
- doriyaki

Oct.21st.1897, Westminster, London, an engaged couple, writer Mina Harker and interior designer Jonathan Harker had kept secret from each other, and since count Vladimir Dracula from Transylvania had moved to England, ominous incidents occurred one by one...

Stella_Smith_3736 · History
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DRACULA - Chapter Two (4)

…Recalling those haunting memories, as soon as she finished typing, she took off her fingers from the keys of the typewriter, then at that instant, the familiar, cheery voice got closer to the open door of the room, sitting in the chair when Mina turned her head in the direction, soon a 41-year-old beautiful lady of Scottish, Welsh, and Irish descent with bright aura and bubbly charm in a brilliant dress set made of fresh lemon yellow silk and white silk with many frills in the same yellow holding a cream yellow handbag, walked into the room,

"Mina, it's me,"


Mina raised her body to welcome her friend Lucy Westenra, she also wore an engagement ring made of a canary yellow diamond in the center of the ring, a frame, and a band both made of gold on her left ring finger, and a hat, gloves, and boots all in egg yolk yellow,

"Mina, 'you're always working'7, oh you poor thing, please take some rest, then what were you writing?"

"! Oh, nothing, I mean, plotting some… sort of… new idea, as a writer, you know, haha…"


"And done, now I'm free,"


Unlike Mina was a demure, modest, gloomy, simple, calm and charismatic beauty with pale white skin, straight hair and eyes all in dark brown, Lucy was a bright, brilliant, bubbly beauty with healthy, light pink skin, wavy hair in bright ginger and eyes in light brown, she was sensible, smart, cheery, funny, witty, humorous, fashionable and stylish, besides she was a successful fashion designer in high fashion industry, and next Thursday, her name would become Lucy Holmwood and that Dec.11th she was scheduled to marry Arthur Holmwood, a-38-year old handsome, talented, artistic, smart, gentle, popular and famous leading actor in 'The Angel Theatre', one of the famous theatres in London, he was a half English half Thai actor from Bangkok, and since the mid-1890s, several actors in films had won success, so he immigrated to London for his career in Jan.11th.1896, he wanted to be a competant actor not only on stages but also in films, fortunatly, that year November 11th, he could settle in The Angel Threatre and Aug.11th.1897, he got a chance, the main character 'Oberon' in a movie; a short film 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' that was scheduled to start to film in Jul.1st.1899 and to release in Jun.1st.1900, and the costume designers of The Angel Theatre; a 40-year-old play costume designer Laura Green of Irish, Balkan, Mexican, and Chilean and a 41-year-old ballet costume designer Erica Chen of Scottish, Baltic, Chinese, and Thai descent were friends of Lucy, and Dec.31th.1896, Laura and Erica took Lucy to the year-end party in the theatre, and Lucy and Arthur met at the party, soon they fell in love, it was love at first sight, and eventually they were engaged in Oct.11th.1897,

Mina and Lucy sat in those chairs in front of a tea table next to the open window that the bright daytime sunshine came through,

"I read the report of your winter fashion with those sample photos & paintings in the last month's issue of 'La Última Moda'8, I'm sure that it'll be great," said Mina, adjusting the skirt of her gloomily dark grey cotton dress with a placid, light gray ribbon in front of an icy, white collar,

"Really? thank you very much indeed, darling, I think you're too kind to me, and these days I'm enjoying this short holiday moment before the busy, crazy working period in November, but don't worry, I won't skip your wedding day," said Lucy smiling brightly,

"Thank you so much, how has Arthur been? I heard that he's busy,"

"He's been good, thank you for asking, and correct, these days he's busy, and this morning he said because of the extended rehearsal schedule of the new play 'Hamlet', this evening he can't be in the debut fashion show of Emma, Miss Murray? no, Mrs. Harker,"

"All right, Miss Westenra? no, Mrs. Holmwood,"

Bursting into laughter, they continued to talk,

"Jonathan said because he was an actor in school play club, he and Arthur's conversation about stage art was very pleasurable," said Mina,

"Right, Arthur also said just like that," said Lucy,

Then at that instant smiling in mischief, Lucy took a book out of the handbag,


"What's this?" asked Mina,

"A book," answered Lucy,

"Of course, I know this is a book, then..."

Mina read the book titled 'Hidden Stories & Secrets Of Arabian Nights' and opened the book with curiosity, she examined the first 10 pages one by one, the stories on those pages were about Arab history, culture, arts & traditions, and romance & erotic nights of couples, after she examined those many various, historic, cultural, artistic and traditional stories with Arabic illustrations, she directly opened those next 5 pages, page 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 one by one, all the stories and illustrations on those pages expressed many different, sensual sex scenes of many diverse Arab couples,

"Lucy, I already begin to like this book, very historic, cultural, artistic, traditional, Arabic, and erotic, what an attractive book," said Mina,

Then at that instant as soon as she found something on page 15, she looked at Lucy with eyes of surprise,

"Whoa? Lucy?"

"Yes, Mina, my sweet friend like honey, those steamy stories and meaningful illustrations are all for the sweet honeymoon night of you and Jonathan," said Lucy smiling in mischief,

"Haha! well, it's really sweet of you and very impressive, exotic and, erotic, thank you very much indeed, Lucy, I think you're too sweet to me, my friend of mischief, of course, I'll read this with my honey, my sweetheart, my sweet Jonathan," thanked Mina smiling sweetly,

"Of course, darling, you should,"

Then as soon as Mina put the book next to the typewriter, Lucy took another book out of the handbag,

"The last ta-dah!"

"Um? oh my God, Lucy, it's a Kamasutra,"

"Haha! right, darling,"

While Mina examined those pages one by one, she could know that every explanation and illustration on all those pages expressed many different, erotic sex positions in detail,

"Then -men and women really can do… this?-9 how is this… possible?"

"It's possible, last night, I did it with Arthur, it was really romantic and thrilling,"


"Yes, we were so high, because of this fantastic position, so, highly recommend it,"

"Whoa! thank you very much, darling, of course, I'll also read this and do this with Jonathan, haha!"

"Great! that's right, darling, and today is Friday, the day crazy things happen, so tonight will be the craziest night many people get excited, erotic, sensual, fashionable, and stylish, before I go back to work this November, I must enjoy this not only sweet but also too short holiday including today, Friday! so this evening we need to attend Emma's fashion show and enjoy watching all those new dresses, fashion & style including the reception party,"

"You're right, besides, before I begin to write my third novel, I also need to have some rest and, fun,"

"Woo hoo!"

'Geta'4 : traditional Japanese footwear resembling flip-flops. A kind of sandal, geta have a flat wooden base elevated with up to three "teeth", held on the foot with a fabric thong, which keeps the foot raised above the ground.

- sourced by Wikipedia

'Kanzashi'5 : traditional Japanese hair ornaments.

- sourced by Wikipedia

'Mina'6 : 美儺, a feminine given name in Europe, America, and Japan,

美 : beautiful


儺 : exorcism, myself who removes the demons of epidemic.


'La Última Moda'8 : one of the popular fashion magazines to women in Europe and America since around 1880. - sourced by 'https://www.pinterest.es/pin/494481234058022030/' and 'https://www.pinterest.es/pin/404338872767399261/'

''7 and -''-9 : referred to those lines and scenes in the movie 'Bram Stoker's Dracula' 1992