
Part 1. Chapter 5

The violin was playing, it was playing for the deaf.

It occurred to someone,

Arrange a party, like a carnival,

And call people who are hard of hearing.

The violinist knew everything... Oh, yes, he could fake it.,

He didn't even have to touch the strings with his bow...

but he played... In a deaf, silent world,

As no one has played before.

A violin sang to them about love and a miracle,

I was sad tenderly about the big and complicated,

I cried about something that won't happen,

She comforted me that everything is possible in life.

The violinist is finished. Everyone in the hall stood up.

He had never known a deafening ovation,

Deaf people enjoyed the violin

From his face reading what he was playing.

Dazai joyfully walked down the street, thinking how Kunikida would be shocked, asking how everything went and why he returned so quickly. As always, Doppo will not believe it at first, but after seeing the report on his work (which is extremely rare), he will leave to work in indignation and perplexity. «I'll have to go to the store and buy some sweets. - Dazai thought, crossing his arms and putting them behind his head.»


Evening. There was a ball at some estate (there was no other name); It was remote from the city, but not at a great distance. 50 kilometers, maybe less. Oh, get off the point... In general, a masquerade ball was held in this estate.

As soon as you enter the main hall, you have a view of the luxurious walls covered with gold, red curtains on the huge windows, also a red carpet spread over the entire floor; a buffet with various sweets and many, many people. In the middle of this hall there was a staircase leading up and guests could walk through various rooms and relax there.

It was this place that Gogol chose first of all for research. He was going to kill all the people at the ball tonight. Why? No one knows. But there was only one goal to «capture» this estate.

« if I want to explore this huge house, then first of all I need to get rid of the witnesses who will be in my way. - thought Gogol»

Everyone was chatting about something of their own. Laughter and beautiful music were occasionally heard; everyone was dancing. The ladies and their gentlemen were spinning in an elegant and delightful dance. In expensive dresses and tailored suits. Every guest who came here had a mask on his face.

Suddenly the music stopped. At first, people's discontent was heard, and then it became dark. The guests were seriously frightened and the screams of some ladies could be heard, who were apparently afraid of the dark.

A ray of light fell on the stairs; Nikolai was there. Removing his hat to his head, covering his face with it, he said:

- Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. - He put his hat back on his head. - my name is Nikolai Gogol. And I am one of the members of the Death of the Celestials. - Gogol extended his hand forward to the people, who stood in their places and could neither do nor say anything. - and now the quiz! Ha ha ha! So-o-o-o! The first question is: Why am I here?

Everyone stood in amazement and was silent.

- Is it really such a difficult question? -Nikolai was surprised. - well, since no one knows, then I'll tell you. I'm here to kill you!

(He pulled a smile up to his ears, his face looked like from the manga in chapter 95.5 - At the airport part 7, when he said, «why did I come, you say? It's obvious! To kill you,»)and took a pistol out of his greatcoat. With a deft wave of his hand, Nikolai began shooting at the visitors of the ball while he was trying to hide and escape. His face depicted too much pleasure to describe it in any other way; there were screams, moans, stomping and much more. After a few seconds, everyone was quiet. Gogol was surprised, twirling the gun on his finger (he put his finger in the hole with the trigger) :

- Is that really all? - he asked, clearly displeased. - I thought it would be more fun....

Nikolai began to descend the stairs muttering something like «do you want to tell me a joke while I'm looking for you? »

- the gun, unlike headphones, does not mask unpleasant sounds, but eliminates the cause. - Gogol said, shooting at a man hiding behind a table. He got in; the guest died. Nikolai laughed. - that's about it. Only the rooms are left.

He turned around and left.

Gogol went into every room and shot every person, no matter who, influential or not. Women or men (there were no children in this estate). Screams came from every room, and Nikolai became more and more cheerful.

After a while, he killed everyone in the huge building and, after resting for a while, went to look for a library.

- Where, where is the room hiding secrets?

Oh, how I, oh, how I wish I could find you.

My dear friend, be patient a little bit and soon we will dance with you again under the white moon.

Days and nights, days and nights... - Nikolai sang along to himself.

Then a chill went through Gogol's legs. «is it a draft? Nikolai thought, looking back, »he looked back. There was a dark red curtain made of thick fabric and it seems that there was something behind this piece of fabric. He went up to her and pulled her aside; she fell to the floor.

«I found it. - Gogol smiled»

A lady in a red dress trimmed with diamonds, red gloves, and an elegant necklace containing only pearls got out of a closet that could fit a person. The girl's face was scared. Her mascara had spread all over her cheeks and chin. There were even traces of this beauty item on the gloves; the black hair was braided into a bun. She could barely hold back her breath and tears.

The lady, having made sure that the member of the Death of the Celestials would not return here, rushed to the exit. She got into her car and drove to the city to get the police.

She drove for about 10 minutes at breakneck speed, and rushed to her destination, flew out of the transport and ran to a police officer.

- Sir! Please help me! - The lady shouted, falling to the floor exhausted, looking into the man's face.

- Calm down, what happened? - He got up from his seat and helped her get up and sit on the sofa, giving her water.

She took a sip and said.

