
Doted by the Alpha (S1&S2)

In an alternate world where evolution has given the male species the ability to get pregnant, a young man named Daniel Sullen had his life turn 180 degrees when he discovered he wasn't what he was supposed to be. He discovered the secret of his birth and upon knowing comes along an evil twin sister that wants to ruin his life every chance she gets to and parents that don't even consider him as their own. The only person on his side was his grandfather who favors him more than anyone until that fateful night. Maybe it's good karma but who would think he'd end up being pregnant with a billionaire's child??! ... This is a work of fiction. It has no connection to real individuals groups or events. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or transmission (Including websites) of this work, in part or in whole is prohibited and punishable by the law. All Rights Reserve. lesson101 2018 ... Disclaimer: The picture used in the book cover is not mine. No copyright infringement intended. If you are the owner of this art and wish for me to take it down then my DM's are always open and I will remove it immediately. Or you can email me on lesson101.lightnovels@gmail.com

lesson101 · LGBT+
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237 Chs

I'm Not Ready for a Second Baby

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"I-I'll s-suck you just once…" Ian mumbled after Hanlu got close and as if cold wind passed by Hanlu's back, he suddenly had goosebumps all over his body; his penis leaking with pre-cum as he removed his hands from blocking his wife's view.

"B-baby, I'm currently in so much pain. If you're joking p-please stop." Hanlu begged, wanting to cry. It would have been better if he just jerked off himself instead of undergoing such torture.

Rolling his eyes, Ian only stared at his husband before touching the lengthy flesh. He was still sitting on the toilet bowl and his height was perfect for a blow job.

Licking his dry lips, Ian then licked the side of the penis earning a tortured gasp from the Alpha. Ian continued his act before sucking on Hanlu's scrotum until the only sound remaining in the room was from the sound of Ian sucking Hanlu, and Hanlu's silent tortured gasped.

"B-baby…" Hanlu whined helplessly. His palms soon find its way towards Ian's soft dirty blond hair. He took a handful of it before squeezing it slightly. When Ian started to take half of his length and bobbed his head, Hanlu couldn't stop moaning. It felt extremely good he was already about to come. Additionally, hearing Ian moaned as he sucked him made him even more excited.

"hmmmn," Moaning, he slowly took Hanlu deeper and deeper until the Alpha was so deep in his throat. The vibration from his throat helped to add pleasure to Hanlu. Ian continued to push his head forward, not planning to stop despite the slight pain he was starting to feel.

"P-Please don't force y-yourself," Hanlu mumbled looking down at Ian when he noticed how the Omega was trying so hard to make him feel good. Ian had always been good at sucking and Hanlu could blame himself for that but he still didn't want Ian to force himself to do it. Doing this shouldn't hurt Ian. It should be a mutual feeling.

". . ." Not responding, Ian looked at Hanlu from his position. His eyes were filled with tears, the side of his mouth had accumulated so much slick enough for it to slowly drip down trailing his jaw to his neck. And Hanlu seeing this, his body shivered wanting to climax. He quickly brought his thumb to Ian's cheeks wiping some of his tears away with a tender smile.

"B-Baby, I'm coming," Hanlu said between his silent moans. His hips itching to aimlessly thrust inside the Omega's throat but he knew full well he shouldn't.

"hmmm. Hmmmn," Thrusting his head faster, Ian felt his mind going light. He didn't understand why the back of his throat felt so good every time Hanlu hit it. He couldn't stop himself from moaning, feeling himself leak in arousal.

"Shit." Cursing while he closed his eyes; Hanlu thrust his hips and pulled Ian close as he came in his throat. He groaned feeling Ian's tight tube tightened on him in an attempt to gulp down his semen. When Hanlu was finally done coming, he gently pulled Ian away. "That was so good," Hanlu gasped, lifting his beloved's face for him to see.

"L-Luu~" Ian's cheeks and lips were so rosy Hanlu wanted to kiss it. His lashes were still damp with tears. His body also trembled while he continued to heave for air with his mouth open. And the moment Ian called Hanlu's name; it was enough for both of them to fall into their desires once again.

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"Why do you keep touching my stomach?" After succumbing to their lustful desires, finally, Hanlu and Ian settle themselves in the tub enjoying the warm water. And since Ian's body felt sore, the warm temperature soothed him. However as he was trying to relax his senses, Hanlu kept holding on to his stomach; it wouldn't have bothered Ian that much but the occasional caresses made him irritated. It had been more than fifteen minutes and Hanlu was still doing it.

"Because I can't wait for our daughter to conceive," Hanlu said happily which caught Ian's attention. He quickly grabbed Hanlu's arm frozen. He had told Hanlu so many times that he wasn't planning to have a second baby but it seems that the Alpha didn't listen.

"Luu, I was serious when I said I don't want another baby," Ian said straightforwardly, making Hanlu frown.

"You are?" Hanlu asked dejectedly. If he had the dog's ears, Ian would have seen it droop in sorrow. Feeling bad at what he said, Ian thought for a second.

"I-I mean, I'm not ready for a second baby. Besides, I can't fall pregnant at this sensitive time." Ian cooed Hanlu; he will just have to say that he isn't ready so Hanlu wouldn't get hurt that bad. He still had to confess his trauma about the pregnancy thing.

Becoming silent, Hanlu thought for a while. Ian was right; it was not the time for a baby yet. He hated to admit it but he'll consider. After all, Veronica and the person behind her were still there threatening their peaceful lives.

"Hmmm, Okay. When this is all over, will you be ready then?" Hanlu asked in high hopes.

"I-I err... I-I don't know. Can you wait for me?" Ian dodged the question and asked instead.

