
Beetle Battle

The journey to the museum soon came to an end.

[Ding! You have completed the quest Unsuccessfully]

[Cannon Event Followed: 3%]

[This quest is no longer available]

Nobita wasn't surprised at all. He had anticipated such results. But he had gained something more valuable - the foundation for his journey and the allies he had made.

Kurt noticed Nobita and greeted him with a warm smile. Nobita nodded in response.

"So, I heard you're returning to your present."

Nobita replied, approving of his words, "Yes, indeed, I am going back to my present. But before I go, I need to inform Professor Peppler about something. If you need my assistance on any of your projects, just call me anytime." He showed Kurt his brand new band, which also worked as a phone.

After a brief chat, they parted ways.

Professor Pepura, who had been working on a speech to present to the future government regarding his findings and the approval of Nobita's invention for mass production, seeing Nobita comeing towards him, he greeted him with a bright smile.

"Nobita, what's my young genius doing here?"

"I need Future Coins," Nobita said without hesitation.

"How much?"

"2,000 Future Coins," which was about 20,000 dollars.

"What did you say? 2,000! That's half of my savings!" Professor Pepura exclaimed in surprise. "After I receive the money from the Future Government for your contribution, I will give you at least a thousand times more than that."

However, Nobita wasn't swayed. He needed the money for a project that had been on his mind for a while. But he knew that the processes required for the government to reward him for "Doraenium" would take at least a month. He couldn't wait that long.

"I truly appreciate your understanding, and I want to kindly emphasize that receiving this payment is important for me at this time, as it helps me maintain my financial stability and meet my commitments," Nobita stated in a robotic manner, leaving no room for Professor Pepura to reply.

After that, Professor Pepura transferred all the money to Nobita's band, his face filled with tears.

Nobita approaches him, placing a reassuring hand on the professor's shoulder. "Professor Pepura, I know it's a significant amount, and I appreciate your generosity. But remember, when the government finally acknowledges our invention and rewards us, it'll be more than worth it. You'll see."

The professor looks up, his eyes still teary but with a glimmer of hope. "You're right, Nobita. I believe in our work, and I believe in you. We'll get that recognition, and the rewards will be more than we ever imagined."

They share a reassuring smile, knowing that their hard work and dedication will eventually pay off.

Next Scene

Nobita and Doraemon are in the time machine, ready to return to the present.

Nobita: "Doraemon, it's been quite an adventure in the future. I'll miss this place, but I think it's time to go back."

Doraemon, with a warm smile: "You've learned a lot, Nobita, and grown so much. Remember, the future is just a step away, and I'll always be here when you need me. Let's head back to your time, buddy."

The time machine starts up, and they journey back to Nobita's present.

The next day, the sun shines brightly as Nobita heads home after his recent walk thought the town. He walks through the familiar streets, the memories of his time in the future still fresh in his mind.

As he arrives home, he's greeted by the comforting sight of his family. His dad, was extremely surprised by his new habit of waking up early and taking a walk through the town. "Nobita, how about a trip to the mall today? Just you and me, some father-son bonding."

Nobita, excited about spending time with his dad, agrees wholeheartedly. "Sure, Dad, that sounds great! Let's go to the mall."

Nobita's dad warmly extended the invitation to Doraemon to join them at the mall, but Doraemon, with a gentle smile, declined, expressing his desire to spend time with his cat friends, especially Mi-chan.

With smiles on their faces, they leave for the mall, enjoying the simple pleasure of family time and looking forward to more adventures, both in the present and the future.

At the mall, father and son strolled through the lively corridors, reveling in the simplicity of quality family time. Amid the cheerful chatter and bright displays, Nobita received a new message on his stupid system:

[Ding!! New quest available.]

[Quest: "Doraemon: Nobita and the Island of Miracle"]

[Complete 50% of cannon event]

[Reward: State level Stupid points]

Nobita's eyes sparkled. With unwavering determination, he accepted it, fully aware of the adventures that lay ahead.

Continuing their mall adventure, the duo found themselves in the pet section, where a captivating beetle caught Nobita's eye. His dad, noticing his son's interest, shared tales of his own childhood beetle-catching adventures, complete with fierce beetle battles.

"Dad, can we get this beetle?" Nobita asked, his eyes shining with the anticipation of making new memories.

