
Part 1. Chapter 8

I began to like being silent,

It's easier to be yourself this way,

I'm going to meet the dawn,

To enjoy the silence.

I began to enjoy watching

How the rain erases the echo of sounds,

How the night is afraid to die,

And asks to take her hand.

I began to like to love,

It's so easy, having made other people's masks,

The thread broke last day,

I've forgotten how to believe in fairy tales.

I began to like forgiving,

But I'm afraid to turn my cheek,

The Lord is tired of protecting us,

He forgot us, he became violent.

Dazai walked with Gogol along some dark corridor while Sigma was looking for the body of Hasegawa Shigure. «Why did he need me? - Dazai thought. - he could have done everything himself.»

- I understand that you are now confused that I am taking you somewhere. - Gogol began. - but I want you to understand how important the revival of Fyodor is. - Nikolai stopped, looking ahead. «What's there?- Osamu asked himself» - There

He pointed to the door in front of them. Dazai carefully went inside. It was someone's office.

- Where are we? - Osamu asked, turning to Gogol.

- This is the office of my and Dostoevsky's old friend... Namely Mikhail Lermontov.

- Did another one come here with you? - Dazai chuckled.

- yes. - Gogol nodded. - and in theory, he should have been with us. That is, to be a member of the Death of the Celestials.

- Why haven't I ever seen him?

- He betrayed us.

- Why did he betray you? - Dazai was surprised, looking at Nikolai's lowered head.

- He didn't like our plans, as it turned out, he wanted to kill our entire organization. More precisely, his other self wanted it.

-The other self?

- yes. He has 2 personalities. If Dostoevsky has this second self separate from Fyodor himself, then Lermontov has it in one body. If he thinks about something else, this personality will break out. She is much more capable and smarter than he is, according to Lermontov, sometimes you have to fight with your «I» . - he continued after a second. - also, Fyodor has this «punishment» , that is, part of his ability, and Lermontov has the ability to «Borodino» .

- And what kind of ability is this? - Dazai did not stop talking.

- You should know everything. - Nikolai smiled sharply. - when you meet him, let him tell you himself. Anyway, we need to get one thing out of here. Let's go! You will be my eyes on my back.

- what? With what eyes?- Dazai didn't understand. He easily let Nikolai grab him and drag him even further into the depths.

- Very good! After all, there may be a lot of dangers here. Who knows what dangers Misha has set up here.

On the one hand, Gogol was right, but on the other. «Where is the so-called Lermontov now? Why does Gogol know about this place? - Osamu thought.»

He recognized it. When Dostoevsky told his way to Gogol, in the hope that his opponent on chess falls in Merso dead. Another question that Daisy could not find the answer «Lee Fyodor knew how to communicate with the outside world before the meeting with Nikolai?» Perhaps Gogol gave information to Dostoevsky about Dazai; including his way.

Anyway, it doesn't make sense now. Gogol and Osama are trying to revive Dostoevsky. After they succeed (on what Osama has very deep doubts), Daisy can ask him about different things that never knew the guy himself.

- Nikolai, what do you need here? - asked Daisy.

- I need some book here. - Gogol smiled. - this book is the entrance to his even more secret lair.

-Why would he have so much shelter?- Osama asked.

-He's so much. - Gogol grinned.

It was really weird. «Why would Lermontov hide Otto all? Does he hide something from someone else's eyes? Then why does Nikolai know about his secret place? Maybe it was Dostoevsky and other members of the death of the skyscrapers? »

-Come! - said the Dazai Gogol. - look at this dusty bookcase!

- By the way, where is Lermontov himself? - Osamu stopped. - you said he betrayed you, but especially you know about this secret place. Then where is Michael himself?

- But... You from that?.. - Nikolai smiled. - he was stuck in the dungeon where we go.

- Why would he?

- To help. - in a second, Nikolai continued. - of course you can't go, then I'll get Lermontov and I'll have my plans with him, but you can think that the Association with another «member of the death of the skyscrapers» will be a threat to the armed Detective Agency.

He was right. Daisy was only for that. Not to appear another Russian and not destroyed Yokohama. «Well, he managed to read my plans. - smile in himself head Dazai . - but why is he still dragging me into this place? He must have a blow in his back, and if so, he has a tus in his sleeve. Even if so, Dostoevsky was wrong, saying that the Detective Agency is doomed. Can Gogol be wrong?»

But that's even better. How funny it turns out. Two friends try to exceed other people, hoping that their plans will be built into life. Dostoevsky thought the armed Detective Agency was over, but he was wrong. Nikolai hopes that he can resurrect Fyodor. But where's the guarantee he can do it? No. - Dazai smiled. »

-Ah? - turned to Osama Gogol - what is, Dazai?

-Why did you think you could resurrect Dostoevsky? - said Osama.

-I mean?

-You say you want to resurrect Dostoevsky. No one knows the reasons, even you. Why should he resurrect him? Especially, how do you know that the way written in the book is correct? He won't hurt you and he's dead in the world.

-It can't be. - said the man's voice from behind Osamu.

He turned his head. There was a man in front of him, about Gogol. In black pants and a White classic shirt, and on top of it was wearing a black cloak. There are jewelry on the hands, and black hair collected in the bundles on the head.

-So you, Lermontov?- Osamu grinned.

- That's what. And you dare to assume, Mr. Dazai Osamu?- Michael looked at Osama with a convulsive look.

- Ugh.

-Oh, Misha! I didn't think you'd be here at that time! I haven't even thought of anecdotes yet! - Gogol hesitated.

-You can save them later, Nikolai. - smile Lermontov.

- Look, Michael. I have a few questions to you. - Lermontova Dazai interrupted.

- Well, I'll be honest to answer your questions. - immediately changed expression to face a more serious Lermontov's.

- What makes your ability?

- My ability to help me enmity between people. No matter what distance they are. -Michael said.


-That is, if I touch one person, then another, they will feed each other, not even knowing who did wrong.

-Especially!- Nikolai shouted. - this ability has a cherry on the cake!

-Yes, Gogol. - Lermont smiled. - I can control my ability : if I touch a man, he can move my ability to another person if he touches him. And the carrier can't even determine what it is a vessel for my plans.

-So... - said Osamu. - can you sow chaos and controversy between States?..

- Exactly. - Lermontov grinned.

- Interesting ability... - said Dazai.

- Not that word!- Gogol shouted. - Okay! Let's go to the point! We need some of your herbs, Misha.

- Without problems. Just don't pull me into the events that do Dostoevsky wants to do.

-What's the matter?- asked Daisy.

-Secret! - Nicholas grinned.

- Well, then I'm asking you to go to my abode. - Lermontov said, trotting from the place. Gogol and Dazai followed him.