
Doomsday Wonderland

Lin Sanjiu is a normal woman in modern-day society. Everyone admires her outstandingly handsome, gentle, and rich boyfriend. However, Lin Sanjiu feels vaguely afraid of this "perfect" boyfriend. She's always felt that her boyfriend looks at her like she's a tasty piece of meat... The transformation happened one night. Sanjiu got into an argument with her boyfriend, and he finally revealed his true colors. As it turns out, he was a being with special abilities from an apocalyptic world who wanted to eat Sanjiu to help him evolve. To his dismay, he ended up being the one killed by Sanjiu with her hidden abilities instead. However, Sanjiu's troubles don't end with her dead boyfriend. In fact, the world she resides in is starting to go through unusual changes. This world is becoming a scorching hot hellhole...

N.Heller · Horror
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855 Chs

This Could Be A World That Lin Sanjiu Had To Spend A Fortune

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Standing in front of the grills, Lin Sanjiu was surprised to find that as a rather successful pod hotel, the main entrance was somewhat unexceptional. It was narrow, and there was even a padlock dangling on the doorknob. 'Is this really the entrance?' she thought inwardly as she looked ahead. The sky was sunny and it was quiet out there, but she could not see anything else. 

"This is the direction Dali pointed me to, so this should be the main entrance of the hotel, right?" She stretched her arm to reach out for the padlock. To her surprise, the shackle was not engaged with the body of the padlock, and she could easily slide it open with a simple flick of the wrist.

"Well, I guess this is it."