
Doraemon: The Stupider I Act The Stronger I Get

Reborn as Nobita with a Platinum finger. Getting Items/Skills/Abilities/Properties depending on the level of stupidness. 100 thousand troops of Mechatopian soldiers are invading Earth. Not to be worried Nobita uses his very own Iron Legion. Low Profile, Smart and Attractive Nobita. Author note: This is just a random imagination and will only include the movies. I will also age him up as the the time goes by.

Sung_Jin_Doo · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


Kyo's life took a series of unfortunate turns, beginning with the loss of his beloved mother. It was during his early teenage years that his mother, a strong and caring woman, was diagnosed with lung cancer. The news shattered their family, and they embarked on a difficult journey of battling the merciless disease.

Kyo witnessed firsthand the toll cancer took on his mother's health and spirit. He watched as she fought valiantly, enduring painful treatments, chemotherapy sessions, and countless hospital visits. Despite the hardship, his mother remained a source of inspiration and strength for him. She never lost her will to live and continued to shower Kyo with love and affection, even on her weakest days.

While Kyo's mother was fighting her battle against cancer, his father's actions added another layer of complexity and pain to their already fragile situation. It was during this difficult time that Kyo discovered his father's infidelity.

His father, seeking solace outside their crumbling family dynamics, engaged in an affair with a single woman named Yuki. Yuki had a son who happened to be three years older than Kyo. The betrayal cut deep into Kyo's heart, as he struggled to comprehend how his father could betray his mother's trust and jeopardize the stability of their family.

With his mother's health deteriorating, Kyo felt a mix of anger, confusion, and heartache. He couldn't fathom why his father would seek comfort elsewhere, especially when their family needed unity and support the most. The weight of these revelations further intensified his cautious nature, fueling his belief that those closest to him could betray him.

As Kyo navigated the complex emotions surrounding his mother's illness and his father's betrayal, he found himself grappling with trust issues. This tumultuous backdrop shaped his personality, making him wary of others and leading him to develop a hyper-vigilant nature, always on guard for potential threats, even within his own family.

As Kyo's mother battled against lung cancer, her condition progressively worsened over time. Despite her unwavering strength and determination, the disease eventually took its toll on her body, leading to her untimely demise.

Kyo witnessed his mother's declining health firsthand, observing the toll that cancer had taken on her body and spirit. He saw her endure countless hospital visits, painful treatments, and moments of despair. Throughout it all, his mother fought with incredible resilience, refusing to let the illness define her.

However, despite her courageous fight, the cancer ultimately proved to be too formidable. Kyo's world shattered when he received the devastating news of his mother's passing. The loss was an indescribable blow, leaving him heartbroken and engulfed in grief.

In the wake of his mother's death, Kyo experienced a profound sense of emptiness and sorrow. He was left to navigate life without the loving presence that had always been a source of comfort and guidance. The loss of his mother served as a constant reminder of the fragility of life and the pain caused by betrayal and abandonment within his own family.

As Kyo's cautious nature persisted, he couldn't shake off the nagging doubts surrounding his stepmother, Yuki. Driven by a combination of curiosity and a need for self-preservation, he decided to investigate her past.

Through thorough research and digging into Yuki's history, Kyo made a startling discovery. He uncovered that Yuki had been previously married to a wealthy European man who tragically died in a car accident. Connecting the dots, Kyo couldn't ignore the suspicious circumstances surrounding her previous husband's death.

Delving deeper into the details, Kyo pieced together a disturbing theory – he began to suspect that Yuki might have been involved in her previous husband's murder. The notion sent shivers down his spine, as he realized the potential danger that lurked within his own home.

With each revelation, Kyo's cautious instincts intensified. He grew increasingly convinced that Yuki's intentions were driven by greed and a desire for wealth. He believed that she might be plotting to manipulate his father and, ultimately, harm him in order to gain control of his father's wealth.

Armed with his findings, Kyo embarked on a mission to protect himself and his father. He discreetly gathered evidence and formulated a plan to confront his father about his suspicions regarding Yuki's true nature. Kyo knew that unveiling the truth was crucial not only for his own safety but also to prevent any harm from befalling his father.

Caution and a sharp intellect became Kyo's allies as he navigated the treacherous path of uncovering the potential dangers lurking within his family. His determination to expose the truth and safeguard their lives propelled him forward, bracing himself for the challenges that lay ahead.

As the years passed following his mother's death, Kyo found solace and escape from his inner turmoil in the world of anime and series. In the midst of his loneliness and grumpiness, these shows became a source of comfort and a way to reconnect with the childlike innocence he had lost.

Anime series such as Doraemon, Pokémon, and Shin Chan became Kyo's refuge, transporting him to whimsical and imaginative worlds where he could momentarily forget his own pain. The vibrant and endearing characters, along with their adventures, provided a respite from the harsh realities of life.

Through these shows, Kyo embraced the child within him, allowing himself to experience joy, laughter, and a sense of wonder. The colorful animation, relatable storylines, and themes of friendship and perseverance resonated deeply with him. They reminded him that even in the face of adversity, there was still hope and the possibility of happiness.

While others may not understand the depth of Kyo's attachment to these shows, they served as a coping mechanism, helping him navigate the complexities of his emotions. They provided an escape from the loneliness and grumpiness that had settled within him, allowing him to momentarily forget the weight of his circumstances.