At first, his dad hesitated, mindful of the responsibilities that come with a pet. "Nobita, you know we already have pets at home, and they require a lot of care."

Nobita persisted, his voice filled with enthusiasm. "But, Dad, I promise to take excellent care of it, just like you used to when you were my age."

Nobita's dad gazed at his son, memories of his own youth resurfacing. He couldn't resist the hopeful look in Nobita's eyes. "Alright, Nobita, we can get the beetle. Let's create new memories together."

Nobita beamed with joy, expressing his heartfelt gratitude to his dad for understanding. This gesture wrapped up their mall excursion on a heartwarming note, as they headed home

As Nobita and his dad were making their way back home, they noticed a gathering of boys and girls near the playground, the very place where Nobita often played. Upon closer inspection, they recognized Gian, Dekisugi, Shizuka, and Suneo among the group. The children were engrossed in a fierce competition to determine whose beetle was the mightiest, with Suneo officiating and Gian emerging as the star of the match. Gian's beetle, significantly larger than the others, easily dominated its opponents.

Nobita's dad seized the moment and gave his son a knowing look, silently conveying that it was his chance to shine. The next moment, Nobita found himself challenging Gian with his comparatively smaller beetle, one-third the size of Gian's impressive creature. Suneo inquired if they were ready, and Nobita eagerly responded with a "yes." However, Suneo, being his usual taunting self, redirected the question to Gian, further irking Nobita.

With the battle commencing, the crowd divided, with Shizuka fervently cheering for Nobita, and the rest, primarily Gian's fans, loudly supporting the imposing challenger. Nobita's determination shone through, but his moment of glory was short-lived. In a blink, his beetle was hurtling toward his face. He could have caught it, but the cannon Nobita wouldn't, so he chose not to, and it landed on his glasses, leaving everyone in fits of laughter.

[Ding!! 3 Stupid points gained].

Gian didn't miss a chance to taunt Nobita, mocking his inability to win. He jeered, "You see, Nobita, you're as weak as your beetle."

Dekisugi, always the voice of reason, chimed in with an analytical explanation, directed at Shizuka, as if to underline the futility of Nobita's efforts. He remarked condescendingly, "Shizuka, you must understand that Nobita's chances of winning are precisely at 0 percent."

Summoning the spirit of Nobita from the show, he used a stick to nudge his beetle forward. To his dismay, the beetle once again veered off course, landing on his face. The laughter and jeers intensified. Gian didn't hold back, continuing to insult Nobita and belittling his beetle's strength.

Witnessing his son's humiliation, Nobita's dad grew increasingly agitated. He couldn't stand the relentless mockery. In a moment of frustration, he marched into the arena to assist Nobita by pushing the beetle, but fate played a cruel trick, and the beetle struck him squarely in the face. The laughter grew louder, with even Dekisugi and Shizuka joining in.

Nobita's dad was disarten that he couldn't win and decided to leave the arena. Before leaving he took the bah which contains the things bought from the mall.

As Nobita's dad left the scene, Gian and Suneo seized the opportunity to taunt Nobita and his dad, resorting to a cruel song to amplify their mockery:

"Look at Nobita's dad run away,🎶

His dad is a coward, just like him.🎶

A coward's son will be a coward.🎶

I bet his dad used to be just like him.🎶

A big coward.🎶"

Before Dekisugi and Shizuka could stop Gian and Suneo from making Nobita feel sad.

Nobita's anger, previously smoldering, now flared into a furious blaze. He couldn't bear to see his dad's humiliation by a bunch of kids and the insults directed at him.

Something changed in the air, an eerie transformation. The sky darkened, the temperature plummeted, and an ominous feeling of foreboding filled the area. Dogs began to howl in fear, and an unsettling aura of death hung heavy in the atmosphere.

Nobita, seething with anger, was unable to tolerate the disrespect any longer. Unconsciously, he tapped into a hidden ability—a sub-skill of the "necromancer" class, known as the "dead aura." Fortunately, it was still in the Novice rank, or the consequences would have been dire. Girls began to vomit, and both Gian and Suneo peed their pants as they fainted from the force of the skill overwhelmed them.

Nobita's eyes blazed with fury, his voice trembling with rage. He couldn't accept the humiliation directed at his father, and he was determined to put an end to it once and for all.