"I can but not for too long. I still want to be able to dance 18 roses with my baby girl in the future." Hanlu thought. He's already almost in his mid-30's if he doesn't get his baby girl now he's afraid he would never be able to.

". . ." Not saying anything to backfire in the future, Ian quickly changed the topic. "I-I'm hungry. I think we should get out now. What do you want to eat? I'll cook it for you." Ian said hastily and stood not expecting to fall right back on Hanlu's arms.

"Woah, be careful," Hanlu said almost immediately when he caught Ian on his arms. Ian, on the other hand, couldn't believe he fell.

"M-My legs," he mumbled surprised. He was never weak, but now, why can't he stand up?

"I-I can't put on strength on my legs," Ian mumbled again, he tried to get off of Hanlu. Thankfully, he managed to put on some strength but his thighs especially started shaking. He instantly remembered his days when he started training as a policeman, his body felt sore for a week that standing and running felt so much pain especially on his thighs and arms.

"Don't force yourself; we did it quite a lot than we normally do," Hanlu said and quickly got out of the tub then soon lifted Ian on his arms. Ian once again blushed as he covered his face with his palms. Isn't he making Hanlu carry him too often today? Even though they did it a couple more times after he sucked the Alpha, he didn't expect him to be this way.

Meanwhile, as Ian was feeling embarrassed, Hanlu happily walked out of the room after reaching out for a towel for both of them and then to their walk in the closet where he made Ian sit on the only available chair inside the closet.

"You liked the room? This is your side, and this is my side. I've asked someone to buy you all the clothes you will need on all occasions plus I've asked them to leave some place for your other things." Hanlu said pointing to the right for Ian's things and then to the left for his own things. The room was half of their actual bedroom and if Ian could compare his house, his kitchen and living room should fit in the closet.

"Since when did you prepare this?" Ian asked in awe. From the very beginning, he had rejected Hanlu of his proposal, but how come his place looks like he and Lan were going to live with him anyways in the end? Like a happy family? Was Hanlu planning to defy his decision or the Alpha was that confident in making Ian marry him?

"Since I found out you had Lan. I was going to make you my wife no matter what so I remodeled this mansion, fit for us to live as a family." Hanlu replied leisurely while he found something comfortable for the Omega. After he picked the clothes he wanted Ian to wear, Hanlu then walked towards him.

He moved as if he was going to help Ian with his clothes but as expected, Ian quickly snatched the clothes from Hanlu embarrassed. "I-I can do it. It's not like I'm unable to." Ian mumbled feeling hot on his cheeks. He had noticed this since yesterday, isn't Hanlu acting way too comfortable towards him? Was he the only one with his heart beating so fast every time they get close to each other? Hanlu acts the same way he's been acting.

"But you can't move your legs." Hanlu pouted, snatching the clothes back in his hands.

"I can! I can move them. Also, I can wear clothes on my own." Ian insisted and snatched the clothes back again in his palms and this time he hid it behind him.

"Why are you so stubborn? Just let me spoil you just once. Jeez!" Hanlu snapped and pulled Ian up to his arms wrapping his arms around his narrow waist. He quickly snatched the clothes again and this time he whispered something that made Ian blush a deeper shade of red.

"Understood?" Hanlu asked. When Ian didn't respond, still flabbergasted, Hanlu smiled again knowing that he won the argument for the first time ever in the history of their relationship. However, if he did lose, he wouldn't mind laying Ian on top of his glass drawer and bang the Omega into submission.

The glass won't easily break anyways because it's made of the highest quality of glass and it is bulletproof.

"Thought so, just so you know I wouldn't mind," Hanlu whispered mischievously when he noticed Ian looking at the glass furniture that's keeping the Alpha's expensive accessories.

"L-Let me at least wear the underwear myself," Ian insisted, blushing, he absolutely cannot do it more than they already did. And knowing Hanlu's personality even if he was joking at first, there's a possibility that he would actually do it.

"Nope! No can do. You can't even bend your legs. Just let me spoil you rotten today, Okay? Besides, you don't have to be embarrassed, we're husband and wife now. I've seen everything in your body; I've memorized it already even without trying." Hanlu said playfully and nibbled on Ian's neck. When he felt Ian shivered because of his act, Hanlu pulled away making Ian sit again on the chair.

"Y-You are so dead when I can move better," Ian mumbled hiding his face. Meanwhile, hearing the Omega's defiant remark, Hanlu thought of something and briefly went somewhere. When he got back he was holding a bottle of body oil and cream.

"I almost forgot. We have to put these on since it's summer, and we need to keep that skin healthy and glowing." Hanlu said happily. He quickly opened the expensive bottle of lotion and lathered it on his palms. Ian was instantly unable to say anything as he glared at the Alpha, thinking of the things he can do to punish him. Mo Hanlu was absolutely enjoying this moment.

"La~ La~ La~" Hanlu sang joyously rubbing his palms on Ian starting from his legs, then to his torso, arms, and the back. He ignored how the Omega was glaring at him the whole time as if the Omega was going to kill him if he could. And when Hanlu finally finished with both the lotion and body oil, he hummed satisfyingly looking at his wife's glowing and properly moisturized skin. Not to mention Hanlu loved that the mild scent complemented Ian's pheromones.

"Okay, on with the pants." Hanlu hummed and started dressing Ian up starting from the pants. It's as if the Alpha enjoyed making him his exclusive doll or something.

"See, it's not too bad. You're more adorable now," Hanlu beamed, displaying a thumb up after he was done, not realizing after this he would have to go abstinence for days as punishment for his teasing today.

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To be Continued. . .

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