
Doomsday Wonderland

Lin Sanjiu is a normal woman in modern-day society. Everyone admires her outstandingly handsome, gentle, and rich boyfriend. However, Lin Sanjiu feels vaguely afraid of this "perfect" boyfriend. She's always felt that her boyfriend looks at her like she's a tasty piece of meat... The transformation happened one night. Sanjiu got into an argument with her boyfriend, and he finally revealed his true colors. As it turns out, he was a being with special abilities from an apocalyptic world who wanted to eat Sanjiu to help him evolve. To his dismay, he ended up being the one killed by Sanjiu with her hidden abilities instead. However, Sanjiu's troubles don't end with her dead boyfriend. In fact, the world she resides in is starting to go through unusual changes. This world is becoming a scorching hot hellhole...

N.Heller · Horror
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855 Chs

Which Paths Would You Choose?

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"No. I don't want to remove my humanity, but what—what the hell is happening?"

A thought kept coming back no matter how many times Lin Sanjiu shoved it away. Her mind was a mess.

'Puppeteer never showed up in Sector 9 after he turned into a package of potato chips? Then, does he know that he has relived his memories?'

"Where is Puppeteer? Is he still alive?" Lin Sanjiu asked. "What do you want from us?"

However, this time, she received no response from her counterpart.

Lin Sanjiu couldn't help but ask again, but her question fell on deaf ears. It was as if the Veda that had been talking to her had already left.

Her brain was in total disarray. Peering at the shimmering white silk that filled the void in front of her blankly, she sank into her anxiety.

'Have the Veda gotten all my information?'