
Doted by the Alpha (S1&S2)

In an alternate world where evolution has given the male species the ability to get pregnant, a young man named Daniel Sullen had his life turn 180 degrees when he discovered he wasn't what he was supposed to be. He discovered the secret of his birth and upon knowing comes along an evil twin sister that wants to ruin his life every chance she gets to and parents that don't even consider him as their own. The only person on his side was his grandfather who favors him more than anyone until that fateful night. Maybe it's good karma but who would think he'd end up being pregnant with a billionaire's child??! ... This is a work of fiction. It has no connection to real individuals groups or events. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or transmission (Including websites) of this work, in part or in whole is prohibited and punishable by the law. All Rights Reserve. lesson101 2018 ... Disclaimer: The picture used in the book cover is not mine. No copyright infringement intended. If you are the owner of this art and wish for me to take it down then my DM's are always open and I will remove it immediately. Or you can email me on lesson101.lightnovels@gmail.com

lesson101 · LGBT+
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237 Chs

A Battle They Couldn't Win

* * *

After finding Lan and Luangmin with Elven, the formal baby shower event finally ended at 9 pm where Daniel, Laotian, and Ian decided to stay at Franco's residence. And since the three kids had become friends they all let them sleep together in Elven's room.

"Are you tired?" Laotian asked softly nearing his wife. He was standing facing Daniel's back as he massaged his shoulders. They are now in one of the guests' rooms and just finished taking shower together. The plan was to sleep because it was already late but when Laotian saw Daniel standing by the window looking at the dark horizon, he couldn't help but wonder what the Omega was thinking.

"Hmmm, just a little. I'm just thinking, Laotian," Daniel replied, loving the feeling of his husband's hands on his muscles.

"What were you thinking?" Laotian asked again gently and this time he leaned down and kissed Daniel's nape, earning a soft gasp. When Laotian heard the lovely noise, it quickly lit a fire inside him that he tried to suppress and quickly drew away.

"I'm thinking about what has been happening to our family these past few months. All the happy days and challenges. About the fact about you and our whole family's secret reputation. A-And uncle's death and all... just... all and all. I just couldn't believe we've been through a lot and still going through a lot," Daniel whispered softly. He wasn't thinking about the whole thing in a negative light. There were indeed a lot of challenges, despite the happy times, terrifying things had happened and lonely days have come. He had really been through a lot and he was thankful that he had survived all of that.

"Are you regretting it?" Laotian asked, making Daniel turn around to look at his beloved with a bright smile.

"No, I didn't. I didn't regret any of it. I was happy that despite all of those, you were with me. I was and am happy. I just thought that I've really become braver somehow," Daniel said and held Laotian's cheeks and caressed it lightly.

Although he was far from how brave Laotian was, he could tell that he had improved unlike before where he always tried to escape reality whenever things got complicated. Before, instead of facing his problems, he would rather run away. He didn't want to face and solve it and instead wanted to forget and quickly move on believing there was nothing he could do. That he was helpless no matter what he did.

"I will always be there for you. Always," Laotian whispered affectionately hearing Daniel's words as a smile flashed on his lips. Their foreheads touched, while Laotian held Daniel's cheeks as well. Until now he still couldn't explain how Daniel was able to capture his heart, it happened so quickly without warning that before he realized it, he already fell head over heels.

The distance between them slowly closed until their lips touched softly and lovingly. It was only supposed to be a brief kiss but as the moment passed, the two of them started kissing deeply as if it had been so long since they'd done it.

No words came out, only the sound of soft moans and kisses echoed the room until minutes passed by, the two of them found themselves laying on the bed against each other's arms. Despite knowing that they're not at their own place, the fire inside never subsided. Both of them thought they should stop any moment but a couple of minutes passed by and they each found themselves bare for each other's lustful eyes and once again indulged in another passionate kiss.

"Ahh, Laotian," Daniel moaned lovingly, feeling his husband's shaft against the wet surface of his delicate mound. Half an hour had already passed and there was still no sign of the heat receding especially when their body was against each other with Laotian spooning Daniel.

