

Anarkis then decides to create humans from the soil and a heavenly gem from Olsyian ( residence of Anarkis and his angels) . The first man of Dorksaln soil , Omars  in the continent of Edennse marries two women ; an angel , Gibratha and a woman created from his rib , Libtha . Together he and Gibratha bore twelve sons ; Ulsrap , Delka , Elen , Oprek , Zugus ,Alden , Omarem Olsga , Altrem , Amenz ,Xela , Lexrum. And he bore twelve daughters with Libtha . Of the twelve sons , Alden was more favoured by Anarkis and he gave him Equal power to that of a Middle God . Alden got married to his sister Alennse and Roselle , an angel from Olsyian . Each of the twelve sons went to the other continents to make a living and home there . Ulsrap & descendants - Srlap Delka -Delk , Elen - Nele , Oprek- Ekpro, Zugus - Gugus , Alden - Edennse and Nelda,  Omarem - Ramem Olsga - Algos , Altrem - Meltram , Amenz - Zamen Xela - Aelx & Lexrum - Muxel Over the years humans developed in every possible way - Magic , technology , culture etc , Establishment of empires and kingdoms . The descendants of Alden ruled Edennse and Nelda forming it to an Empire. The people of the land are descendants of Isiez and Torsla , Kiekz and Libthenna - these were sons and daughters of Amenz that decided to stay behind while their Father , mother and siblings migrated to Zenma . Coming to the present , Alskard like his fathers before him plans to conquer the world and form a one world government so as to fulfill prophecy but dies leaving behind no heir or so they thought . His wife , Querlta is left to deal with the problems of the Empire

Diamond_Leopard · War
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7 Chs

Chapter 1.5 :Who to rule II

Querlta broke the silence that filled the court room " And what do you think needs to be reformed in the Imperial Constitution ? " . Hitler smiled " Well since there's no descendants from the Alden House anymore and there's the Empress. It won't be bad to have a woman as a monarch " . Cadrilla , a royal sage " as much as i'd love to see that happen . I don't think the Empire is ready to be led by a woman " .Most people nodded their heads in affirmation and at the same time waited to hear the response of the Empress.

Querlta " I think Cadrilla is right , but now is not the time to think about what the people want but what's best for them . " She continued " I do believe there's a voting system for this ? "

Elgod ," Yes your majesty " . Elgod was about o say something but was interrupted by a woman with a purple hair , Senator Tinuden" Sorry for the interruption , Your imperial majesty and Quill Elgod " . Senate president Elgrod looked into Querlta's eyes for permission and she nodded in approval . "You may continue " Elgrod said . After Gaining the Court's approval she continued " I believe we are leaving something out here , which is very crucial to the decisions we will make at this instant , Edennse and Nelda has been ruled by the house of Alden for thousands of years since it's establishment " . The court hearing this broke into an Uproar as she was damn right about what she had just said now .

"Decorum " Said Elgrod and it reduced a little " Indeed what she said is right , we can't make decisions without ignoring this . " he paused " I suggest we postpone this ..." . "Hold on a moment " Querlta said " I do have prove that I am a blood of the Alden House and Alskard , our late Emperor's half brother and later in the day will provide u with the DNA test results " . As soon as that was said the court room broke into another Uproar " That explains the terrific power she displayed " $enator Vilho muttered . "Half sister ?! " someone said shocked

" I hereby declare this meeting adjourned " said Elgod


At the Imperial Palace , Querlta's study room

Querlta sat on the chair listening to her cousin Prime Minister Hitler and a few other senators with her . " We need to make allies " Blurted Querlta . "And that I can assure you , we've done"

said Hitler . Querlta " Just make more of them and make the haters lovers with whatever price . There can't be room for rebel " she said exiting the study room