
Return To School

"I'm off!" Nobita said as he waved goodbye to his Mom and Doraemon as he left the house for school, with fake glasses lent to him by Doraemon,

It had been a day since he was Discharged from the hospital and it being a Sunday allowed him to go to school today, although he had to convince his Mom who wanted him to rest a few more days together with Doraemon and was finally allowed to go to school on the promise that he'd directly go home after class

Doraemon had even gone further to say that he used a One-time Gadget that he ordered from the future to heal Nobita's eyes along with his whole body

As soon as Nobita walked out from the house and turned from a corner, he looked around and saw no one was there

He took a deep breath and put one of his legs forward, his arms near his sides as his legs bet a bit

His eyes turned a Bright Gold as he felt weightless, he was using his ability to reduce the gravity he felt

He suddenly disappeared from where he stood as he moved, appearing over 20 metres away from his previous location with one step

He smiled at the success, he had reduced his body's gravity to 1/6th of the Earth, similar to the moon and then ran.

Unlike when Gravity was completely lacking, only he lacked gravity in this situation, allowing him to easily run faster which would be impossible on the moon due the entire moon lacking gravity

Using his newly acquired speed, Nobita continued to school, jumping from rooftops and moving so fast that he left afterimages, he was now AGI 15, the attribute being gained by him signing in yesterday

His School, Neo Junior High School which was located near a Hill and spanned an area of over 8000 square metres with a three story school building and multiple other buildings for extracurricular activities

Nobita stopped a few metres away from the School's front gate, near an alley of a building as he removed his ability and walked normally towards the school, a building that was three stories high with a huge clock on its top

Nobita walked into the school gate as the guard, students and teachers all looked at him with varying degrees of shock

"T-that's Nobita right?"

"It is, although he's a bit more good looking for some reason."

"Oi Takeda-Sensei, is that Nobita?"

"Yes, Mitsuri-Sensei. It's Nobita."

The disbelief and shock of the crowd was ignored by Nobita as he walked towards his class

Class 2-D, Second Year of Junior High

"What the hell? Nobita?"

"Oi! Haruo, that's Nobita right?"

"Yeah, Yasuo."

"And it's early right?"

"Yeah...Are we late or something?"

Nobita ignored the whispers of his classmates as he went to his desk and sat down and hung his bag behind his chair

"Nobita" a familiar voice called out to him, he turned around to see a boy with short black hair and was good-looking, Dekisugi Hidetoshi, the top student in the entire second year and someone he had complicated opinions of

"Hidetoshi." He greeted him back with a smile, making him a bit shocked but smile

"I heard that you had an accident, how are you doing now?" Dekisugi asked him as he smiled "Yeah, I'm fine now, Doraemon even went the extra mile and took me to a Doctor he personally knew." Nobita said as Dekisugi nodded in understanding since he was one of the few people who truly knew what Doraemon was.

He chatted with Dekisugi for a bit and he returned to his seat with the words "You've changed a bit Nobita. You feel like a responsible person more than you did before" he said sincerely

As Nobita looked out the window to pass the time, he heard a sudden exclamation "Nobita!?" The voice was painfully familiar to him

He turned around and looked at the origin of the voice, there stood Minamoto Shizuka, his former crush and a person who he wasn't sure what to feel about

"Hey Shizuka." He greeted her with a fake smile as she also smiled at him, already having probably forgotten what she had said

"Nobita, you're early today. That's great!" She exclaimed "You've decided to change!" She said as he felt a pang of pain, his expression slightly twisting, Shizuka oblivious of it

Dekisugi had said it sincerely and with genuine joy for his friend while Shizuka made it seem like a simple thing and that it was meant to be done, like he wasn't someone worth anything before

"Ah, Shizuka. I'm kind of feeling sick, let's talk later?" He asked with an obviously fake smile as she nodded happily and left

'Is this really the Kind and Gentle girl I'd loved?' he questioned himself

"Everyone Stand!" Dekisugi, the class leader said a few minutes later as the bell rang and the door opened with a slightly chubby man with greying hair walking in


"GOOD MORNING SIR!" All students greeted simultaneously as the Sir went to the podium and nodded as everyone sat down

"It's time for homeroom." He said as he began calling out the names, eventually reaching Nobita

"- Yasuo."





"Nobi Nobita."