"I'm not going to put it in," Laotian whispered huskily against Daniel's ear before kissing it while softly sliding his length between his wife's tight thighs. He wished to see Daniel's expression but with the Omega's massive stomach, he had to endure being at the back.

"Hmmnn, t-this is too much..." Daniel whined, squeezing the pillows against his arms. He was well aware that he was the one who suggested this before but as the Alpha rubbed against his wet mound, he couldn't help but badly want the thick and long length plunged deep inside him like it used to. Every thrust made his mind go wild, it was driving him crazy, he was growing more and more frustrated each time it slid against him.

"I'm sorry. I'll be gentler," Laotian whispered again. He's at the stage where it's impossible for him to stop. The heat was taking over his body and mind, aside from making sure that he wasn't hurting Daniel, his mind and body weren't his anymore.

"Hmmnn, t-that's not w-what I m-mean..." Daniel said between his muffled moans. Laotian was already being too gentle, it felt good but it wasn't enough and that's making him even more frustrated because he knew he can't ask the Alpha to put it inside him.

"Does it feel good?"

"Hmmmn...Ahh... yes~ Ahh... b-but... n..t...e-en..ght," Daniel replied between his pleasures, and although his words weren't clear, Laotian understood what his beloved means.

"Bear with me, Honey," Laotian whispered before he held Daniel's cheeks urging him to turn his way so he could kiss him. Laotian slipped his tongue exploring every cavern, making sure he was tasking every corner while his hips worked on his thrusts. When they finally separated, Daniel didn't try to complain anymore, nothing was coming out of his swollen lips except the loud and sweet screams every time Laotian rubbed himself against his gaping and leaking hole. He realized it was useless, no matter how frustrated he was, they weren't allowed to even have sex.

"Ahhh, nnnn..."

"Are you close?" Laotian asked between his deep and rough gasps. He could feel Daniel's slicks coating his hard shaft making his penetration even smoother. He could also feel Daniel's thighs tense up a little so he figured maybe Daniel was about to come.

"Hmmmn, Laotian...f-feels goood~" Daniel moaned, throwing his head back. His mind has been in cloud nine since earlier but just couldn't find his release.

"It feels good for me too..." Laotian admitted and sped up his movement. They have been at it for almost an hour already. The room is already filled with mating pheromones but none of them had come and had been sated.


"Hmmmn, I'm coming soon..." Laotian hummed "Yes," before he admitted and when Daniel heard that, he chewed on his lips and turned silent. He thought it's been a while since he had been filled by Laotian and he can't help but think of wanting the Alpha to come inside him. He remembered the last time the Alpha came inside him and he wasn't hurt at all even though the doctor said it was still forbidden. For him, that amount shouldn't be called sex since Laotian will only come inside him.

"What's wrong?" Laotian asked, noticing Daniel's sudden silence despite his soft moans. Daniel didn't hear him as he was convincing himself not to ask for more but he was quickly woken up from his thoughts when he felt Laotian's movement's stopped.

"D-Don't stooop~" Daniel suddenly whined, gripping Laotian's arms. Meanwhile the complaint quickly made Laotian immediately move his hips again. He was, after all, also nearing his climax.

"I'm sorry. I'll make you feel good again," Laotian apologized and sped up his thrusts once more. It wasn't long before both of them reached their end however out of habit when Daniel suddenly ordered him to come inside him, Laotian's mind wasn't fast enough to process the whole thing and did exactly what his beloved said.

Daniel fought and weighed his reasons but in the end, he lost to his desires. Laotian, on the other hand, fought hard as well but just one little word from his wife and his body instantly followed before his mind could even process correctly. Alas, it was simply a battle both of them couldn't win.

Plunging his thick and long shaft without much thought, Laotian groaned as he released his load, filling his wife to the brim.

Daniel, on the other hand, the moment he felt Laotian's hot seeds inside him, he quickly found his release feeling the pleasure it brought him. He felt a little sting as the hard and thick shaft slid inside him in one go but it was nothing he couldn't handle. He loved it so much, his body couldn't stop quivering, feeling hot and thick semen coating his insides. The familiar hard, thick and lengthy flesh that would rest directly against his pleasure spot without much effort, truly he had missed it so much.

