
Door Of Hell

Abdia Hussain is a twenty eight years old girl.She is a psychology lecturerer in an university and does some part time detective job as her boyfriend Alexander Cullin is a police officer.Her life was pretty smooth until from the city a bunch of various age lady and children were started missing.She started investigating.What will happen when she would find out the missing people are related to satanic sacrifice???The more is when she got kidnapped?Can she escape from the satanic world or will she be sacrificed like some other or there are more mystery waiting??????? For knowing the rest,Just stick to the story.I am sure you wont regret..............

AnonnaRahman13 · Urban
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5 Chs

The cat is out of the bag

"Every human has two sides.One is Devilish side and one is Angelic side.It's upto him which side he wants to reveal."

At hospital,Tony was lying on the bed.Intravenous infusion is placed in her right hand.On first glance he lookes like forty years old middle aged man.He seems like slightly short than average male height and overweight.There are few wrinkle in his forehead and around eyes.His hand and lips are slightly blue may be due to poisoning.His eyes are swelled may be he is lacking of sleep.

"How old are you?" Abdia asked.

"Thirty five."Tony replied in a hoarse voice.

"How many years have you been married?How is your married life?"

"Two years.In these two years we never had fight.She is a very beautiful and very expert in all kind of household chores.I love her more than my life.I thought she loves me too." Tears were rolling down from his eyes.

"Have you ever suspected that she had an extramarital affair."


"Do you have suspect on others?"

"What do you mean?"

"Have you any other enemy?"

"No.I dont get it my wife already confessed that she poisoned me!so why are investigating?" He suddenly became angry.

"I know she confessed.But there may be a possibility that someone may be threatened her to confess?"

"What do you mean by someone?"

"I know what I mean!"

"She tried to kill me but you are blabbering nonsense here?Did she seduce all the male officer there that you are defending her?"

"How can you talk this about your wife?"

"Isn't it obvious?She is a beautiful woman.She doesn't want to stay with an ugly person like me."

"Did she ever said that you are ugly or she doesn't wanna stay?"

"No" He was staring at the ceiling.

"Then why are you saying that?"

Tony didnt answer.He was silent.

At Tony's house,Abdia and Alex went for investigating.They search the whole house and interrogatted his stepmother and brother.They informed they live with Tony now.When Tony was just eight his mother died.Then his father married her.Tony's brother born when he was thirteen.Tony's father was not a very wealthy man.After his father died Tony is looking after them.Even he is working overtime for admitting his brother into a good school.He is very good to them.The relation between husband wife was normal.Nothing was abnormal they can notice.Tony is a pharmacist.He left the house in the morning and return at evening.His wife Lily is a housewife.She is very introvert and not used to talk much.Maximum time she stayed at house.They know nothing about her extramarital affair.Nothing important Information.

She searched his drawer.She saw some books and some DVD discs.She opened the books and smriked.She played the DVD disk on DVD player.Something was going through her mind.

"Alex,the cyanide bottle that you guys sent for investigation?Did the fingerprint report come?" Abdia asked.

"The report should come by this time.Let's go to police station."

"Lets go."

They were heading towards police station.

"Except for his wife,there is his stepmother and stepbrother who can poisoned him.But as the situation Tony's father didn't leave much wealth for them.Only a little apartment that have only three room.They are totally dependent on Tony for their livelihood.And his brother is only twelve years old its not possible for that child to do this kind of crime.I dont think his mother will poison him.beacuse if he died than there is nobody who will take care of them.So only possibility is his wife left." She thought.

In the police station she again went to talk with his wife Lily.

"You didnt tell me about your boyfriend."Abdia asked.

" I dont have boyfriend.I only have my husband."Lily replied.

"You admitted earlier you have an extramarital affair and you poisoned your husband"

"I dont remember that I admitted" She was staring at Abdia coldly.

"Okay.If you say no then its not.Now tell me have you ever noticed your husband doing anything weired recently or behave any wrong way?"


"Think clearly.Recently anything different?"

"He recently used to do meditation every night.Always busy in reading books."

"Did you ever feel that he is insecured or have inferiority complex?"

"I dont know."

"Aby,the report came."

Alex's voice interrupted them.Abdia took the report and checked it.She curled her lip.

"As I thought.Finally the cat is out of the bag!"