
Part 1. Chapter 4

I've died a hundred times,

Burning in the fire of longing,

Loving and hating,

And immediately resurrected,

Extinguishing anger like a flame,

Just once

To see you.

Sigma is already at the first church.

The church stands in the middle of a field. There is a village nearby, and the nearest city is 300 kilometers away, so we can assume that the village is remote from the world. But back to the church. It stands in the middle of the field, where there are also haystacks that have not been used for many years. «And why did Gogol send me here in the first place? Sigma thought, looking around.»

Suddenly, the church bells began to beat and play dark, ominous, depressing music. The crows cawed and rose into the sky; a huge flock formed. They packed up and flew off somewhere; anywhere, just away from here.

There would be nothing to do. Nikolai can be considered a guest with a request to the Casino Manager. After all, as Sigma told Dostoevsky:

Sigma, having plucked up the courage, entered the church.

Inside, it was collapsed; almost completely. Plants grew everywhere. The paint from the icons fell off and fell in small pieces to the floor. The patriarch stood in the middle with a Bible in his hands.

- Hello. - The young man turned to the patriarch. He is silent. Sigma repeated it again. Nothing happened. «maybe he's sleeping? Then maybe touch him? - The young man thought, scratching his head. - well, I'll just touch it lightly and that's it.»

Sigma slowly began to stretch out his hand towards the patriarch and touching the sleeve, the man turned into ashes. A Bible fell to the floor with a loud bang. «Should I read it or not? - the young man thought. - if she, too, like this patriarch, evaporates? Okay, it won't get any worse.»

Sigma took the Bible. The bells began to beat again, but it didn't matter. More importantly, what is written in this Bible?


On the cover, on yellow, worn paper, it says :

The Bible is a book that reveals to us God the Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. The Bible is a constitution for every believer, a book that we read day after day, year after year, a treasure trove of wisdom and a «pill» for our soul.

Sigma was not interested in the definition, so he ran his eyes over the words and went on flipping through them.

The «Old Testament» section :

Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 3 Samuel, 4 Samuel, 1 Chronicles, 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Songs of Songs, Isaiah, Jeremiah, The Lamentation of Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi.

«Too much...- Sigma thought, slightly squeezing the cover of the Bible. - but even if it's a lot, considering how many pages there are... Do I really have to read all this?.. He sighed.- okay, I'll only read what is related to death and resurrection. Although I am not sure that there is a resurrection here.»

Rev 9:6

In those days, people will seek death, but they will not find it; they will wish to die, but death will run away from them.

Rev 18:8

Therefore, one day, executions will come upon her, death and weeping and famine, and she will be burned with fire, because the Lord God is strong who judges her.

- The Lord God is strong, judging her... - Sigma spoke almost in a whisper, but in complete horror.

He remembered that Dostoevsky behaved as if he were God. By his actions and his ability, he justifies this title. Although many people do not call him a «God» , but rather a «Demon», and even he himself.

Mt 27:64

so order the tomb to be guarded until the third day, so that His disciples, coming at night, do not steal It and tell the people: He has risen from the dead; and the last deception will be worse than the first.


He closed the Bible. Sigma was terrified. «What I have just read... Does all this really relate to Dostoevsky? I must tell Gogol about this. But where is he now?»

Nikolai named many churches to Sigma, but he did not say how to contact him or how to find him.

The young man sighed and began to look for other churches.


- How can you commit suicide without a beautiful lady by your side?- Dazai sang, wearing headphones, lying on the couch.

- You idiot! - Kunikida hit Osama on the head with a newspaper. - When are you going to get down to business?

- Hey, Kunikida, what are you doing? - Dazai said, taking off his headphones.- I didn't do anything!

- That's right, a suicidal man with problems! - Doppo calmed down. - actually, there was a case that the Boss instructed you to personally complete.

- For me? -Dazai looked at Doppo in surprise.

- yes. I do not know the details. If anything, check out this newspaper.

Kunikida is gone.


The port Mafia has taken over one of the morgues. The reasons are not yet known, but our journalists are trying to find out everything from the staff of this organization.

- Tell me, why do you need a morgue? What will you do with it?

- It's none of your business. We have a goal and we have to fulfill it.

We questioned an employee with red hair and a black hat. But it was not possible to get any response from him.


«Chuya... - Dazai thought and smiled. - as always, he is in his repertoire. So what exactly was I assigned to do? Is it really possible to go to them and ask about this morgue?»

-You got it right. - Rampo said, sitting on the next couch and holding a lollipop in his hands. - although you guessed it yourself. I just got bored.

- Oh, I really don't want to go to the boss of the Port Mafia. - Dazai said, sitting up. (he was lying down all the time.) - why not Atsushi? He's got a friend there.