"Ahhh, Oh God! Sooo biiiig~" Daniel moaned in delight as his eyes uncontrollably rolled up. On the other hand, Laotian was still coming, however, it wasn't long before he realized he had taken Daniel unintentionally that he quickly pulled out and sat up still panting. He held his shaft trying to calm it down while it was still twitching, releasing what's left against Daniel's soft and pinkish buns. When he was finally done, extreme guilt quickly overcame him, and he spread Daniel's thighs to see and make sure no blood was mixed with the semen gushing out of his beloved.

"I'm not hurt," Daniel assured, still heaving. His body remained to twitch savoring the sensation he's feeling inside him. He didn't regret anything because he knew that it would take a lot more of that for them to hurt their babies. He knew his body more than anyone and he knew that what they just did, didn't hurt the twins at all.

"W-we need to go and see the doctor," Laotian quickly suggested as he went into panic. When Daniel saw this, he smiled and urged the Alpha to help him up. Laotian didn't want Daniel to sit up at first but after convincing him that he was fine, the Alpha finally helped Daniel.

"Please, don't worry about me. I feel fine. I figured this much should be fine," Daniel cooed, chuckling lightly. He looked at the mess they made and he was thankful they decided to protect the bed with a towel earlier on or else they would have dirtied the sheets. That would have been embarrassing.

"No, be honest with me, please. Are you sure you're not feeling any pain?" Laotian asked again. He was not convinced that Daniel was not hurt that he was already planning to punish himself later whether the Omega was fine or not.

"Well, I did felt a little sting earlier when you put it in but that was entirely because you're too big and it has been such a long time since we did it. I'm not feeling anything right now except the warm feeling in my abdomen," Daniel said leisurely and smiled at his last sentence. He tried to keep Laotian's essence inside him as much as he could but with him being pregnant, it was quite difficult to manage his muscles and if he pushed it out he was afraid he would accidentally push the babies out as well so he had no choice but to let it freely leak out of him.

Meanwhile, after hearing Daniel, as if blood was sucked out of his body, Laotian instantly turned pale that he looked like he would faint any moment before he abruptly got off of the bed and lifted Daniel on his arms.

"Ahh! W-What are you doing?" Daniel squeaked in surprise trying not to struggle but as soon as he realized the Alpha was heading towards the door, it was his time to turn pale before he yelled and palmed on the Alpha's hair.

"STOOOOP!!! STUPID!" Daniel yelled and pulled Laotian's hair.

"We need to get you to the hospital!" Laotian said, his mind currently in chaos not knowing what to do that he even forgot that they were both naked as he was headed to the door.

"We're both naked! STUPID LAOTIAN!!" Daniel yelled again, his eyes wide open in total shock. He can't believe the Alpha was planning to go to the hospital with them naked and obviously just did something naughty.

". . ." Hearing Daniel's words, Laotian suddenly froze, halting his steps as finally realized that they were indeed both naked.

"Please calm down Laotian. Put me back on the bed and let's talk about this rationally. It's the middle of the night far from the city, with my condition I won't be able to travel that far but if you're really worried, we can call a doctor here now although I must assure you that I'm fine," Daniel assured and suggested in a hurry. Thankfully, it slightly calmed Laotian down and proceeded to walk back towards the bed. He laid Daniel gently and later drew away putting his hands at his side and started walking back and forth as if not knowing what to do.

Daniel watched his husband panic but instead of worrying about it, he suddenly started to giggle. Well, who wouldn't after seeing a full-grown man butt naked walking back and forth dangling around his manhood while having a serious expression on his handsome face?

"This is a serious matter," Hearing Daniel's giggles, Laotian suddenly frowned, feeling slightly upset towards Daniel for the first time because the Omega couldn't see the seriousness of the situation.

"I know but first, why don't we take a brief shower. I feel really sticky," Giggling again hearing Laotian, Daniel suggested as he stood up from the bed and caught the Alpha in his arms so he wouldn't walk back and forth anymore, or else he'd end up getting dizzy with him following the Alpha's every movement.

Meanwhile, evaluating the situation, Laotian finally nodded and sighed in defeat.

"T-That's probably for the best, for now,"

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