
Chapter 2. Part 11

- I think there are definitely no more questions now. - Dostoevsky smiled. He turned away and walked towards the exit. The others just stared at his back.

Then Dazai's phone rang. He quickly muttered something like - oh, I need to go away for a while! - and left.

Meanwhile, Fyodor was already halfway up the stairs. He looked at his friends with a grin and said to himself, «I'm disappointed, Dazai. I thought you weren't like that.»

Now he has already left Lermontov's «shelter» on the street, as soon as the bosses of the Port Mafia and the Armed Detective Agency appeared in front of him.

Dostoevsky had it all written on his face. He was surprised.

- are you shocked by this number?- Someone said from behind, clearly grinning. It was Dazai. - I warned the bosses of the two largest organizations in advance to wait for you here.

-But you couldn't have known all my plans in advance. - Fyodor turned to him in perplexity.

- why? - Osamu smiled. - do not underestimate your enemies, because they can stab you in the back at any moment, even if they seemed harmless to you.

- Give up. Your place is in prison. You and Gogol. - Fukundazawa said.

- And what about me?! - Nikolai shouted, climbing out with Lermontov.- I can keep Dazai company and go for a drink!

- You're Dostoevsky's accomplice, don't you see?- Yukichi added.

- Oh, I know an accomplice like that. An old friend comes to him and says, borrow a hundred, and he gave it. - Gogol could not resist and, clutching his stomach, began to laugh loudly.

- Hmm. - Dazai smiled, closing his eyes. - it's really a funny joke.

- We're actually wasting time. - Morey said. - While we're talking, Fyodor might kill us. After all, no one still knows what his ability does.

Everyone stopped at once. Nikolai realized that the case was rubbish. His friend will be able to be imprisoned again, then, will Gogol have to pull him out of Meursault again? And if the guy himself is also captured, then escape will not be possible.

- You're getting bored. We'd love to stay and chat, but our milk is running out. He must be caught and tied up!! Bye bye !!!- He stepped forward, straightened his cloak and wrapped himself and Fedya, turned to Osamu. - Dazai, I'll see you again later. Well, come on!

He activated his ability and left. No one had time to grab him, as the action was completed in just a second. One can envy his speed of thinking and acting.

- We missed them! - Ogai shouted, trying to stop Nikolai. - we won't be able to find them now. Who knows where they went.

- Dazai, do you have any thoughts?- Fukundazawa turned to Osamu.

- I don't have it, but their co-workers do... - Lermontov also disappeared, although Osamu remembered for sure that Gogol took only himself and Dostoevsky. - I think it's worth exploring their hideout. - Said Dazai, turning towards Mikhail's «dwelling» , but he was gone.

They didn't leave any clues or clues to find them. Has Gogol still betrayed Fyodor, even though he betrayed him? «no.- Dazai thought. - something doesn't add up here... Then what?»

Let's know that you can expect anything from Dostoevsky. And Osamu will easily understand this, as Dostoevsky will do with his plans. They're like twins; different people, but so much the same. They see through each other, trying to pull the right thread and kill each other. They call themselves inhumans, although who knows, maybe they really are not people, but Gods? Or maybe vice versa, they are people who are addicted to the game; a very dangerous game. Yes, Osamu really knew about the sniper back then and was able to find out about the poison in the bodies of Mori and Fukuzawa, however, this is Gogol. The other side of the same coin, which is impossible to read due to hidden feelings and the constant clown mask. No one knows what he really feels, which makes him a worthy opponent. That's why, in fact, they called him "the clown" there, but is it really so? Why did Nikolai, despite the dirt that Dostoevsky threw in his face, save him? Do they have a joint plan? Did they develop it in order to trick all people around their finger? So the whole scene of Lermontov's hideout, including himself, was just a game? A staged performance? A magic show where the magicians were Dostoevsky, Gogol and Lermontov, And the viewer who is trying to figure out where the rabbit in the hat hid, Dazai? «Although I do not have exact conclusions on this score, but I cannot and will not understand the initial «betrayal» on the part of Gogol, without him or his accomplices. - Dazai mused. - however, where is Sigma? Did he disappear with them too? Did he also know that these three were going to put on a whole show? I doubt it, however, wherever he is, he should be found and interrogated. Although, it is unlikely that he will answer anything,»

Dazai decided that Sigma, at best, can be found in the Heavenly Casino. Although, it can't be that simple. Or the young man really did not know about Gogol's original plan. Osamu decided to build on this.

Leaving all matters to Mori's subordinates, Dazai decided to go personally to Sigma's "house" and find out about what had happened with him.

-Hello,-Dazai began at the entrance. - I'd like to see Sigma.

-Unfortunately, the manager of the Heavenly Casino is not here right now.- One of his employees bowed slightly.

- Do you know where he is?

- no.

-Well, then I don't have to stay here. - Osamu said and left.

Dazai had no doubt that the young man was now with these three. And even if he didn't know their current plans, he would have been shocked by what he saw.

And so it was.


Sigma woke up on the bed. It was Gogol's room.

- Wha... How did I end up here? What is it? - he asked Nikolai, sitting up.

- Oh, you're awake! - Gogol shouted joyfully. - how do you like our performance? Did it work out?

Sigma began to look around. Fyodor was sitting at the table as if nothing had happened and, drinking tea, was playing poker with Lermontov.

- So it was all staged? .. - Sigma asked in disbelief.

- Exactly! - Gogol snapped, closing his eyes and smiling broadly.

- But why?

- To keep everyone distracted. - Dostoevsky intervened. - while they are busy guarding my corpse, Gogol is looking for a page that has not been used. She was captured and imprisoned under strict security, first-class espers. But also, it was necessary to stage a revival performance.

- That is, Gogol played in two performances at once?

- Exactly. - Fyodor smiled. - it was necessary to distract Dazai, because he would definitely interfere with my plans to return the page. And we used you as bait.

The young man's heart trembled. «I was led by Dostoevsky and Gogol again. And he also dragged Osama in... How is it?.. I was sure that nothing like this would happen, but now... The whole world will be chasing us... - Sigma thought in horror.»

- Yes, it will be. Dostoevsky said calmly. - at least until I get the page.

- But we have to get her first. We don't know which country she is in.- Lermontov objected.

- I know! From the Japanese government! - Gogol chuckled. - you don't think that I was idling all this time, and then, one day before the trick with Fedya, I got busy?

- No, not at all. - Mikhail smiled. - you always take a very responsible approach to your missions.

- That's it!!! - Nikolai shouted joyfully.

- Now it remains to come up with a plan for how we get this page before I'm really killed. - said Fyodor. - I still don't want to wait 3 days.