
Part 1. Chapter 6

A day passes, an hour passes,

And you understand: everything is not eternal!

Life heartlessly teaches us

That time is fleeting.

That you need to appreciate everything,

Take care of everything that is given to us.

After all, life is like a thin thread,

Sometimes she suddenly breaks...

Dazai was in the office of an Armed Detective Agency and worked (Surprisingly). «there have been a lot of murders lately.- Osamu thought as he pressed the laptop keys.»

- Mr. Dazai. - I went up to Atsushi's boyfriend. - the boss asked me to give you a letter.

Nakajima held out his hand to Dazai with a piece of paper. Osamu took it.

- Is it really possible to go to the Port Mafia again? - he talked wearily, leaning on a chair. After a moment, he opened the letter. It was a newspaper page.


A masquerade ball was held in an estate built in the XVII century, where more than 200 people were killed. So far, the investigation into this situation has been unsuccessful for ordinary police, but the ADA has informed us that it will take matters into its own hands. Unfortunately, there was no one left alive as a witness to the crime.


- so that's what Fukundazawa means.- Dazai smiled, closing his eyes.

- Did the boss send you on this errand? - Nakajima asked, bending down.

- Exactly. The question is why not a Ranpo. - the guy said, returning to the laptop and removing the smile.

- He seems to have another assignment. In another city. - Atsushi said thoughtfully, looking up.

- Well, then, I'm going to this estate. - Dazai got up from his seat. - Don't you want to come with me?

- No, I can't go. I have business at the agency.

- All right. - Dazai spread his hands to the sides. - then I'll do it myself.

He calmly left the office and got into Kunikida's car, drove to the crime scene.

The estate was surrounded by fencing tapes and inside the police were removing dead bodies; everything was covered in blood.

Dazai looked around and thought, «Could he really have done this? Although, if you think about it, it makes perfect sense.»

And this man, as Osamu predicted, will come to him for some purpose. And with what, it is not yet known.

He put his hands in his pockets and went to inspect this estate. Going into every room and carefully examining every detail. That's what it means to work for an Armed Detective Agency.

- Hello. - said a policeman, addressing Osamu.

- Oh, hello. You're a fool, right?. - He smiled. - Did you want something?

- That's right. I remember you. You're from an Armed Detective Agency, right?

- Well, yes. - Dazai scratched his head.

- I see. Why didn't Ranpo come here? - Minoura asked.

- He has a business in another city.

- I see. Thanks for answering.

The guy bowed and left. «Did he come up just to find out why it was me and not Ranpo?- Dazai thought and went back to his business»

After a while, he decided to Ranpo the policeman. Fortunately, it was the one who made friends with Rampo, and not some other.

- I didn't think you'd be assigned to solve this case. - Dazai said, waving at the policeman. - it's still far enough from Yokohama.

- yes. But I was considered one of the best. Although I don't feel that way. I'd send Ranpo or that weirdo friend who's competing with him.

- They have other things to do, but why am I worse? I'm a detective too. Moreover, I know this estate better than anyone else.

Osamu smiled, closing his eyes. His voice sounded somehow menacing, but rather not to a policeman, but to a criminal who had killed more than two hundred people in one night.

- Then I'll rely on you. Dazai, right?

- yes!

- See you then. - The policeman waved his hand and left, leaving Dazai alone with his thoughts.

«Well, let's continue the investigation. - Dazai thought, turning towards the library.»

Night. Dazai spent the whole day searching for at least one clue, but he never found it. He was waiting for this man to come to him for some purpose that he did not yet know. «When will he come?- Osamu thought, occasionally looking at the moon shining outside the window.»

- Are you up to something again?- A familiar voice was heard. - It's wonderful... It's a beautiful picture. I would say a million dollar masterpiece. Eh? Dazai.

- Chua. I thought we'd never see each other again. - Osamu rolled his eyes.

- You won't wait. The boss's desire is above all else, and I don't care who I work with, if that's what Mori wanted. - Nakahara snorted.

- I see. Then you can safely go. I'm already investigating the case myself. The Port Mafia was too late. - said Dazai, smiling and drilling a feel with fox eyes.

- You misunderstood. The boss said to help you. This crime may be waiting for the Mafia next time, so it has nothing to do with you. - Nakahara replied proudly, adjusting his hat.

- Listen, Chuya.- Dazai said seriously. - maybe I should give you a hat for the New Year? And then, I see, your taste does not change at all. As it was, the hat was old and tattered, and it remained.

- Shut up! - Chuya shouted, beside himself with anger and hit the wall, not far from the «partner» .

- You can break the estate and the Port Mafia will be to blame. You don't want that, do you?

- I can't stand you! Remember that! - Chuya shouted.

- I hate everything about you, too. - Dazai said wearily. - But, you and I can't get away from joint tasks, so wake up and sing!

This memory brought a smile and disgust to Chewie at the same time. After all, this is his first meeting with Dazai, which led him to the Port Mafia. But this is not about that now.

- What exactly are we looking for? - Chuya asked, realizing that he had fallen behind Dazai.

- I don't know myself. - Osamu spread his arms wide.

- Then how are we going to solve this case?! - Nakahara shouted.

- I know who did it. - Dazai said in a serious voice, lowering his head down and stopping. «So he knew and was silent? - Chuya was surprised.»

- Who did this? - The red-haired man stammered.

- Gogol. - Dazai also said seriously.

- Gogol?..

- yes. Do you remember when I said that Nikolai was trying to revive Dostoevsky?

- Yes, I remember.

- There is a library here with almost all the information in the world. And to find out some way, he went here. - Dazai added.

- And... did he find it?- Nakahara asked after a moment.

- There's one book missing. So, I dare say, yes.

- Does this mean that our plans have failed? - The red-haired man lowered his head down.

- Not really. Nikolai still does not know where his friend's corpse is, which means that all is not lost.- He paused for a moment. - well, our job is done. Let's go back!

- We didn't do anything! - Chuya shouted in surprise.

- But we know who committed the crime.- Osamu smiled.

- On the one hand, you're right... But on the other hand... - Nakahara calmed down.

- I told you, our work here is over. - Dazai said dryly, looking at Chuya with black (because it's dark) cold eyes. Chewie felt a twinge for a second and his heart stopped. - so let's go home soon! - Dazai shouted joyfully.


Returning back, Dazai prepared an investigation report and lay down on his bed, crossing his arms behind his head and looking at the ceiling.

- Oh, I'm exhausted.- Osamu said wearily, wailing.There was a knock at Dazai's apartment. - Who's there?


Dazai got up wearily, pulled himself up and went to open the door to the stranger; Sigma was standing on the threshold.

- I did not think that a member of the Death of the Celestials would come to me himself and even generously knock on the door. - Osamu chuckled.

- We have business with you. - The young man said calmly and quite seriously. - time is short, so we need your help.