
Door of no secret

The wall has become an accomplice of both bad and good deeds, blocking all views from the happenings behind it, keeping the secrets and mysteries away from the world and the door becoming the key that locks it away. But also the only key to unlock it.        The cloud was dark and unsettled. Heavy rain pours down on thousands of skulls. The deafening screams, painful tears, and horror of the people filled the air as the vampires attacked every single hospital in the country. A powerful man has prophecied that the chosen babies who shall end the tyranny and the existence of vampires shall be born on that particular day which results in the killing of newborn babies, the pregnant women being murdered brutally, sounds and explosion of cars involved in an accident provides more victims. The mothers ran with the determination of saving the lives of their babies. Suddenly, the cries of the babies echoed, shaking the earth, the venomous fangs of Lord, the leaders of the vampires stared into the eyes of the babies with a dangerous smirk, then the rain stopped and the prophecy man disappeared.

Dammy_Dimples · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter Twenty

A black minivan pulls up in front of a superb club. Some sexy-looking ladies and charming guys alighted, looking all gorgeous and attracting attention as they strolled graciously into the clubhouse. They were welcomed by the loud music and the people's cheering noises that were enough to deafen someone's ear. Max held Lyndia's hand and shouted to others,

"off we go...", he shouted and pulled her into the crowd. Lissa also didn't waste any time as she immediately dance into the vibes and slipped into the crowd. Fortunately, she coincidentally met Jack who approached her after seeing her dancing alone.

"beautiful lady shouldn't be dancing alone", he said immediately after he got to her,

"Jack?", she called smiling on seeing him, "can't believe I'll meet you here",

He shrugged at it, "mind me dancing with you?", he shouted to her hearing because of the loud music.

"That's my pleasure", she shouted back.

A sexy and alluring lady pulled a man to the podium and started dancing with him. She was a good dancer and some men couldn't help but lust after her. She seems to be so excited about something as it rinks all over her and the dancing steps.

"what's your name sexy lady?", the man couldn't help but ask,

"Kahlan sweetie", she replied,

"Such a beautiful name for a sexy lady", he complimented grinning like he just won the lottery.

"thanks", she replied and they kept on dancing and rocking each other.

Collins pulled Vanessa deeper into the crowd before she realise.

"let me go!", she tried freeing her wrist from his grip, she doesn't want to dance with him, not before getting her head and brain from thinking about him and having strange feelings anytime he was near but Collins wasn't helping matters. The more she tried to get away from him, the closer they becomes.

She shouted for him to let her go cause she needs him to hear her as it was so noisy and loud in there.

"c'mon let's dance", he shouted back, turning to her,

"not with you", she shouted again and turned to leave but he pulled her back, closer, and held her waist. He loved the feeling of her soft and tender skin. He loves it anytime she tried to prove stubborn, it always gives him perfect opportunities. Though he's not sure about why he knows one thing for sure, he loves her presence.

"but I wish to dance with you",

"but I don't wish to dance with you",


"Because you are just so annoying",

"ouch! that hurt, but sorry sweetheart, you've got no choice but to dance with you, or no one else",

"I'd then rather dance alone",

"that's not too good for such a gorgeous lady, so I don't think I'm gonna allow that",

"seriously? and when did you start finding me attractive?",

"the first time I met you", he replied without hesitation and that made Vanessa speechless, and excited at the same time.

' he does find me attractive? ', she thought to herself,

She eventually gave in and had no choice but to dance with him. While dancing, he asked,

"no matter how I tried, I just can't seems to be able to read your mind",

She looked at him and replied, "that's because you are a fool", she shouted,

"what? and you know what, it's because you are an idiot", he shouted back,

"and you are the king of idiots",

"What?", he gritted his teeth while she chuckled thinking she has won. She then felt a drop of liquid on her nose and stopped laughing. Collins also stopped dancing immediately after he saw what dropped on her nose. He stood transfixed. There was another drop and she touched her nose and when she looked at it, she became shocked. Blood.

They both looked at each other getting alarmed, and looked up to see the A.C machine box, they immediately remembered Lyndia's vision. Collins caught a guy looking at them but he turned away and kept on dancing.

"We need to get out of here", he said to Vanessa and they tried to squeeze themselves out of the crowd and inform others, but it was too late as blood suddenly began to rush out of the box. There were shouts of excitement, horror, and screams mixed in the crowd. Some tried to run for their dear lives but it was already too late. The vampires began to mercilessly feed on their prey. Some people fought for their lives, and few that were able to get out drove recklessly to get away from the vampires that went after them. It was a bloody night, there were lots of road accidents but the cars that caught fire during the chase also allowed the pursed to get away. Out of those that managed to escape and get away are Max, John, Lyndia, Veronica, Jack, Lissa, and one other bob-haired girl who was still shivering out of shock and fear.

"Collins and Vanessa are still back there", Lyndia said worriedly,

"we can't go back, they will surely find their ways, they have each other covered anyways, we just need to get home right now", Max said,

"don't be selfish Max, what if something happens to them", Lissa said angrily,

"this is not about being selfish, are you saying we should go back there?", he yelled back, "we barely get away, and this two we are talking about are powerful, they have their powers to protect each other. I believe we just need to trust them", he said keeping everyone quiet except Jack who doesn't understand the fact that some people has powers.

"who has powers and what kind of power are we talking about here",

"you'll learn more about it later, not now", Lissa replied to him, "I just hope they are safe",

Kahlan bit the man she was dancing with, the sexy and alluring lady was a vampire and she sucked his blood dry. The house was full of blood as the vampires killed the humans among them till it remains just two fighting people, Collins and Vanessa. Then, they knew they can't fight them alone as they were many, the next thing is to run as they began to circle them. They stood with their back against each other. Collins used his eyes magic to throw some vampires off their feet but they still didn't back off.

"These beasts are too many", Vanessa said but Collins chuckled,

"what's funny?",

"These vampires are few for me to kill, but in this situation, there's not enough space to fight",

"What did you then do in this situation?",

"...run", he said and grabbed Vanessa's hand, dashing away immediately after he has used the time he delayed to look for a part to run to and he succeeded in finding a part way leading to a passage. The vampire flashed after them almost immediately, Kahlan who was one of the aggressive ones was leading in the forefront. They flashed into a room they found and quickly closed the door. The vampires continuously make effort to break down the door but Collins was supporting it with his might and power while Vanessa looked around for any other escape route luckily, she found another door and began to battle with it to open.

"I think this door is locked with a key",

"then use your power",

"I'm sorry but I don't have the power to do that",

"come and take over",

They quickly swapped positions, Collins went to the door and used his ability to jack it open. He opened it and grabbed Vanessa's wrist and they went through the door. The door immediately by itself and locked up. The vampires finally break in but the room was empty. A vampire sighted the other door and made to open it but Kahlan stopped him,

"That door was specifically locked by the master if anyone should go through it, then he or she is doomed, they made a great mistake going through it", she said showing off her fangs more visibly as she was excited they finally met their end. The vampires then retreated.