
Doraemon: The Stupider I Act The Stronger I Get

Reborn as Nobita with a Platinum finger. Getting Items/Skills/Abilities/Properties depending on the level of stupidness. 100 thousand troops of Mechatopian soldiers are invading Earth. Not to be worried Nobita uses his very own Iron Legion. Low Profile, Smart and Attractive Nobita. Author note: This is just a random imagination and will only include the movies. I will also age him up as the the time goes by.

Sung_Jin_Doo · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Gold Mine

With the revelation that he was in the year 2016, Nobita's mind raced with ideas of what he could do if he had the chance to go back in time. He had already prepared for situations like these, As what if he were to travel back in time. Now foremost, he envisioned using his future knowledge to invest in lucrative stocks, accumulating wealth and securing financial success. Additionally, he contemplated exploring hidden treasures and ancient ruins discovered between 2016 and 2023, but the danger of the time police too grave for that. For stocks he could say he was gifted with stocks but there was no excuse for hidden treasures and ruin mine.

Currently there is only one way to earn money that is labour or to copy a novel or a manga. If he tries to ask his future self money the money would be considered black if it came in the past.

Curious about the potential of the Dupli-Mirror, Nobita contemplated duplicating iron and melting it for personal use. However, Doraemon revealed a crucial limitation: items replicated by the Dupli-Mirror would gradually transform into a gelatinous substance after 100 hours, rendering them useless. Even attempting to melt the replicated iron would yield the same result. Disappointed by this revelation, Nobita realized that the Dupli-Mirror had its limitations and couldn't provide a long-term solution for obtaining usable iron. Undeterred, he knew he had to explore other possibilities and gadgets to achieve his goals.

In a final attempt to find a solution, Nobita asked Doraemon if there was a manual available for creating future gadgets. To his surprise, Doraemon responded affirmatively and produced a book that was remarkably compact yet contained an immense amount of knowledge. Doraemon warned Nobita, stating, "This book represents the latest engineering fundamentals of the 23nd century.With your intelligence it would take you a decade just to comprehend a single page."

Unbeknownst to Doraemon, Nobita possessed an exceptional IQ surpassing 300. As Nobita held the book, it felt incredibly light, likely due to advanced future technology. Opening the first page, he found condensed, minuscule words packed onto a single page, indicating the vast amount of information it contained.

Nobita reflected on Doraemon's penchant for repairing broken gadgets as a means to earn money. Many of the gadgets Doraemon had received were initially broken and fixed by Doraemon. Understanding this aspect, Nobita recognized the significance of learning the intricacies of gadget repair and maintenance.

With determination in his eyes, Nobita vowed to study the manual diligently, delving into the complexities of gadget engineering. He realized that by acquiring the skills to repair broken gadgets, he could not only increase his own capabilities but also potentially open doors to new opportunities and sources of income.

As Nobita pondered on how to earn money, an idea took shape in his mind. Once he had accumulated enough wealth, he planned to approach popular VTubers and streamers, requesting to be featured in their videos. Nobita's intention was to purposefully portray himself as foolish and silly, which would inadvertently earn him "Stupid Points" through the online community's amusement.

Recognizing the potential entertainment value and the growing popularity of VTubers and streamers, Nobita saw an opportunity to capitalize on his perceived foolishness. By collaborating with these content creators and embracing his reputation as a lighthearted character, he could gain recognition, followers, and possibly even financial incentives.

With this strategy in mind, Nobita set his sights on building a platform for himself in the digital realm, leveraging his innate intelligence and hidden talents to entertain and engage viewers. He understood that this unique approach would require careful planning, creativity, and an understanding of the online community's preferences.

For sometime Nobita went outside the city to venture. As Nobita explored the city, his curiosity led him to encounter a girl who was filming a video with her camera. Intrigued, he approached her and asked if she was a VTuber. To his surprise, she confirmed that she indeed was. She inquired if he was a fan, but Nobita honestly replied with a "No."

Curiosity piqued, Nobita asked the girl about the number of subscribers she had. She revealed that she had 23,000 subscribers, causing Nobita's eyes to shine with excitement. The realization of a potential opportunity sparked within him. Observing how she was engaging with the camera, he wondered if she was broadcasting live. Confirming his suspicion, the girl informed him that she was, in fact, streaming live.

Encouraged by the situation, Nobita boldly requested that she shout his name to her viewers. The girl, intrigued by his enthusiasm, asked if it was alright to reveal his face to her audience. Nobita readily agreed. With the camera now pointed at him, the girl introduced Nobita to her viewers and encouraged them to greet him.

Feeling emboldened, Nobita took the opportunity to ask the girl a question. He inquired about her age, to which she replied that she was 21 years old. Unexpectedly, the Stupid System within Nobita's mind alerted him to the significant gain of 216 points.

Emboldened by his growing success, Nobita seized the moment and impulsively asked the girl out, causing him to quickly run away. To his surprise, the Stupid System notified him of an additional 1,372 points earned from this unexpected interaction.

Nobita's hypothesis about garnering Stupid Points through interactions with VTubers and streamers had proven correct, further igniting his determination to explore this avenue and seek out additional opportunities in his quest to accumulate points.

Nobita then went back to venture the city.

As the end of the day Nobita had already explored half of the city. He went back to home, ate the dinner and went for sleep as he was extremely tired

Nobita woke up early in the morning and viewed his System to his suprise he had gained a total of 23,381 points overnight.

With his impressive accumulation of 23,381 Stupid Points, Nobita made a bold decision to spend 20,000 points on two city-level gacha attempts. As he activated the gacha, excitement filled the air. The first result of his gacha revealed a remarkable prize: "Complete knowledge to create the new element from Iron Man 2," which also encompassed information on building a fusion reactor. This newfound knowledge held tremendous potential, fueling Nobita's ambition.

The second gacha result brought a unique attribute: the "Attractive face." However, this attribute would come into full effect when Nobita reached the age of 16, promising a transformation that would enhance his physical appearance.

Overwhelmed with the possibilities offered by his prizes, Nobita's mind buzzed with ideas and plans. The prospect of wielding the knowledge to create a revolutionary element and harnessing the power of a fusion reactor ignited his imagination. Additionally, knowing that an attractive face awaited him in the future filled him with anticipation for the possibilities that lay ahead.

The rest 3,300 points he had, Nobita used them to increase his Power Level which was once just 3 which had now became 36. Nobita felt no changes within him. No bulging of muscles or him losing consciousness, nothing like that happened.

Author note: 100 points is equal to 1 Power Level. As Nobita ages up he will grow more attractive and it's not a skill it's an attribute. And I know in the manga it is 22nd century in the future but in it it's also the 20th century in present. Now it's 21th century in present and 23rd century in the future. Time Skip coming soon.