- You have more connections than Atsushi. And the boss felt that even if Atsushi has closer ties there than you do at the moment, then you are only good by experience. And you have friends there. - Rampo lifted the lollipop towards the window, carefully looked at it and added it. - although you've already guessed it yourself. Well, I'm off.

Rampo smiled and skipped away; Dazai smiled again.

He was walking towards the Port Mafia and muttering to himself. Namely, the song that he had previously sung with headphones. Although it was more like a poem.

- How can you commit suicide without a beautiful lady by your side?

When we're together on the count of one, we'll jump into the water with the waitress.

When we suddenly end our lives with our best friend next to us...

when I will live again, without my loved ones around.( why I wrote these lines, I will explain in the comments after the part)

Dazai did not even notice how he reached the skyscraper, where the Port Mafia was located. He took a deep breath and happily headed towards the main doors.

-Boss!- Chewie shouted over the phone. - Dazai is here!

- Dazai? - Morey asked in surprise.

- yes. He seems to be coming towards you.

- OK. You come too. And capture Akutagawa,- Ogai said in a calm voice.

- And why do you need us? - Chuya sounded surprised.

- You'll see.

As soon as Morey finished, there was a knock on the door.

- Come in. - Maury said, sitting in the cross, leaning his elbows on the table and crossing his fingers.

Osamu entered the cabin with a smile on his face.

- Hi, Mori. It's been a long time since we've seen each other!

- Hello to you too, Dazai. How are you? - Mori smiled.

— great. The boss instructed me to discuss with you the recent news written in the newspaper and find out your intentions. - Osamu said. - although, I can guess why you built this morgue.

- Didn't you ask for it? - Ogai was surprised.

- no. I said just to guard Dostoevsky's corpse.

Chuya entered the office with Akutagawa.

«Is Dazai here too? - Ryunosuke thought, sharply glancing at Osama,»

- Well, hello, suicidal man. - Chuya said with displeasure.

- Wow, Chuya, Akutagawa. - Dazai said, and then turned to Mori. - have you decided to call everyone together? Only One thing is missing.

- Unfortunately, she won't be able to visit you. - Ogai spoke in a calm voice.

- It's a pity.

- Why did you come here, Dazai? - Chuya said in a menacing voice.

- The boss instructed me to find out why you need a morgue. I've already said that. It's a pity that you can't hear what's going on around you because of your height,- Dazai said, closing his eyes.

- You bastard!- Chuya shouted. - I'll smear you on the ground!

- try it if your height allows. - Osamu chuckled.

- Yes you are!..

- Chuya, stop it.- Mori said. - we attributed this morgue to ourselves, because it seems to me that it would be better to protect Dostoevsky's body. Just like you asked.

- Yes? Damn, it slipped my mind somehow.- Osamu mumbled.

- you told me about it yourself! Have you forgotten something? - Nakahara shouted.

- Chuya. - Mori said menacingly, crossing his arms and resting his head on them.

-... - Chuya lowered his head and fell silent.

- Have we answered all your questions? - Ogai smiled at Dazai.

- I think so. In any case, it can be considered that this was my assignment to you. - Osamu said, folding his arms and looking out the window.

- Now answer our questions. - Mori said, grinning.

- OK. I will try to answer your questions. - Dazai mumbled. He was clearly not interested in listening to them.

- We know that you asked Chuya to guard Dostoevsky's corpse, right?

- yes.

- Also, you said that soon the Armed Detective Agency and the Port Mafia will be working again, right?

- Yeah.- Dazai nodded his head, putting his hands on his belt.

- Tell me, why and when will this happen? An armed Detective Agency and a Port Mafia can't just get together. Even if you want to. Just because you used to be with us and now you've joined them doesn't mean you can command us. We guard Dostoevsky's corpse only because of our goals, which overlap with yours.

- If Gogol manages to resurrect Fedor, then he is 98% likely to want revenge. We all barely managed to put Dostoevsky in prison. And you won't be able to do it again. That's when I decided that the best way to thwart Nikolai's plans would be to guard the corpse of his best friend. No one knows when. Maybe tomorrow, maybe the day after tomorrow, maybe in a month.

- I see... - Mori said thoughtfully, looking somewhere in the corner.

- How do you know that Gogol is going to resurrect his partner? - Akutagawa asked, clearly doubting his

«teacher 's» words.

- He told me that personally. - Osamu said, ignoring Ryunosuke.

- Then you should prepare for this day. - Mori continued thoughtfully.

- Then I'm counting on you. - Dazai turned to the exit. - I'm going to go.

- Stop, Dazai! - Akutagawa shouted when Osamu had just left the Port Mafia building. - acknowledge my power!

Dazai looked at Ryunosuke. He ran after him from the top floor (that's where Mori's office was) up the stairs.

- Didn't I recognize her BEFORE? - Osamu smiled. - then you also fainted.

- Yes, but... - Akutagawa hesitated.

Dazai turned away, said something to him over his back and walked away, leaving the boy alone.