the couple enough. The only problem lies upon their sons.

Will either of them fall for Daniel?

Mo Chendong and Laura Mo have three sons. The eldest was an exceptional man however his mundane expression made Chendong and Laura doubt whether hes even capable of falling in love; On the other hand, the second son isn't even interested in marriage much more falling in love; lastly, the third son was even worse. Until now they still could not find him.

The couple didn't know if they had done something bad in their past life that their bloodline was threatening to be extinct. This was clearly their punishment, they weren't getting younger but they still havent seen a single blood that will ensure the safety of their bloodline.

Meanwhile, Elder Sullen already has five grandchildren that are also ripe for marrying. Mo Chendong and Laura Mo were clearly jealous of their old friend and so they wondered if they combined families, the curse in the Mo bloodline will put into a stop.

The three elders continued to chat while they waited when Hanlu entered the room. He smiled finding his own chair after greeting to Elder Sullen and both his parents.

"Where is your older brother? I thought he's the one whos going to come here?" Mrs. Laura Mo asked Hanlu.

"He's on the way mom. Please be patient." Hanlu explained.

"Gab, this is my second son, Mo Hanlu, you've seen him when he was younger. He's younger than Laotian by 3 years but either way, he's also a good match for your grandson Daniel." Elder Mo introduces Hanlu.

When Hanlu heard what his father said, he almost chokes at his own saliva. "D-Dad what are you talking about? Do you want older brother to murder me?" Hanlu exclaimed in disbelief.

He can't believe his father just match make him with his now brother-in-law.

"What are you talking about? Why would your brother kill you?"

"Nevermind! I just feel like it." the couple gave Hanlu a questioning look.

"Your son is indeed a handsome and capable man." Elder Sullen complimented.

"hahaha, my brother is much more capable than I am. He's a lot better match for Daniel than I am. I can tell you this for sure." Hanlu explained erasing the Elder's idea of matchmaking him to someone.

"Hanlu why are you still being so stubborn? You won't be disappointed when you see Gabs grandson." Elder Mo frowned at Hanlu. He was about to scold Hanlu even more when a tall and handsome figure comes in the room wearing a simple house attire.

Elder Mo was stunned to witness his son arriving at the restaurant with this attire, he was about to comment but his words were caught in his throat seeing what came along with his son was an Omega also wearing the same clothes that is larger than his own body.

The clothes were obviously Mo Laotian's size. Not only Mo Chendong and Laura Mo were shocked but also Elder Sullen who became confused the moment his grandson comes in holding the Alpha's hand.

His eyes dropped to Daniel's stomach and he almost fainted realizing his precious grandson is pregnant!? Elder Sullen almost fainted out of balance that Daniel rushed to his grandfather and supported him.

"Grandfather, are you okay? I'm sorry to have kept this from you." Daniel apologized letting the Elder sit on his chair. Just then Laotian held Daniel's hands and face Elder Sullen.

"Sir, I apologize to have kept this from you but your grandson, Daniel and I have fallen in love and had gotten married earlier. Daniel is pregnant with my child. I love him dearly; I hope you won't come between us. "

"Xiao Lao? H-How?" Laura Mo uttered but couldn't say more. The three elders were just completely shocked.

What surprised them the most is that the two were in a relationship all along and even have a baby coming. From the looks of it, the two might have been in a relationship for a long time now that the Omega's stomach had already grown so big.

Mo Chendong and Laura Mo couldn't believe their son had kept this from them for so long.

"Grandfather, it was a long story but I love Laotian. I hope you won't get angry with me." Daniel explained worriedly seeing his grandfathers expression.

Hearing no response from the Elder, Daniel immediately felt dejected. He rushed to Laotian and hugged him, crying. Daniel's lashes were damp from his tears when he heard a long sigh from his grandfather.

"Boy, come here and sit with grandfather." Elder Sullen spoke gently. Peeking at his Grandfather from Laotians embrace, Daniel hesitated at first but later on wiped his tears and moved to sit next to Elder Sullen with hopeful eyes.