In these anime and series, Kyo found characters he could relate to, drawing inspiration from their resilience and determination. They became his companions, offering a sense of belonging and understanding in a world that often felt isolating.

Watching anime and series became more than just a form of entertainment for Kyo. It became a way for him to reconnect with the innocence and joy that had been overshadowed by grief and distrust. These shows became a thread that kept the childlike spirit alive within him, offering a glimmer of light in the midst of darkness.

Despite Kyo's efforts to present the evidence and express his concerns to his father, his father dismissively regarded it as nothing more than a product of an overactive imagination. The weight of the evidence and Kyo's cautious nature were overshadowed by his father's disbelief and reluctance to entertain such notions.

Frustrated and feeling unheard, Kyo found himself at a crossroads. He realized that he couldn't rely solely on his father's validation or support to ensure their safety. Determined to protect himself and prove his suspicions, Kyo decided to take matters into his own hands.

Drawing on his intelligence and cautious nature, Kyo continued to investigate Yuki's past, digging deeper into the circumstances surrounding her previous husband's death. He sought to gather additional evidence that would not only confirm his suspicions but also provide undeniable proof that could no longer be ignored.

During his investigation, Kyo faced numerous obstacles and challenges, often having to navigate through a web of deceit and manipulation carefully orchestrated by Yuki. He understood the gravity of the situation and the potential danger he and his father were in if his suspicions proved true.

As he uncovered more information, Kyo became even more convinced of Yuki's true nature and the imminent threat she posed to their lives. With each piece of evidence he gathered, he grew more determined to protect himself and his father from potential harm.

On Night, In a chilling turn of events, Kyo's worst fears manifested as he woke up to find himself being choked by an unknown assailant during his sleep. However, Kyo's cautious nature had led him to prepare for such a situation, and he had discreetly hidden a knife under his T-shirt as a means of self-defense.

Reacting swiftly, fueled by adrenaline and instinct, Kyo managed to reach for the concealed knife and swiftly stabbed his attacker's hand. The assailant recoiled in pain, allowing Kyo to break free from their grip. As he regained his breath and composure, Kyo's mind raced to identify the person behind the attack.

To his shock, Kyo recognized the assailant as his stepbrother, Paul. Paul's gloved hand confirmed his intention to avoid leaving any fingerprints behind. The realization hit Kyo like a punch to the gut, further confirming his earlier suspicions that Paul had malicious intentions.

Fear coursed through Kyo's veins as he realized the gravity of the situation. His stepbrother, once seen as a potential threat, had revealed his true colors in a chilling and violent manner. Kyo understood that he was facing a dangerous adversary who was willing to go to extreme lengths to achieve his sinister goals.

Knowing that time was of the essence, Kyo's survival instincts kicked in. He had to find a way to protect himself and alert his father to the imminent danger. With the threat of Paul still present, Kyo strategized his next move, carefully considering his options while keeping the knife close at hand.

In a horrifying turn of events, Kyo's desperate plea for help was met with a chilling response from his stepbrother, Paul. As Paul coldly replied ' Kyo, your father has already died by my hand and, now it's time to meet him soon, in hell ', Kyo's heart sank with a mix of fear and disbelief. He realized the extent of the danger he was facing.

As Kyo's survival instincts kicked into overdrive, As he shouted ' Die, Skum ' in a rage of fury. He acted swiftly and threw the knife at Paul with all his strength. The knife found its mark, piercing Paul's stomach, causing him to stagger backward in pain. However, in the split second before collapsing, Paul managed to pull the trigger of the gun he held in his hand.

The sound of the gunshot echoed through the room, leaving a deafening silence in its wake. Kyo's heart sank as he felt a searing pain shoot through his body. He had been hit. The room spun before his eyes as he collapsed to the ground, the weight of his injuries overwhelming him.

In the midst of the chaos and pain, Kyo fought to stay conscious, his mind racing. He desperately tried to muster the strength to call for help, hoping someone would come to his aid. Every passing moment felt like an eternity as he struggled to grasp onto life.

As Kyo's life force began to fade away, his mind swirled with a mix of emotions and regret. Amidst the pain and darkness, a pang of self-criticism emerged, accompanied by thoughts of missed opportunities and alternate choices.

With a heavy heart, Kyo lamented his decision to rely on a knife instead of his father's gun for self-defense. He realized that he had underestimated the magnitude of the threat and the need for a more effective means of protection. In that final moment, he understood that his choice had potentially cost him his life.

In the midst of his regrets, a bittersweet thought flickered across his fading consciousness. Kyo yearned for a companion like Doraemon, a fictional character from a beloved manga series known for its futuristic gadgets. He longed for the ease and assistance that Doraemon's magical gadgets could have provided, offering solutions to the challenges he faced.

In his final moments, Kyo yearned for the presence of a supportive and helpful companion, someone who could have alleviated his burdens and provided guidance during his darkest times. He yearned for a companion who could have made his life easier and potentially altered the tragic outcome that befell him.

As his life slipped away, Kyo's final thoughts echoed with a mix of sorrow and longing for a different path, a life where he had someone like Doraemon by his side. But alas, it remained a wistful dream, as the reality of his fate closed in, leaving behind only the bitter taste of what could have been.