- I was with my husband at a masquerade ball, when suddenly some madman started shooting everyone. I barely escaped. - she almost crying, the girl said.

- I see. Please tell me your name.

- Hasegawa Shigure.

- So, Hasegawa Shigure. Let's go to the manor together, and I'll call for backup when we arrive.

- OK.

Sigure got up from her seat and walked towards the car. The policeman is behind her. After getting behind the wheel, the lady looked back at the police officer sitting next to her.

Soon they reached the estate.

- There.. - Hasegawa pointed at the building with a trembling hand.

She shuddered. «It's good that I'm alive,- she thought, and then she felt a strong pain in her head, and then..»

A pistol shot aimed directly at the head of poor Hasegawa Shigure and a second later she leaned dead against the window.

The policeman shuddered and took off his cap, saying softly:

- Another victim, for Nikolai's purposes. -Sigma sighed. - now I know where he is.

The young man got out of the car and walked towards Gogol.

There was indeed a space behind the curtain filled with bookcases. Everything was covered in dust. (Nikolai turned on the flashlight. ) «where can I find the right book? - Gogol thought as he walked around the room. »

He shone a flashlight on the books and read their title, touching the cover of the books with his finger.

- «The real history of Japan, without any secrets»; - not that. - «the lost best recipes from all over the world.»; - again not that - «ancient ways of rebirth» Oh! - «what you need! - Gogol thought with delight, »

He opened the book and began to read.


Before, did people think about how to raise a person from the dead? Let's say that the king, who was executed, according to him, is not fair.

The ancient methods of resurrection were as follows :

1) the ritual.

2) bringing someone in return, as a sacrifice.

3) the funeral of a person within 3 hours after his death.

4) bury a person in the living earth.


«the last two have been a long time. - Gogol thought. - but nevertheless, people believed in them. »

- Gogol! Gogol! - a familiar voice was heard somewhere nearby.

- What is it, Sigma? -Nikolai said, putting the book he had found into his overcoat.

- I found some information about Dostoevsky's resurrection. - said the one who was out of breath.

- Wow. And me too. - Nikolai smiled. - then let's go to your place, the Heavenly Casino. We'll talk about everything there. - After a moment, he added. - by the way, how is that lady who rushed to you with hope after I go?

- She's dead... - he said, feeling a pang of guilt.

- Great! Let's go quickly!


Sigma did not understand Gogol's plans at all. First, this man saved the young man from death when he fell down from the Heavenly Casino, and after that he outlined the idea of killing Fedor.

Now... He is desperately trying to resurrect his friend. And why?

This question bothered Sigma and he, listening to Nikolai, who, having taken out that very book from the library, was reading. The young man could not restrain his curiosity and find out the reason why Gogol abruptly changed his goals.

- Nikolai, - Sigma said to his «guest».Gogol looked at the young man in surprise and waited for him to continue. - Why?.. Why did you decide to resurrect Dostoevsky? You had previously planned to kill him...

- So you still care about this question? - Gogol chuckled. - well, so be it, I'll tell you. -Nikolai turned to the window and clasped his hands behind his back, saying. - I don't know myself. I used to think that I would achieve freedom by killing a friend. And many sources confirmed this. And after Fyodor's death, I realized that I don't feel the freedom that I told you about. Then the question arises. Why did I plan to kill him in the first place? To make sure that the feelings are not gone? - He smiled. - I felt sorry for Dostoevsky, so I want to resurrect him.

- And what will you do when you resurrect him? - «if we manage at all... »

- I will look for another way to achieve freedom, of course. - He said, thinking. - but, we digress from the topic. In general, look. - he opened the book again (he closed it when he went to the window), and holding his finger between the pages, he spoke. - first we will try the ritual, and if it does not work, then we will sacrifice someone.

- Who? - Sigma trembled slightly.

— I don't know. -A foxy smile appeared on Gogol's face.

The young man remembered Dazai's words.

«I don't want to... I didn't rebuild the Heavenly Casino to be used again and then thrown away... I barely escaped death from Dostoevsky's knife.- Sigma thought. - is Gogol really... not now?..Will Gogolsacrifice me?..»

from such thoughts the young man was terrified and didn't know what to do, and in General, whether the Sigma to continue to enact his plans?

There probably won't be an answer...

- So, where do we start? - Nikolai continued to smile.- You said yourself that from the ritual. - the young man tried to be as restrained as possible.

- That's right! How could I forget! - Nikolai cried out. - so, in order to do this (he buried his nose right in the book and began to move his finger in it), we need three people... -After a moment, he asked, uncomprehendingly. - and where will we find the third one? Previously, there were three of us, the closest to the Death of the Celestials, and after Fyodor's death, there were only two of us, not counting the other two, who appear once a year at the meeting. (although we don't show up there either).

- We can ask one of my subordinates. -Sigma said.

- No, not at all! -Gogol cried out again. - no one should know about my brilliant, superhuman idea of resurrection. Except for you, me, Fyodor (when he wakes up) and.... Dazai. - Gogol pronounced Osamu's name in a special way.

The young man felt a chill down his back.

«does he really want to push Dazai into this case? It means... That he's alive!»