"Here!" Nobita said

"Late agai-Wait what?!" He began but exclaimed in shock as he looked at Nobita who was sitting on his desk

Takado Sensei looked at Nobita in disbelief which turned into slight joy and anticipation

"Good!" He said as he laughed "You've decided to come on time! I hope you'll keep this up!" He said with genuine joy

"Of course Sir!" Nobita replied sincerely as Sensei nodded

"I've also heard about your accident, take care of yourself Nobita, don't push yourself." He advised as Nobita smiled at him "Thank you for the concern, Sir." Nobita thanked him as he continued Homeroom

"Gouda Takeshi." He called out

"He's not here Sir." A student informed

"Honekawa Suneo." He called again

"He's also not here." Another student said

"Those two, late again." He grumbled and continued homeroom when suddenly, the backdoor opened slowly, Gouda Takeshi or commonly called Gian, a tall and slightly fat boy with an average face and tanned skin and very short black hair tried to stealthily enter alongside a short spiky black haired boy with a fox like face, Honekawa Suneo

"BOTH OF YOU!" Sensei yelled at them as they stumbled a bit "YOU BOTH HAVE THE NERVE TO BE LATE AND TRY TO SNEAK IN!"

"Uh, we're sorry Sensei!" Suneo said as he bowed instantly "I'm also sorry Sensei!" Gian also said, bowing

"Out! Now!" He said "Even Nobita was on time today." He said to them as they looked surprised and disbelieving

With a glare from Sensei, the duo glaring at Nobita stopped and meekly exited

"Now, let's continue Homeroom." He said


"Now, all of you handover last day's homework." Sensei said "Nobita is exempt today because of what happened." He said at the end as students looked at him with envy

Gian and Suneo glaring holes into the back of his head after they were allowed to enter

"Sir, I've completed my Homework." Nobita suddenly said as he stood up, making the whole class except Dekisugi gape at him, including Sensei

"What? Give it to me." Sensei said as he personally came to his desk, him handing over the notebook

He saw that the periodic table was perfectly drawn on it with 15 self created questions on the next page, like he had assigned

"Good, good." He said with a hearty laugh but became a bit serious "Nobita, I still have to ask you a few questions, I'm sorry but your behaviour before has made it so that it's hard to trust this." He said with obvious guilt as the Students looked a bit gloating

"Or course Sensei, I understand." He said as Sensei also smiled.

"Name the Elements from Atomic number 21 to 30." He asked

"Scandium, Titanium, Vanadium, Cromium, Manganese, Iron, Cobalt, Nickel, Copper and Zinc." He said as Sensei looked shocked, the other students also having various degrees of shock

"Hahaha. Good Boy Nobita! I knew you could do it if you tried!" He said as he took his Homework and checked it and gave it back on the spot


Somehow, similar incidents took place in all the other periods that day, the only differences being the Subjects and that the teachers were less trusting and believing of him than Takado Sensei


"Class" Takado Sensei said "There will be an School assembly held tomorrow, be sure to arrive on time." He told them as the bell rang, signalling the end of classes for the day

"All of you are dismissed." He said as he exited the class

"Nobita." Gian and Suneo called as they menacingly stood over behind him

"How the hell did you arrive on time?!" Gian asked him angrily as Suneo nodded with a sly smile

"I just woke up early today." Nobita said as they looked at him in disbelief

"I wouldn't have believed that you hadn't used a gadget if I hadn't known Doraemon." Gian said "He'd never allow you to grow dependent on gadgets at everything." Suneo also agreed


"I'd have beaten you up if you weren't sick recently." Gian said as Suneo also nodded "You're lucky today Nobita."

"I hope you'll be fine by next week so that we can beat you up." Suneo said with a sneer

"Yeah, thanks guys." He said with a slight smile at how they were trying to hide the concern which he noticed

"I'll be going home now." He said as he left, Shizuka who was about to approach him left in a loss as he'd usually ask her if they could walk home together


As Nobita turned a corner, he looked around warily, not noticing anyone around him, he took off the Fake Glasses 'Kent Glasses' a gadget that his the appearance of a person to how he wanted to be perceived as hus looks changed

Nobita's face that was average suddenly became much more handsome as he removed the glasses, a side effect of high CHA, he stuffed the glasses in his pockets as,

He activated his ability as he leaped onto a roof and away from there to go back home, his figure disappearing like a ghost

Unbeknownst to him, a beautiful young girl with straight blonde hair and gold like eyes was watching him with her mouth opening and closing in shock as she covered it and her eyes almost popping out of her sockets due to sheer shock



Can you all figure out who the girl is, I'll give you a hint, she's from a wholesome as heaven anime/manga/LN that'll give you diabetes )

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