"Grandfather is disappointed with you." Elder Sullen said, there was no trace of anger in his voice but it made Daniel sadder as he apologizes again. His tears were threatening to escape again as he chewed on his lower lips.

His grandfather is the only family he has now and he absolutely doesn't want the Elder to hate him.

"I'm not disappointed because of this. I'm disappointed because you didn't trust grandfather. I already told you many times not to hide these things from me but you still did it. You're so like Mia." Elder Sullen sighs; He softly held Daniels hands and smiled.

"Grandfather isn't angry at all and I will not come against you two. With the both of you saying all of this, you just made me remember how Mia and I confessed to his father before. She said the same exact words you said." Elder Sullen had a tender smile on his face, he reminisces the time he had with his beloved. He had a really good life with her when she was alive.

"She was pregnant with your uncle then but of course, Mia's father didn't approve of us and so he kicked your grandmother out. We ran away and then I brought her here with me. I don't want the two of you running away from me so rest assured." Elder Sullen added before looking at Mo Laotian.

"This grandson of mine is very important to me. Even if you're a capable man, I won't allow you hurting my Daniel. Even if I have to sell this old soul of mine to the devil, I will do it to avenge him." Elder Sullen warned.

"I will do the best that I can. If I hurt him, I will let you hold the knife." Laotian responded, earning a nod from the Elder. Truthfully, he was slightly relieved the Alpha was his friend's son so he knew Daniel will be in good hands.

"Chendong, I guess at last this made us become a true family." Elder Sullen told his friend whose still in disbelief.

The couples were both so happy to see Daniel and his stomach that they lost their words. This baby will be the first grandchild in the Mo household. For so many years, at last, they're finally having a grandchild in the house.

"Darling, please come here and let mother-in-law feel you." Laura Mo asked overwhelmed by happiness, she was teary-eyed watching the Omega.

Hearing his mother-in-law's request, Daniel willingly walked towards the Elder with Laotian at his back like a bodyguard.

Daniel smiled brightly wiping his tears; he had never felt so welcomed before. Even with his own biological parents, he didn't experience such warmth that he couldnt stop himself from being teary-eyed.

"It isn't good for you to stand for too long, come sit here. Laotian, order some food. We need to celebrate." Laura Mo excitedly said and gently pulled Daniel to sit next to her.Laotian helplessly let his wife be stolen by his mother and headed to call the attendant to take their order.

"Omegas aren't supposed to have a stomach this big. Are you perhaps pregnant with two?" after hearing Daniel's stomach was 5 months and a week old, the elder became even more excited. Just imagining two little kids running around the mansion calling her grandmother brought so much joy in her heart.

"This is only one baby." Daniel held his belly smiling. After the first check-up, Mo Laotian and Daniel decided to keep everything else a secret. As long as the doctor said the baby was fine the couple was good.

As for why his stomach was so big, the doctor explained that it was the water and that there was no need to worry.

"Has it started moving yet?"

"Not yet, but I hope it moves soon." Daniel continued rubbing his belly. He was a little worried why the baby hasn't moved yet.

"Don't worry, Darling. When Hanlu and Laotian were in my stomach, they didn't move until they were 6 months." Laura Mo cooed making Daniel smile.

The doctor did say that first-time mommies sometimes couldn't feel the movement until it's 25 weeks old so Daniel wasnt that much worried about the baby not moving yet.

"Yeah, the doctor said I might start to feel the movement when it's 6 months old," Daniel confirmed with a bright smile.

Daniel and the Elder continued chatting until the food arrived. Laotian sat next to Daniel and all of them eat happily especially Hanlu because seeing how his parents had become so excited with Daniel's baby, they might forget pressuring him to marry for the time being.

Hanlu didn't care that he was being ignored the whole time they were eating, he was delighted by it instead.

When lunch was about to finish, Daniel and Laotian requested the Elders to keep this matter a secret for the time being. Even without knowing the reason why, they all agreed to it.

Especially Elder Sullen, he didn't want to reveal this too soon because Daniel was still too young and there's this matter at the whole Sullen family being against Daniel.

He believed it was for the best for the time being.

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